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""" template renderer module, wrapping around `pystache.Renderer`
`pystache` is a python mustache engine, and mustache is a template language. More information on
import logging
import pathlib
import typing
import hashlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pystache
from . import paths
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Error(Exception):
class Renderer:
""" Template renderer using mustache templates in the `templates` directory """
def __init__(self, generator: pathlib.Path):
self._r = pystache.Renderer(search_dirs=str(paths.templates_dir), escape=lambda u: u)
self._generator = generator
def render(self, data: object, output: typing.Optional[pathlib.Path], template: typing.Optional[str] = None):
""" Render `data` to `output`.
`data` must have a `template` attribute denoting which template to use from the template directory.
Optionally, `data` can also have an `extensions` attribute denoting list of file extensions: they will all be
appended to the template name with an underscore and be generated in turn.
mnemonic = type(data).__name__
output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
extensions = getattr(data, "extensions", [None])
for ext in extensions:
output_filename = output
template_to_use = template or data.template
if ext:
output_filename = output_filename.with_suffix(f".{ext}")
template_to_use += f"_{ext}"
contents = self.render_str(data, template_to_use)
self._do_write(mnemonic, contents, output_filename)
def render_str(self, data: object, template: typing.Optional[str] = None):
template = template or data.template
return self._r.render_name(template, data, generator=self._generator)
def _do_write(self, mnemonic: str, contents: str, output: pathlib.Path):
with open(output, "w") as out:
log.debug(f"{mnemonic}: generated {output.name}")
def manage(self, generated: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path], stubs: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path],
registry: pathlib.Path, force: bool = False) -> "RenderManager":
return RenderManager(self._generator, generated, stubs, registry, force)
class RenderManager(Renderer):
""" A context manager allowing to manage checked in generated files and their cleanup, able
to skip unneeded writes.
This is done by using and updating a checked in list of generated files that assigns two
hashes to each file:
* one is the hash of the mustache rendered contents, that can be used to quickly check whether a
write is needed
* the other is the hash of the actual file after code generation has finished. This will be
different from the above because of post-processing like QL formatting. This hash is used
to detect invalid modification of generated files"""
written: typing.Set[pathlib.Path]
class Hashes:
pre contains the hash of a file as rendered, post is the hash after
postprocessing (for example QL formatting)
pre: str
post: typing.Optional[str] = None
def __init__(self, generator: pathlib.Path, generated: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path],
stubs: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path],
registry: pathlib.Path, force: bool = False):
self._registry_path = registry
self._force = force
self._hashes = {}
self.written = set()
self._existing = set()
self._skipped = set()
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
if exc_val is None:
for f in self._existing - self._skipped - self.written:
log.info(f"removed {f.name}")
for f in self.written:
self._hashes[self._get_path(f)].post = self._hash_file(f)
# if an error was encountered, drop already written files from the registry
# so that they get the chance to be regenerated again during the next run
for f in self.written:
self._hashes.pop(self._get_path(f), None)
# clean up the registry from files that do not exist any more
for f in list(self._hashes):
if not (self._registry_path.parent / f).exists():
def _get_path(self, file: pathlib.Path):
return file.relative_to(self._registry_path.parent)
def _do_write(self, mnemonic: str, contents: str, output: pathlib.Path):
hash = self._hash_string(contents)
rel_output = self._get_path(output)
if rel_output in self._hashes and self._hashes[rel_output].pre == hash:
log.debug(f"{mnemonic}: skipped {output.name}")
super()._do_write(mnemonic, contents, output)
self._hashes[rel_output] = self.Hashes(pre=hash)
def _process_generated(self, generated: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]):
for f in generated:
rel_path = self._get_path(f)
if self._force:
elif rel_path not in self._hashes:
log.warning(f"{rel_path} marked as generated but absent from the registry")
elif self._hashes[rel_path].post != self._hash_file(f):
raise Error(f"{rel_path} is generated but was modified, please revert the file "
"or pass --force to overwrite")
def _process_stubs(self, stubs: typing.Iterable[pathlib.Path]):
for f in stubs:
rel_path = self._get_path(f)
if self.is_customized_stub(f):
self._hashes.pop(rel_path, None)
if self._force:
elif rel_path not in self._hashes:
log.warning(f"{rel_path} marked as stub but absent from the registry")
elif self._hashes[rel_path].post != self._hash_file(f):
raise Error(f"{rel_path} is a stub marked as generated, but it was modified, "
"please remove the `// generated` header, revert the file or pass --force to overwrite it")
def is_customized_stub(file: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
if not file.is_file():
return False
with open(file) as contents:
for line in contents:
return not line.startswith("// generated")
# no lines
return True
def _hash_file(filename: pathlib.Path) -> str:
with open(filename) as inp:
return RenderManager._hash_string(inp.read())
def _hash_string(data: str) -> str:
h = hashlib.sha256()
return h.hexdigest()
def _load_registry(self):
if self._force:
with open(self._registry_path) as reg:
for line in reg:
if line.strip():
filename, prehash, posthash = line.split()
self._hashes[pathlib.Path(filename)] = self.Hashes(prehash, posthash)
except FileNotFoundError:
def _dump_registry(self):
self._registry_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(self._registry_path, 'w') as out, open(self._registry_path.parent / ".gitattributes", "w") as attrs:
print(f"/{self._registry_path.name}", "linguist-generated", file=attrs)
print("/.gitattributes", "linguist-generated", file=attrs)
for f, hashes in sorted(self._hashes.items()):
print(f, hashes.pre, hashes.post, file=out)
print(f"/{f}", "linguist-generated", file=attrs)