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Revert "Try with sorted list"
This reverts commit f1124d4afd1efa2f46530e9bb302a9bb1419f85e.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,13 +4,11 @@ module Main where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Debug.Trace (traceM)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Control.Monad (replicateM, forM_, forever)
import Control.Monad.Random.Class (getRandomR)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Random.Source.PureMT (newPureMT)
import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as PQueue
import qualified Data.SortedList as SList
import Deli (Channel, Deli, JobTiming(..))
import Deli.Printer (printResults)
import System.Random
@ -58,19 +56,19 @@ leastWorkLeft
-> Deli JobTiming ()
leastWorkLeft num jobChannel = do
chans :: [Channel JobTiming] <- replicateM num createWorker
let workQueue :: SList.SortedList (Deli.Duration, Deli.Channel JobTiming)
--workQueue = PQueue.fromList [(0 :: Deli.Duration, c) | c <- chans]
workQueue = SList.toSortedList [(0 :: Deli.Duration, c) | c <- chans]
mFun lastTime nowTime (k, v) = (max 0 (k - coerce (nowTime - lastTime)), v)
loop :: SList.SortedList (Deli.Duration, Deli.Channel JobTiming) -> Deli.Time -> Deli JobTiming ()
let workQueue :: PQueue.MinPQueue Deli.Duration (Deli.Channel JobTiming)
workQueue = PQueue.fromList [(0 :: Deli.Duration, c) | c <- chans]
mFun lastTime nowTime k = max 0 (k - coerce (nowTime - lastTime))
loop :: PQueue.MinPQueue Deli.Duration (Deli.Channel JobTiming) -> Deli.Time -> Deli JobTiming ()
loop prevQueue prevTime = do
job <- Deli.readChannel jobChannel
newTime <- Deli.now
let !adjustedQueue = SList.map (mFun prevTime newTime) prevQueue
((shortestPrevDuration, shortestQueue), deletedMin) = fromJust $ SList.uncons adjustedQueue
!addedBack = SList.insert (shortestPrevDuration + _jobDuration job, shortestQueue) deletedMin
let !adjustedQueue = PQueue.mapKeysMonotonic (mFun prevTime newTime) prevQueue
(shortestPrevDuration, shortestQueue) = PQueue.findMin adjustedQueue
!deletedMin = PQueue.deleteMin adjustedQueue
!addedBack = PQueue.insert (shortestPrevDuration + _jobDuration job) shortestQueue deletedMin
Deli.writeChannel shortestQueue job
loop addedBack newTime
loop (PQueue.seqSpine addedBack addedBack) newTime
now <- Deli.now
loop workQueue now
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ loadBalancerExample :: IO ()
loadBalancerExample = do
simulationGen <- newStdGen
inputGen <- newPureMT
-- Generate a poisson process of arrivals, with a mean of 31,000 arrivals
-- Generate a poisson process of arrivals, with a mean of 650 arrivals
-- per second
let arrivals = Deli.Random.arrivalTimePoissonDistribution 31000
-- Generate a Pareto distribution of service times, with a mean service
@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ executable load-balancer
, random
, random-fu
, random-source
, sorted-list
, tdigest
, time
default-language: Haskell2010
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