(function(){d3.layout = {}; d3.layout.chord = function() { var chord = {}, chords, groups, matrix, n, padding = 0, sortGroups, sortSubgroups, sortChords; function relayout() { var subgroups = {}, groupSums = [], groupIndex = d3.range(n), subgroupIndex = [], k, x, x0, i, j; chords = []; groups = []; // Compute the sum. k = 0, i = -1; while (++i < n) { x = 0, j = -1; while (++j < n) { x += matrix[i][j]; } groupSums.push(x); subgroupIndex.push(d3.range(n)); k += x; } // Sort groups… if (sortGroups) { groupIndex.sort(function(a, b) { return sortGroups(groupSums[a], groupSums[b]); }); } // Sort subgroups… if (sortSubgroups) { subgroupIndex.forEach(function(d, i) { d.sort(function(a, b) { return sortSubgroups(matrix[i][a], matrix[i][b]); }); }); } // Convert the sum to scaling factor for [0, 2pi]. // TODO Allow start and end angle to be specified. // TODO Allow padding to be specified as percentage? k = (2 * Math.PI - padding * n) / k; // Compute the start and end angle for each group and subgroup. x = 0, i = -1; while (++i < n) { x0 = x, j = -1; while (++j < n) { var di = groupIndex[i], dj = subgroupIndex[i][j], v = matrix[di][dj]; subgroups[di + "-" + dj] = { index: di, subindex: dj, startAngle: x, endAngle: x += v * k, value: v }; } groups.push({ index: di, startAngle: x0, endAngle: x, value: (x - x0) / k }); x += padding; } // Generate chords for each (non-empty) subgroup-subgroup link. i = -1; while (++i < n) { j = i - 1; while (++j < n) { var source = subgroups[i + "-" + j], target = subgroups[j + "-" + i]; if (source.value || target.value) { chords.push({ source: source, target: target }) } } } if (sortChords) resort(); } function resort() { chords.sort(function(a, b) { a = Math.min(a.source.value, a.target.value); b = Math.min(b.source.value, b.target.value); return sortChords(a, b); }); } chord.matrix = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return matrix; n = (matrix = x) && matrix.length; chords = groups = null; return chord; }; chord.padding = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return padding; padding = x; chords = groups = null; return chord; }; chord.sortGroups = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return sortGroups; sortGroups = x; chords = groups = null; return chord; }; chord.sortSubgroups = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return sortSubgroups; sortSubgroups = x; chords = null; return chord; }; chord.sortChords = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return sortChords; sortChords = x; if (chords) resort(); return chord; }; chord.chords = function() { if (!chords) relayout(); return chords; }; chord.groups = function() { if (!groups) relayout(); return groups; }; return chord; }; // A rudimentary force layout using Gauss-Seidel. d3.layout.force = function() { var force = {}, event = d3.dispatch("tick"), size = [1, 1], alpha = .5, distance = 30, interval, nodes, links, distances; function tick() { var n = distances.length, i, // current index o, // current link s, // current source t, // current target l, // current distance x, // x-distance y; // y-distance // gauss-seidel relaxation for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { o = distances[i]; s = o.source; t = o.target; x = t.x - s.x; y = t.y - s.y; if (l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) { l = alpha / (o.distance * o.distance) * (l - distance * o.distance) / l; x *= l; y *= l; if (!t.fixed) { t.x -= x; t.y -= y; } if (!s.fixed) { s.x += x; s.y += y; } } } event.tick.dispatch({type: "tick"}); // simulated annealing, basically return (alpha *= .99) < .005; } force.on = function(type, listener) { event[type].add(listener); return force; }; force.nodes = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return nodes; nodes = x; return force; }; force.links = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return links; links = x; return force; }; force.size = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return size; size = x; return force; }; force.distance = function(d) { if (!arguments.length) return distance; distance = d; return force; }; force.start = function() { var i, j, k, n = nodes.length, m = links.length, w = size[0], h = size[1], o; var paths = []; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { o = nodes[i]; o.x = o.x || Math.random() * w; o.y = o.y || Math.random() * h; o.fixed = 0; paths[i] = []; for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { paths[i][j] = Infinity; } paths[i][i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { o = links[i]; paths[o.source][o.target] = 1; paths[o.target][o.source] = 1; o.source = nodes[o.source]; o.target = nodes[o.target]; } // Floyd-Warshall for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { paths[i][j] = Math.min(paths[i][j], paths[i][k] + paths[k][j]); } } } distances = []; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { distances.push({ source: nodes[i], target: nodes[j], distance: paths[i][j] * paths[i][j] }); } } distances.sort(function(a, b) { return a.distance - b.distance; }); d3.timer(tick); return force; }; force.resume = function() { alpha = .1; d3.timer(tick); return force; }; force.stop = function() { alpha = 0; return force; }; // use `node.call(force.drag)` to make nodes draggable force.drag = function() { var node, element; this .on("mouseover", function(d) { d.fixed = true; }) .on("mouseout", function(d) { if (d != node) d.fixed = false; }) .on("mousedown", mousedown); d3.select(window) .on("mousemove", mousemove) .on("mouseup", mouseup); function mousedown(d) { (node = d).fixed = true; element = this; d3.event.preventDefault(); } function mousemove() { if (!node) return; var m = d3.svg.mouse(element); node.x = m[0]; node.y = m[1]; force.resume(); // restart annealing } function mouseup() { if (!node) return; mousemove(); node.fixed = false; node = element = null; } return force; }; return force; }; d3.layout.partition = function() { var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), size = [1, 1]; // width, height function position(node, x, dx, dy) { var children = node.children; node.x = x; node.y = node.depth * dy; node.dx = dx; node.dy = dy; if (children) { var i = -1, n = children.length, c, d; dx /= node.value; while (++i < n) { position(c = children[i], x, d = c.value * dx, dy); x += d; } } } function depth(node) { var children = node.children, d = 0; if (children) { var i = -1, n = children.length; while (++i < n) d = Math.max(d, depth(children[i])); } return 1 + d; } function partition(d, i) { var nodes = hierarchy.call(this, d, i); position(nodes[0], 0, size[0], size[1] / depth(nodes[0])); return nodes; } partition.sort = d3.rebind(partition, hierarchy.sort); partition.children = d3.rebind(partition, hierarchy.children); partition.value = d3.rebind(partition, hierarchy.value); partition.size = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return size; size = x; return partition; }; return partition; }; d3.layout.pie = function() { var value = Number, sort = null, startAngle = 0, endAngle = 2 * Math.PI; function pie(data, i) { // Compute the start angle. var a = +(typeof startAngle == "function" ? startAngle.apply(this, arguments) : startAngle); // Compute the angular range (end - start). var k = (typeof endAngle == "function" ? endAngle.apply(this, arguments) : endAngle) - startAngle; // Optionally sort the data. var index = d3.range(data.length); if (sort != null) index.sort(function(i, j) { return sort(data[i], data[j]); }); // Compute the numeric values for each data element. var values = data.map(value); // Convert k into a scale factor from value to angle, using the sum. k /= values.reduce(function(p, d) { return p + d; }, 0); // Compute the arcs! var arcs = index.map(function(i) { return { value: d = values[i], startAngle: a, endAngle: a += d * k }; }); // Return the arcs in the original data's order. return data.map(function(d, i) { return arcs[index[i]]; }); } /** * Specifies the value function *x*, which returns a nonnegative numeric value * for each datum. The default value function is `Number`. The value function * is passed two arguments: the current datum and the current index. */ pie.value = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return value; value = x; return pie; }; /** * Specifies a sort comparison operator *x*. The comparator is passed two data * elements from the data array, a and b; it returns a negative value if a is * less than b, a positive value if a is greater than b, and zero if a equals * b. */ pie.sort = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return sort; sort = x; return pie; }; /** * Specifies the overall start angle of the pie chart. Defaults to 0. The * start angle can be specified either as a constant or as a function; in the * case of a function, it is evaluated once per array (as opposed to per * element). */ pie.startAngle = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return startAngle; startAngle = x; return pie; }; /** * Specifies the overall end angle of the pie chart. Defaults to 2π. The * end angle can be specified either as a constant or as a function; in the * case of a function, it is evaluated once per array (as opposed to per * element). */ pie.endAngle = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return endAngle; endAngle = x; return pie; }; return pie; }; // data is two-dimensional array of x,y; we populate y0 // TODO perhaps make the `x`, `y` and `y0` structure customizable d3.layout.stack = function() { var order = "default", offset = "zero"; function stack(data) { var n = data.length, m = data[0].length, i, j, y0; // compute the order of series var index = d3_layout_stackOrders[order](data); // set y0 on the baseline d3_layout_stackOffsets[offset](data, index); // propagate offset to other series for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (i = 1, y0 = data[index[0]][j].y0; i < n; ++i) { data[index[i]][j].y0 = y0 += data[index[i - 1]][j].y; } } return data; } stack.order = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return order; order = x; return stack; }; stack.offset = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return offset; offset = x; return stack; }; return stack; } var d3_layout_stackOrders = { "inside-out": function(data) { var n = data.length, i, j, max = data.map(d3_layout_stackMaxIndex), sums = data.map(d3_layout_stackReduceSum), index = d3.range(n).sort(function(a, b) { return max[a] - max[b]; }), top = 0, bottom = 0, tops = [], bottoms = []; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { j = index[i]; if (top < bottom) { top += sums[j]; tops.push(j); } else { bottom += sums[j]; bottoms.push(j); } } return bottoms.reverse().concat(tops); }, "reverse": function(data) { return d3.range(data.length).reverse(); }, "default": function(data) { return d3.range(data.length); } }; var d3_layout_stackOffsets = { "silhouette": function(data, index) { var n = data.length, m = data[0].length, sums = [], max = 0, i, j, o; for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (i = 0, o = 0; i < n; i++) o += data[i][j].y; if (o > max) max = o; sums.push(o); } for (j = 0, i = index[0]; j < m; ++j) { data[i][j].y0 = (max - sums[j]) / 2; } }, "wiggle": function(data, index) { var n = data.length, x = data[0], m = x.length, max = 0, i, j, k, ii, ik, i0 = index[0], s1, s2, s3, dx, o, o0; data[i0][0].y0 = o = o0 = 0; for (j = 1; j < m; ++j) { for (i = 0, s1 = 0; i < n; ++i) s1 += data[i][j].y; for (i = 0, s2 = 0, dx = x[j].x - x[j - 1].x; i < n; ++i) { for (k = 0, ii = index[i], s3 = (data[ii][j].y - data[ii][j - 1].y) / (2 * dx); k < i; ++k) { s3 += (data[ik = index[k]][j].y - data[ik][j - 1].y) / dx; } s2 += s3 * data[ii][j].y; } data[i0][j].y0 = o -= s1 ? s2 / s1 * dx : 0; if (o < o0) o0 = o; } for (j = 0; j < m; ++j) data[i0][j].y0 -= o0; }, "zero": function(data, index) { var j = 0, m = data[0].length, i0 = index[0]; for (; j < m; ++j) data[i0][j].y0 = 0; } }; function d3_layout_stackReduceSum(d) { return d.reduce(d3_layout_stackSum, 0); } function d3_layout_stackMaxIndex(array) { var i = 1, j = 0, v = array[0].y, k, n = array.length; for (; i < n; ++i) { if ((k = array[i].y) > v) { j = i; v = k; } } return j; } function d3_layout_stackSum(p, d) { return p + d.y; } d3.layout.hierarchy = function() { var sort = d3_layout_hierarchySort, children = d3_layout_hierarchyChildren, value = d3_layout_hierarchyValue; // Recursively compute the node depth and value. // Also converts the data representation into a standard hierarchy structure. function recurse(data, depth, nodes) { var datas = children.call(hierarchy, data, depth), node = {depth: depth, data: data}; nodes.push(node); if (datas) { var i = -1, n = datas.length, c = node.children = [], v = 0, j = depth + 1; while (++i < n) { d = recurse(datas[i], j, nodes); if (d.value > 0) { // ignore NaN, negative, etc. c.push(d); v += d.value; d.parent = node; } } if (sort) c.sort(sort); node.value = v; } else { node.value = value.call(hierarchy, data, depth); } return node; } // Recursively re-evaluates the node value. function revalue(node, depth) { var children = node.children, v = 0; if (children) { var i = -1, n = children.length, j = depth + 1; while (++i < n) v += revalue(children[i], j); } else { v = value.call(hierarchy, node.data, depth); } return node.value = v; } function hierarchy(d) { var nodes = []; recurse(d, 0, nodes); return nodes; } hierarchy.sort = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return sort; sort = x; return hierarchy; }; hierarchy.children = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return children; children = x; return hierarchy; }; hierarchy.value = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return value; value = x; return hierarchy; }; // Re-evaluates the `value` property for the specified hierarchy. hierarchy.revalue = function(root) { revalue(root, 0); return root; }; return hierarchy; } function d3_layout_hierarchyChildren(d) { return d.children; } function d3_layout_hierarchyValue(d) { return d.value; } function d3_layout_hierarchySort(a, b) { return b.value - a.value; } // Node-link tree diagram using the Reingold-Tilford "tidy" algorithm d3.layout.tree = function() { var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), separation = d3_layout_treeSeparation, size = [1, 1]; // width, height function tree(d, i) { var nodes = hierarchy.call(this, d, i), root = nodes[0]; function firstWalk(node, previousSibling) { var children = node.children, layout = node._tree; if (children) { var n = children.length, firstChild = children[0], previousChild, ancestor = firstChild, child, i = -1; while (++i < n) { child = children[i]; firstWalk(child, previousChild); ancestor = apportion(child, previousChild, ancestor); previousChild = child; } d3_layout_treeShift(node); var midpoint = .5 * (firstChild._tree.prelim + child._tree.prelim); if (previousSibling) { layout.prelim = previousSibling._tree.prelim + separation(node, previousSibling); layout.mod = layout.prelim - midpoint; } else { layout.prelim = midpoint; } } else { if (previousSibling) { layout.prelim = previousSibling._tree.prelim + separation(node, previousSibling); } } } function secondWalk(node, x) { node.x = node._tree.prelim + x; var children = node.children; if (children) { var i = -1, n = children.length; x += node._tree.mod; while (++i < n) { secondWalk(children[i], x); } } } function apportion(node, previousSibling, ancestor) { if (previousSibling) { var vip = node, vop = node, vim = previousSibling, vom = node.parent.children[0], sip = vip._tree.mod, sop = vop._tree.mod, sim = vim._tree.mod, som = vom._tree.mod, shift; while (vim = d3_layout_treeRight(vim), vip = d3_layout_treeLeft(vip), vim && vip) { vom = d3_layout_treeLeft(vom); vop = d3_layout_treeRight(vop); vop._tree.ancestor = node; shift = vim._tree.prelim + sim - vip._tree.prelim - sip + separation(vim, vip); if (shift > 0) { d3_layout_treeMove(d3_layout_treeAncestor(vim, node, ancestor), node, shift); sip += shift; sop += shift; } sim += vim._tree.mod; sip += vip._tree.mod; som += vom._tree.mod; sop += vop._tree.mod; } if (vim && !d3_layout_treeRight(vop)) { vop._tree.thread = vim; vop._tree.mod += sim - sop; } if (vip && !d3_layout_treeLeft(vom)) { vom._tree.thread = vip; vom._tree.mod += sip - som; ancestor = node; } } return ancestor; } // Initialize temporary layout variables. d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node, previousSibling) { node._tree = { ancestor: node, prelim: 0, mod: 0, change: 0, shift: 0, number: previousSibling ? previousSibling._tree.number + 1 : 0 }; }); // Compute the layout using Buchheim et al.'s algorithm. firstWalk(root); secondWalk(root, -root._tree.prelim); // Compute the left-most, right-most, and depth-most nodes for extents. var left = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeLeftmost), right = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeRightmost), deep = d3_layout_treeSearch(root, d3_layout_treeDeepest), x0 = left.x - separation(left, right) / 2, x1 = right.x + separation(right, left) / 2, y1 = deep.depth; // Clear temporary layout variables; transform x and y. d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(root, function(node) { node.x = (node.x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * size[0]; node.y = node.depth / y1 * size[1]; delete node._tree; }); return nodes; } tree.sort = d3.rebind(tree, hierarchy.sort); tree.children = d3.rebind(tree, hierarchy.children); tree.value = d3.rebind(tree, hierarchy.value); tree.separation = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return separation; separation = x; return tree; }; tree.size = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return size; size = x; return tree; }; return tree; }; function d3_layout_treeSeparation(a, b) { return a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2; } // function d3_layout_treeSeparationRadial(a, b) { // return (a.parent == b.parent ? 1 : 2) / a.depth; // } function d3_layout_treeLeft(node) { return node.children ? node.children[0] : node._tree.thread; } function d3_layout_treeRight(node) { return node.children ? node.children[node.children.length - 1] : node._tree.thread; } function d3_layout_treeSearch(node, compare) { var children = node.children; if (children) { var child, n = children.length, i = -1; while (++i < n) { if (compare(child = d3_layout_treeSearch(children[i], compare), node) > 0) { node = child; } } } return node; } function d3_layout_treeRightmost(a, b) { return a.x - b.x; } function d3_layout_treeLeftmost(a, b) { return b.x - a.x; } function d3_layout_treeDeepest(a, b) { return a.depth - b.depth; } function d3_layout_treeVisitAfter(node, callback) { function visit(node, previousSibling) { var children = node.children; if (children) { var child, previousChild = null, i = -1, n = children.length; while (++i < n) { child = children[i]; visit(child, previousChild); previousChild = child; } } callback(node, previousSibling); } visit(node, null); } function d3_layout_treeShift(node) { var shift = 0, change = 0, children = node.children, i = children.length, child; while (--i >= 0) { child = children[i]._tree; child.prelim += shift; child.mod += shift; shift += child.shift + (change += child.change); } } function d3_layout_treeMove(ancestor, node, shift) { ancestor = ancestor._tree; node = node._tree; var change = shift / (node.number - ancestor.number); ancestor.change += change; node.change -= change; node.shift += shift; node.prelim += shift; node.mod += shift; } function d3_layout_treeAncestor(vim, node, ancestor) { return vim._tree.ancestor.parent == node.parent ? vim._tree.ancestor : ancestor; } // Squarified Treemaps by Mark Bruls, Kees Huizing, and Jarke J. van Wijk d3.layout.treemap = function() { var hierarchy = d3.layout.hierarchy(), round = Math.round, size = [1, 1], // width, height sticky = false, stickies; // Recursively compute the node area based on value & scale. function scale(node, k) { var children = node.children; node.area = node.value * k; if (children) { var i = -1, n = children.length; while (++i < n) scale(children[i], k); } } // Recursively arranges the specified node's children into squarified rows. function squarify(node) { if (!node.children) return; var rect = {x: node.x, y: node.y, dx: node.dx, dy: node.dy}, row = [], children = node.children.slice(), // copy-on-write child, best = Infinity, // the best row score so far score, // the current row score u = Math.min(rect.dx, rect.dy), // initial orientation n; row.area = 0; while ((n = children.length) > 0) { row.push(child = children[n - 1]); row.area += child.area; if ((score = worst(row, u)) <= best) { // continue with this orientation children.pop(); best = score; } else { // abort, and try a different orientation row.area -= row.pop().area; position(row, u, rect, false); u = Math.min(rect.dx, rect.dy); row.length = row.area = 0; best = Infinity; } } if (row.length) { position(row, u, rect, true); row.length = row.area = 0; } node.children.forEach(squarify); } // Recursively resizes the specified node's children into existing rows. // Preserves the existing layout! function stickify(node) { if (!node.children) return; var rect = {x: node.x, y: node.y, dx: node.dx, dy: node.dy}, children = node.children.slice(), // copy-on-write child, row = []; row.area = 0; while (child = children.pop()) { row.push(child); row.area += child.area; if (child.z != null) { position(row, child.z ? rect.dx : rect.dy, rect, !children.length); row.length = row.area = 0; } } node.children.forEach(stickify); } // Computes the score for the specified row, as the worst aspect ratio. function worst(row, u) { var s = row.area, r, rmax = 0, rmin = Infinity, i = -1, n = row.length; while (++i < n) { r = row[i].area; if (r < rmin) rmin = r; if (r > rmax) rmax = r; } s *= s; u *= u; return Math.max((u * rmax) / s, s / (u * rmin)); } // Positions the specified row of nodes. Modifies `rect`. function position(row, u, rect, flush) { var i = -1, n = row.length, x = rect.x, y = rect.y, v = u ? round(row.area / u) : 0, o; if (u == rect.dx) { // horizontal subdivision if (flush || v > rect.dy) v = rect.dy; // over+underflow while (++i < n) { o = row[i]; o.x = x; o.y = y; o.dy = v; x += o.dx = round(o.area / v); } o.z = true; o.dx += rect.x + rect.dx - x; // rounding error rect.y += v; rect.dy -= v; } else { // vertical subdivision if (flush || v > rect.dx) v = rect.dx; // over+underflow while (++i < n) { o = row[i]; o.x = x; o.y = y; o.dx = v; y += o.dy = round(o.area / v); } o.z = false; o.dy += rect.y + rect.dy - y; // rounding error rect.x += v; rect.dx -= v; } } function treemap(d) { var nodes = stickies || hierarchy(d), root = nodes[0]; root.x = 0; root.y = 0; root.dx = size[0]; root.dy = size[1]; if (stickies) hierarchy.revalue(root); scale(root, size[0] * size[1] / root.value); (stickies ? stickify : squarify)(root); if (sticky) stickies = nodes; return nodes; } treemap.sort = d3.rebind(treemap, hierarchy.sort); treemap.children = d3.rebind(treemap, hierarchy.children); treemap.value = d3.rebind(treemap, hierarchy.value); treemap.size = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return size; size = x; return treemap; }; treemap.round = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return round != Number; round = x ? Math.round : Number; return treemap; }; treemap.sticky = function(x) { if (!arguments.length) return sticky; sticky = x; stickies = null; return treemap; }; return treemap; }; })()