1. To begin unlinking an email address from the locked account, click **Start unlinking email**. 1. On the "Unlink Email" screen, click **Continue**. 1. In the inbox of the email account you want to unlink, open the email with the subject "[{% data variables.product.company_short %}] Unlink this email." * Optionally, to unlink multiple email accounts, in the inbox of each account you want to unlink, open the email with the subject "[{% data variables.product.company_short %}] Unlink this email," then complete the following steps. 1. In the email, click **Unlink this email**. ![Screenshot of an email from {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} to unlink an email address from a {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} account. A link with the text "Unlink this email" is outlined in orange.](/assets/images/help/2fa/unlink-this-email.png) 1. To finish unlinking your email, in your account settings on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}, click **Unlink**. 1. Optionally, to create a new account and link your newly unlinked email, click **Create a new account**.