зеркало из https://github.com/github/codeql.git
532 строки
14 KiB
532 строки
14 KiB
/** Auto-generated dbscheme; do not edit. */
/** Duplicate code **/
unique int id : @duplication,
varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
int equivClass : int ref);
unique int id : @similarity,
varchar(900) relativePath : string ref,
int equivClass : int ref);
@duplication_or_similarity = @duplication | @similarity;
int id : @duplication_or_similarity ref,
int offset : int ref,
int beginLine : int ref,
int beginColumn : int ref,
int endLine : int ref,
int endColumn : int ref);
/** External data **/
int id : @externalDataElement,
varchar(900) path : string ref,
int column: int ref,
varchar(900) value : string ref
snapshotDate(unique date snapshotDate : date ref);
sourceLocationPrefix(varchar(900) prefix : string ref);
* XML Files
unique int id: @file ref,
string encoding: string ref
unique int id: @xmldtd,
string root: string ref,
string publicId: string ref,
string systemId: string ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlelement,
string name: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlattribute,
int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
string name: string ref,
string value: string ref,
int idx: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref
int id: @xmlnamespace,
string prefixName: string ref,
string URI: string ref,
int fileid: @file ref
int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlcomment,
string text: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int fileid: @file ref
unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
string text: string ref,
int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
int idx: int ref,
int isCDATA: int ref,
int fileid: @file ref
@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
int location: @location_default ref
@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
compilations(unique int id: @compilation, string cwd: string ref);
#keyset[id, num]
compilation_args(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, string arg: string ref);
#keyset[id, num, kind]
compilation_time(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int kind: int ref, float secs: float ref);
diagnostic_for(unique int diagnostic: @diagnostic ref, int compilation: @compilation ref, int file_number: int ref, int file_number_diagnostic_number: int ref);
compilation_finished(unique int id: @compilation ref, float cpu_seconds: float ref, float elapsed_seconds: float ref);
#keyset[id, num]
compilation_compiling_files(int id: @compilation ref, int num: int ref, int file: @file ref);
diagnostics(unique int id: @diagnostic, int severity: int ref, string error_tag: string ref, string error_message: string ref,
string full_error_message: string ref, int location: @location ref);
locations_default(unique int id: @location_default, int file: @file ref, int beginLine: int ref, int beginColumn: int ref,
int endLine: int ref, int endColumn: int ref);
numlines(int element_id: @sourceline ref, int num_lines: int ref, int num_code: int ref, int num_comment: int ref);
files(unique int id: @file, string name: string ref);
folders(unique int id: @folder, string name: string ref);
containerparent(int parent: @container ref, unique int child: @container ref);
has_location(unique int locatable: @locatable ref, int location: @location ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
comment_groups(unique int id: @comment_group, int parent: @file ref, int idx: int ref);
comments(unique int id: @comment, int kind: int ref, int parent: @comment_group ref, int idx: int ref, string text: string ref);
doc_comments(unique int node: @documentable ref, int comment: @comment_group ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
exprs(unique int id: @expr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @exprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
literals(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string raw: string ref);
constvalues(unique int expr: @expr ref, string value: string ref, string exact: string ref);
fields(unique int id: @field, int parent: @fieldparent ref, int idx: int ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
stmts(unique int id: @stmt, int kind: int ref, int parent: @stmtparent ref, int idx: int ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
decls(unique int id: @decl, int kind: int ref, int parent: @declparent ref, int idx: int ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
specs(unique int id: @spec, int kind: int ref, int parent: @gendecl ref, int idx: int ref);
scopes(unique int id: @scope, int kind: int ref);
scopenesting(unique int inner: @scope ref, int outer: @scope ref);
scopenodes(unique int node: @scopenode ref, int scope: @localscope ref);
objects(unique int id: @object, int kind: int ref, string name: string ref);
objectscopes(unique int object: @object ref, int scope: @scope ref);
objecttypes(unique int object: @object ref, int tp: @type ref);
methodreceivers(unique int method: @object ref, int receiver: @object ref);
fieldstructs(unique int field: @object ref, int struct: @structtype ref);
methodhosts(int method: @object ref, int host: @namedtype ref);
defs(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
uses(int ident: @ident ref, int object: @object ref);
types(unique int id: @type, int kind: int ref);
type_of(unique int expr: @expr ref, int tp: @type ref);
typename(unique int tp: @type ref, string name: string ref);
key_type(unique int map: @maptype ref, int tp: @type ref);
element_type(unique int container: @containertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
base_type(unique int ptr: @pointertype ref, int tp: @type ref);
underlying_type(unique int named: @namedtype ref, int tp: @type ref);
#keyset[parent, index]
component_types(int parent: @compositetype ref, int index: int ref, string name: string ref, int tp: @type ref);
array_length(unique int tp: @arraytype ref, string len: string ref);
type_objects(unique int tp: @type ref, int object: @object ref);
packages(unique int id: @package, string name: string ref, string path: string ref, int scope: @packagescope ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
modexprs(unique int id: @modexpr, int kind: int ref, int parent: @modexprparent ref, int idx: int ref);
#keyset[parent, idx]
modtokens(string token: string ref, int parent: @modexpr ref, int idx: int ref);
#keyset[package, idx]
errors(unique int id: @error, int kind: int ref, string msg: string ref, string rawpos: string ref,
string file: string ref, int line: int ref, int col: int ref, int package: @package ref, int idx: int ref);
has_ellipsis(int id: @callorconversionexpr ref);
variadic(int id: @signaturetype ref);
@container = @file | @folder;
@locatable = @xmllocatable | @node | @localscope;
@node = @documentable | @exprparent | @modexprparent | @fieldparent | @stmtparent | @declparent | @scopenode
| @comment_group | @comment;
@documentable = @file | @field | @spec | @gendecl | @funcdecl | @modexpr;
@exprparent = @funcdef | @file | @expr | @field | @stmt | @decl | @spec;
@modexprparent = @file | @modexpr;
@fieldparent = @decl | @structtypeexpr | @functypeexpr | @interfacetypeexpr;
@stmtparent = @funcdef | @stmt | @decl;
@declparent = @file | @declstmt;
@funcdef = @funclit | @funcdecl;
@scopenode = @file | @functypeexpr | @blockstmt | @ifstmt | @caseclause | @switchstmt | @commclause | @loopstmt;
@location = @location_default;
@sourceline = @locatable;
case @comment.kind of
0 = @slashslashcomment
| 1 = @slashstarcomment;
case @expr.kind of
0 = @badexpr
| 1 = @ident
| 2 = @ellipsis
| 3 = @intlit
| 4 = @floatlit
| 5 = @imaglit
| 6 = @charlit
| 7 = @stringlit
| 8 = @funclit
| 9 = @compositelit
| 10 = @parenexpr
| 11 = @selectorexpr
| 12 = @indexexpr
| 13 = @sliceexpr
| 14 = @typeassertexpr
| 15 = @callorconversionexpr
| 16 = @starexpr
| 17 = @keyvalueexpr
| 18 = @arraytypeexpr
| 19 = @structtypeexpr
| 20 = @functypeexpr
| 21 = @interfacetypeexpr
| 22 = @maptypeexpr
| 23 = @plusexpr
| 24 = @minusexpr
| 25 = @notexpr
| 26 = @complementexpr
| 27 = @derefexpr
| 28 = @addressexpr
| 29 = @arrowexpr
| 30 = @lorexpr
| 31 = @landexpr
| 32 = @eqlexpr
| 33 = @neqexpr
| 34 = @lssexpr
| 35 = @leqexpr
| 36 = @gtrexpr
| 37 = @geqexpr
| 38 = @addexpr
| 39 = @subexpr
| 40 = @orexpr
| 41 = @xorexpr
| 42 = @mulexpr
| 43 = @quoexpr
| 44 = @remexpr
| 45 = @shlexpr
| 46 = @shrexpr
| 47 = @andexpr
| 48 = @andnotexpr
| 49 = @sendchantypeexpr
| 50 = @recvchantypeexpr
| 51 = @sendrcvchantypeexpr
| 52 = @errorexpr;
@basiclit = @intlit | @floatlit | @imaglit | @charlit | @stringlit;
@operatorexpr = @logicalexpr | @arithmeticexpr | @bitwiseexpr | @unaryexpr | @binaryexpr;
@logicalexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @logicalbinaryexpr;
@arithmeticexpr = @arithmeticunaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr;
@bitwiseexpr = @bitwiseunaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr;
@unaryexpr = @logicalunaryexpr | @bitwiseunaryexpr | @arithmeticunaryexpr | @derefexpr | @addressexpr | @arrowexpr;
@logicalunaryexpr = @notexpr;
@bitwiseunaryexpr = @complementexpr;
@arithmeticunaryexpr = @plusexpr | @minusexpr;
@binaryexpr = @logicalbinaryexpr | @bitwisebinaryexpr | @arithmeticbinaryexpr | @comparison;
@logicalbinaryexpr = @lorexpr | @landexpr;
@bitwisebinaryexpr = @shiftexpr | @orexpr | @xorexpr | @andexpr | @andnotexpr;
@arithmeticbinaryexpr = @addexpr | @subexpr | @mulexpr | @quoexpr | @remexpr;
@shiftexpr = @shlexpr | @shrexpr;
@comparison = @equalitytest | @relationalcomparison;
@equalitytest = @eqlexpr | @neqexpr;
@relationalcomparison = @lssexpr | @leqexpr | @gtrexpr | @geqexpr;
@chantypeexpr = @sendchantypeexpr | @recvchantypeexpr | @sendrcvchantypeexpr;
case @stmt.kind of
0 = @badstmt
| 1 = @declstmt
| 2 = @emptystmt
| 3 = @labeledstmt
| 4 = @exprstmt
| 5 = @sendstmt
| 6 = @incstmt
| 7 = @decstmt
| 8 = @gostmt
| 9 = @deferstmt
| 10 = @returnstmt
| 11 = @breakstmt
| 12 = @continuestmt
| 13 = @gotostmt
| 14 = @fallthroughstmt
| 15 = @blockstmt
| 16 = @ifstmt
| 17 = @caseclause
| 18 = @exprswitchstmt
| 19 = @typeswitchstmt
| 20 = @commclause
| 21 = @selectstmt
| 22 = @forstmt
| 23 = @rangestmt
| 24 = @assignstmt
| 25 = @definestmt
| 26 = @addassignstmt
| 27 = @subassignstmt
| 28 = @mulassignstmt
| 29 = @quoassignstmt
| 30 = @remassignstmt
| 31 = @andassignstmt
| 32 = @orassignstmt
| 33 = @xorassignstmt
| 34 = @shlassignstmt
| 35 = @shrassignstmt
| 36 = @andnotassignstmt;
@incdecstmt = @incstmt | @decstmt;
@assignment = @simpleassignstmt | @compoundassignstmt;
@simpleassignstmt = @assignstmt | @definestmt;
@compoundassignstmt = @addassignstmt | @subassignstmt | @mulassignstmt | @quoassignstmt | @remassignstmt
| @andassignstmt | @orassignstmt | @xorassignstmt | @shlassignstmt | @shrassignstmt | @andnotassignstmt;
@branchstmt = @breakstmt | @continuestmt | @gotostmt | @fallthroughstmt;
@switchstmt = @exprswitchstmt | @typeswitchstmt;
@loopstmt = @forstmt | @rangestmt;
case @decl.kind of
0 = @baddecl
| 1 = @importdecl
| 2 = @constdecl
| 3 = @typedecl
| 4 = @vardecl
| 5 = @funcdecl;
@gendecl = @importdecl | @constdecl | @typedecl | @vardecl;
case @spec.kind of
0 = @importspec
| 1 = @valuespec
| 2 = @typedefspec
| 3 = @aliasspec;
@typespec = @typedefspec | @aliasspec;
case @object.kind of
0 = @pkgobject
| 1 = @decltypeobject
| 2 = @builtintypeobject
| 3 = @declconstobject
| 4 = @builtinconstobject
| 5 = @declvarobject
| 6 = @declfunctionobject
| 7 = @builtinfunctionobject
| 8 = @labelobject;
@declobject = @decltypeobject | @declconstobject | @declvarobject | @declfunctionobject;
@builtinobject = @builtintypeobject | @builtinconstobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
@typeobject = @decltypeobject | @builtintypeobject;
@valueobject = @constobject | @varobject | @functionobject;
@constobject = @declconstobject | @builtinconstobject;
@varobject = @declvarobject;
@functionobject = @declfunctionobject | @builtinfunctionobject;
case @scope.kind of
0 = @universescope
| 1 = @packagescope
| 2 = @localscope;
case @type.kind of
0 = @invalidtype
| 1 = @boolexprtype
| 2 = @inttype
| 3 = @int8type
| 4 = @int16type
| 5 = @int32type
| 6 = @int64type
| 7 = @uinttype
| 8 = @uint8type
| 9 = @uint16type
| 10 = @uint32type
| 11 = @uint64type
| 12 = @uintptrtype
| 13 = @float32type
| 14 = @float64type
| 15 = @complex64type
| 16 = @complex128type
| 17 = @stringexprtype
| 18 = @unsafepointertype
| 19 = @boolliteraltype
| 20 = @intliteraltype
| 21 = @runeliteraltype
| 22 = @floatliteraltype
| 23 = @complexliteraltype
| 24 = @stringliteraltype
| 25 = @nilliteraltype
| 26 = @arraytype
| 27 = @slicetype
| 28 = @structtype
| 29 = @pointertype
| 30 = @interfacetype
| 31 = @tupletype
| 32 = @signaturetype
| 33 = @maptype
| 34 = @sendchantype
| 35 = @recvchantype
| 36 = @sendrcvchantype
| 37 = @namedtype;
@basictype = @booltype | @numerictype | @stringtype | @literaltype | @invalidtype | @unsafepointertype;
@booltype = @boolexprtype | @boolliteraltype;
@numerictype = @integertype | @floattype | @complextype;
@integertype = @signedintegertype | @unsignedintegertype;
@signedintegertype = @inttype | @int8type | @int16type | @int32type | @int64type | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype;
@unsignedintegertype = @uinttype | @uint8type | @uint16type | @uint32type | @uint64type | @uintptrtype;
@floattype = @float32type | @float64type | @floatliteraltype;
@complextype = @complex64type | @complex128type | @complexliteraltype;
@stringtype = @stringexprtype | @stringliteraltype;
@literaltype = @boolliteraltype | @intliteraltype | @runeliteraltype | @floatliteraltype | @complexliteraltype
| @stringliteraltype | @nilliteraltype;
@compositetype = @containertype | @structtype | @pointertype | @interfacetype | @tupletype | @signaturetype | @namedtype;
@containertype = @arraytype | @slicetype | @maptype | @chantype;
@chantype = @sendchantype | @recvchantype | @sendrcvchantype;
case @modexpr.kind of
0 = @modcommentblock
| 1 = @modline
| 2 = @modlineblock
| 3 = @modlparen
| 4 = @modrparen;
case @error.kind of
0 = @unknownerror
| 1 = @listerror
| 2 = @parseerror
| 3 = @typeerror;