Translation tools to make our lives easier (#17712)

* create script to fix easy-to-fix frontmatter errors in translation

* improve reset-translated-file.js: allow reverting to the same file from `main` branch

* fix release-notes as well

* also lints liquid in frontmatter
This commit is contained in:
Vanessa Yuen 2021-02-09 16:11:12 +01:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 744e5351c2
Коммит 25ff6b94ff
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
4 изменённых файлов: 137 добавлений и 22 удалений

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@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ const isBrowser = process.env.BROWSER
const isActions = Boolean(process.env.GITHUB_ACTIONS)
const testTranslation = Boolean(process.env.TEST_TRANSLATION)
let reporters = ['default']
const reporters = ['default']
if (testTranslation) {
// only use custom reporter if we are linting translations
reporters = ['<rootDir>/tests/helpers/lint-translation-reporter.js']
} else if (isActions) {

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const { get, set } = require('lodash')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const fm = require('../lib/frontmatter')
const matter = require('gray-matter')
const chalk = require('chalk')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const ghesReleaseNotesSchema = require('../lib/release-notes-schema')
const revalidator = require('revalidator')
const fixableFmProps = ['type', 'changelog', 'mapTopic', 'hidden', 'layout', 'defaultPlatform', 'showMiniToc', 'allowTitleToDifferFromFilename', 'interactive', 'beta_product']
const fixableYmlProps = ['date']
// [start-readme]
// Run this script to fix known frontmatter errors by copying values from english file
// Currently only fixing errors in: 'type', 'changelog'
// Please double check the changes created by this script before committing.
// [end-readme]
const loadAndValidateContent = async (path, schema) => {
let fileContents
try {
fileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(path, 'utf8')
} catch (e) {
return null
if (path.endsWith('yml')) {
let data; let errors = []
try {
data = yaml.safeLoad(fileContents)
} catch {}
if (data && schema) {
({ errors } = revalidator.validate(data, schema))
return { data, errors, content: null }
} else {
return fm(fileContents)
const cmd = 'git diff --name-only origin/main | egrep "^translations/.*/(content/|data/release-notes/.*.yml)$"'
const changedFilesRelPaths = execSync(cmd).toString().split('\n')
changedFilesRelPaths.forEach(async (relPath) => {
if (!relPath || relPath.endsWith('')) return
const localisedAbsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', relPath)
// find the corresponding english file by removing the first 2 path segments: /translation/<language code>
const engAbsPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', relPath.split(path.sep).slice(2).join(path.sep))
const localisedResult = await loadAndValidateContent(localisedAbsPath, ghesReleaseNotesSchema)
if (!localisedResult) return
const { data, errors, content } = localisedResult
const fixableProps = relPath.endsWith('yml') ? fixableYmlProps : fixableFmProps
const fixableErrors = errors.filter(({ property }) => {
const prop = property.split('.')
return fixableProps.includes(prop[0])
if (!data || fixableErrors.length === 0) return
const engResult = await loadAndValidateContent(engAbsPath)
if (!engResult) return
const { data: engData } = engResult
console.log('fixing errors in ') + chalk.bold(relPath))
const newData = data
fixableErrors.forEach(({ property }) => {
const correctValue = get(engData, property)
console.log(` [${property}]: ${get(data, property)} -> ${correctValue}`)
set(newData, property, correctValue)
let toWrite
if (content) {
toWrite = matter.stringify(content, newData, { lineWidth: 10000, forceQuotes: true })
} else {
toWrite = yaml.safeDump(newData, { lineWidth: 10000, forceQuotes: true })
fs.writeFileSync(localisedAbsPath, toWrite)

Просмотреть файл

@ -29,12 +29,19 @@
// [end-readme]
const program = require('commander')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const assert = require('assert')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const languages = require('../lib/languages')
const [pathArg] = process.argv.slice(2)
.description('reset translated files')
.option('-m, --use-main', 'Reset file to the translated file from `main` branch instead of from English source.')
const [pathArg] = program.args
assert(pathArg, 'first arg must be a target filename')
let languageCode
@ -43,21 +50,26 @@ let relativePath = fs.existsSync(pathArg)
? path.relative(process.cwd(), pathArg)
: pathArg
// extract relative path and language code if pathArg is in the format `translations/<lang>/path/to/file`
if (relativePath.startsWith('translations/')) {
languageCode = Object.values(languages).find(language => relativePath.startsWith(language.dir) && language.code !== 'en').code
relativePath = relativePath.split(path.sep).slice(2).join(path.sep)
if (program.useMain) {
execSync(`git checkout main -- ${relativePath}`)
console.log('reverted to file from main branch: %s', relativePath)
} else {
// extract relative path and language code if pathArg is in the format `translations/<lang>/path/to/file`
if (relativePath.startsWith('translations/')) {
languageCode = Object.values(languages).find(language => relativePath.startsWith(language.dir) && language.code !== 'en').code
relativePath = relativePath.split(path.sep).slice(2).join(path.sep)
const englishFile = path.join(process.cwd(), relativePath)
assert(fs.existsSync(englishFile), `file does not exist: ${englishFile}`)
const englishContent = fs.readFileSync(englishFile, 'utf8')
Object.values(languages).forEach(({ code }) => {
if (code === 'en') return
if (languageCode && languageCode !== code) return
const translatedFile = path.join(process.cwd(), languages[code].dir, relativePath)
fs.writeFileSync(translatedFile, englishContent)
console.log('reverted to English: %s', path.relative(process.cwd(), translatedFile))
const englishFile = path.join(process.cwd(), relativePath)
assert(fs.existsSync(englishFile), `file does not exist: ${englishFile}`)
const englishContent = fs.readFileSync(englishFile, 'utf8')
Object.values(languages).forEach(({ code }) => {
if (code === 'en') return
if (languageCode && languageCode !== code) return
const translatedFile = path.join(process.cwd(), languages[code].dir, relativePath)
fs.writeFileSync(translatedFile, englishContent)
console.log('reverted to English: %s', path.relative(process.cwd(), translatedFile))

Просмотреть файл

@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ if (!process.env.TEST_TRANSLATION) {
const changedFilesRelPaths = execSync('git diff --name-only origin/main | egrep "^translations/.*/.+.(yml|md)$"').toString().split('\n')
console.log(`Found ${changedFilesRelPaths.length} translated files.`)
const { mdRelPaths, ymlRelPaths, releaseNotesRelPaths } = groupBy(changedFilesRelPaths, (path) => {
const { mdRelPaths = [], ymlRelPaths = [], releaseNotesRelPaths = [] } = groupBy(changedFilesRelPaths, (path) => {
// separate the changed files to different groups
if (path.endsWith('')) {
return 'throwAway'
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ describe('lint markdown content', () => {
(markdownRelPath, markdownAbsPath) => {
let content, ast, links, isHidden, isEarlyAccess, isSitePolicy, frontmatterErrors
let content, ast, links, isHidden, isEarlyAccess, isSitePolicy, frontmatterErrors, frontmatterData
beforeAll(async () => {
const fileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(markdownAbsPath, 'utf8')
@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ describe('lint markdown content', () => {
content = bodyContent
frontmatterErrors = errors
frontmatterData = data
ast = generateMarkdownAST(content)
isHidden = data.hidden === true
isEarlyAccess = markdownRelPath.split('/').includes('early-access')
@ -393,6 +394,17 @@ describe('lint markdown content', () => {
const errorMessage = => `- [${}]: ${error.actual}, ${error.message}`).join('\n')
expect(frontmatterErrors.length, errorMessage).toBe(0)
test('frontmatter contains valid liquid', async () => {
const fmKeysWithLiquid = ['title', 'shortTitle', 'intro', 'product', 'permission']
.filter(key => Boolean(frontmatterData[key]))
for (const key of fmKeysWithLiquid) {
expect(() => renderContent.liquid.parse(frontmatterData[key]))