Dear Github Team, I have read and understand GitHub's Guide to Filing a DMCA Notice. We refer to our DCMA takedown request listed at, and the counter-notice listed at ("Counter-Notice"). For clarification, our DMCA takedown was made in good faith to the best of our knowledge, and having reviewed the counter-notice, we would like to retract in part our DCMA takedown request. Please retract the takedown request only for the following repository: 1. If you need more information about this please do reach us through the following contact details: Name and Title: [private]/ [private] / [private] / Lazada Group Company: LAZADA SOUTH EAST ASIA PTE LTD Email: [private] Please let us know if you have any queries or require any further information. We appreciate your attention in re-enabling the above repository. Thank you very much for your kind support. Regards, [private] [private] | [private] | Lazada Group Email: [private]