var vows = require("vows"), load = require("../load"), assert = require("../assert"), projectionTestSuite = require("./projection-test-suite"); var suite = vows.describe("d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant"); suite.addBatch({ "azimuthalEquidistant": { topic: load("geo/azimuthal-equidistant").expression("d3.geo.azimuthalEquidistant"), "default": projectionTestSuite({ topic: function(projection) { return projection(); } }, { "Null Island": [[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000], [ 480.00000000, 250.00000000]], "Honolulu, HI": [[ -21.01262744, 82.63349103], [ 469.92237700, 32.61061747]], "San Francisco, CA": [[ -46.16620803, 77.04946507], [ 445.26741926, 40.61796552]], "Svalbard": [[ 3.13977663, 61.55241523], [ 484.78328535, 88.80514528]], "Tierra del Fuego": [[ -35.62300462, -60.29317484], [ 425.30773539, 414.57947189]], "Tokyo": [[ 33.38709832, 79.49539834], [ 501.59066113, 38.40245747]], "the South Pole": [[ 0.00000000, -85.00000000], [ 480.00000000, 472.52947963]], "the North Pole": [[ 0.00000000, 85.00000000], [ 480.00000000, 27.47052037]] }), "translated to 0,0 and at scale 1": projectionTestSuite({ topic: function(projection) { return projection().translate([0, 0]).scale(1); } }, { "Null Island": [[ 0.00000000, 0.00000000], [ 0.00000000, 0.00000000]], "Honolulu, HI": [[ -21.01262744, 82.63349120], [ -0.06718415, -1.44926255]], "San Francisco, CA": [[ -46.16620803, 77.04946507], [ -0.23155054, -1.39588023]], "Svalbard": [[ 3.13977663, 61.55241523], [ 0.03188857, -1.07463236]], "Tierra del Fuego": [[ -35.62300462, -60.29317484], [ -0.36461510, 1.09719648]], "Tokyo": [[ 33.38709832, 79.49539834], [ 0.14393774, -1.41065028]], "the South Pole": [[ 0.00000000, -85.00000000], [ 0.00000000, 1.48352986]], "the North Pole": [[ 0.00000000, 85.00000000], [ 0.00000000, -1.48352986]] }) } }); suite.export(module);