
316 строки
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from typing import (
Callable as _Callable,
Dict as _Dict,
Iterable as _Iterable,
ClassVar as _ClassVar,
from misc.codegen.lib import schema as _schema
import inspect as _inspect
from dataclasses import dataclass as _dataclass
from misc.codegen.lib.schema import Property
_set = set
class _ChildModifier(_schema.PropertyModifier):
child: bool = True
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
if prop.type is None or prop.type[0].islower():
raise _schema.Error("Non-class properties cannot be children")
if prop.is_unordered:
raise _schema.Error("Set properties cannot be children")
prop.is_child = self.child
def negate(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _ChildModifier(False)
class _DocModifierMetaclass(type(_schema.PropertyModifier)):
# make ~doc same as doc(None)
def __invert__(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _DocModifier(None)
class _DocModifier(_schema.PropertyModifier, metaclass=_DocModifierMetaclass):
doc: str | None
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
if self.doc and ("\n" in self.doc or self.doc[-1] == "."):
raise _schema.Error("No newlines or trailing dots are allowed in doc, did you intend to use desc?")
prop.doc = self.doc
def negate(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _DocModifier(None)
class _DescModifierMetaclass(type(_schema.PropertyModifier)):
# make ~desc same as desc(None)
def __invert__(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _DescModifier(None)
class _DescModifier(_schema.PropertyModifier, metaclass=_DescModifierMetaclass):
description: str | None
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
prop.description = _schema.split_doc(self.description)
def negate(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _DescModifier(None)
def include(source: str):
# add to `includes` variable in calling context
_inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals.setdefault("includes", []).append(source)
class _Namespace:
""" simple namespacing mechanism """
name: str
def add(self, pragma: "_PragmaBase", key: str | None = None):
self.__dict__[pragma.pragma] = pragma
pragma.pragma = key or f"{}_{pragma.pragma}"
class _SynthModifier(_schema.PropertyModifier, _Namespace):
synth: bool = True
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
prop.synth = self.synth
def negate(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _SynthModifier(, False)
qltest = _Namespace("qltest")
ql = _Namespace("ql")
cpp = _Namespace("cpp")
rust = _Namespace("rust")
synth = _SynthModifier("synth")
class _PragmaBase:
pragma: str
class _ClassPragma(_PragmaBase):
""" A class pragma.
For schema classes it acts as a python decorator with `@`.
inherited: bool = False
value: object = None
def __call__(self, cls: type) -> type:
""" use this pragma as a decorator on classes """
if self.inherited:
setattr(cls, f"{_schema.inheritable_pragma_prefix}{self.pragma}", self.value)
# not using hasattr as we don't want to land on inherited pragmas
if "_pragmas" not in cls.__dict__:
cls._pragmas = {}
return cls
def _apply(self, pragmas: _Dict[str, object]) -> None:
pragmas[self.pragma] = self.value
class _Pragma(_ClassPragma, _schema.PropertyModifier):
""" A class or property pragma.
For properties, it functions similarly to a `_PropertyModifier` with `|`, adding the pragma.
For schema classes it acts as a python decorator with `@`.
remove: bool = False
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
def negate(self) -> _schema.PropertyModifier:
return _Pragma(self.pragma, remove=True)
def _apply(self, pragmas: _Dict[str, object]) -> None:
if self.remove:
pragmas.pop(self.pragma, None)
class _ParametrizedClassPragma(_PragmaBase):
""" A class parametrized pragma.
Needs to be applied to a parameter to give a class pragma.
_pragma_class: _ClassVar[type] = _ClassPragma
inherited: bool = False
factory: _Callable[..., object] = None
def __post_init__(self):
self.__signature__ = _inspect.signature(self.factory).replace(return_annotation=self._pragma_class)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> _pragma_class:
return self._pragma_class(self.pragma, self.inherited, value=self.factory(*args, **kwargs))
class _ParametrizedPragma(_ParametrizedClassPragma):
""" A class or property parametrized pragma.
Needs to be applied to a parameter to give a pragma.
_pragma_class: _ClassVar[type] = _Pragma
def __invert__(self) -> _Pragma:
return _Pragma(self.pragma, remove=True)
class _Optionalizer(_schema.PropertyModifier):
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
K = _schema.Property.Kind
if prop.kind != K.SINGLE:
raise _schema.Error(
"optional should only be applied to simple property types")
prop.kind = K.OPTIONAL
class _Listifier(_schema.PropertyModifier):
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
K = _schema.Property.Kind
if prop.kind == K.SINGLE:
prop.kind = K.REPEATED
elif prop.kind == K.OPTIONAL:
raise _schema.Error(
"list should only be applied to simple or optional property types")
class _Setifier(_schema.PropertyModifier):
def modify(self, prop: _schema.Property):
K = _schema.Property.Kind
if prop.kind != K.SINGLE:
raise _schema.Error("set should only be applied to simple property types")
class _TypeModifier:
""" Modifies types using get item notation """
def __init__(self, modifier: _schema.PropertyModifier):
self.modifier = modifier
def __getitem__(self, item):
return item | self.modifier
_ClassDecorator = _Callable[[type], type]
boolean = "boolean"
int = "int"
string = "string"
predicate = _schema.predicate_marker
optional = _TypeModifier(_Optionalizer())
list = _TypeModifier(_Listifier())
set = _TypeModifier(_Setifier())
child = _ChildModifier()
doc = _DocModifier
desc = _DescModifier
use_for_null = _ClassPragma("null")
qltest.add(_ParametrizedClassPragma("test_with", inherited=True, factory=_schema.get_type_name))
ql.add(_ParametrizedClassPragma("default_doc_name", factory=lambda doc: doc))
ql.add(_ClassPragma("hideable", inherited=True))
rust.add(_ParametrizedClassPragma("doc_test_signature", factory=lambda signature: signature))
group = _ParametrizedClassPragma("group", inherited=True, factory=lambda group: group)
synth.add(_ParametrizedClassPragma("from_class", factory=lambda ref: _schema.SynthInfo(
from_class=_schema.get_type_name(ref))), key="synth")
synth.add(_ParametrizedClassPragma("on_arguments", factory=lambda **kwargs:
_schema.SynthInfo(on_arguments={k: _schema.get_type_name(t) for k, t in kwargs.items()})), key="synth")
class _PropertyModifierList(_schema.PropertyModifier):
def __init__(self):
self._mods = []
def __or__(self, other: _schema.PropertyModifier):
return self
def modify(self, prop: Property):
for m in self._mods:
class _PropertyAnnotation:
def __or__(self, other: _schema.PropertyModifier):
return _PropertyModifierList() | other
_ = _PropertyAnnotation()
drop = object()
def annotate(annotated_cls: type, add_bases: _Iterable[type] | None = None, replace_bases: _Dict[type, type] | None = None) -> _Callable[[type], _PropertyAnnotation]:
Add or modify schema annotations after a class has been defined previously.
The name of the class used for annotation must be `_`.
`replace_bases` can be used to replace bases on the annotated class.
def decorator(cls: type) -> _PropertyAnnotation:
if cls.__name__ != "_":
raise _schema.Error("Annotation classes must be named _")
if cls.__doc__ is not None:
annotated_cls.__doc__ = cls.__doc__
for p, v in cls.__dict__.get("_pragmas", {}).items():
_ClassPragma(p, value=v)(annotated_cls)
if replace_bases:
annotated_cls.__bases__ = tuple(replace_bases.get(b, b) for b in annotated_cls.__bases__)
if add_bases:
annotated_cls.__bases__ += tuple(add_bases)
for a in dir(cls):
if a.startswith(_schema.inheritable_pragma_prefix):
setattr(annotated_cls, a, getattr(cls, a))
for p, a in cls.__annotations__.items():
if a is drop:
del annotated_cls.__annotations__[p]
elif p in annotated_cls.__annotations__:
annotated_cls.__annotations__[p] |= a
elif isinstance(a, (_PropertyAnnotation, _PropertyModifierList)):
raise _schema.Error(f"annotated property {p} not present in annotated class "
annotated_cls.__annotations__[p] = a
return _
return decorator