const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const frontmatter = require('./read-frontmatter') const getApplicableVersions = require('./get-applicable-versions') const removeFPTFromPath = require('./remove-fpt-from-path') // Both internal and external products are specified in content/ const homepage = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'content/') const { data } = frontmatter(fs.readFileSync(homepage, 'utf8')) const productIds = data.children const externalProducts = data.externalProducts const internalProducts = {} productIds.forEach(productId => { const relPath = productId const dir = path.posix.join('content', relPath) // Early Access may not exist in the current checkout if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) return const toc = path.posix.join(dir, '') const { data } = frontmatter(fs.readFileSync(toc, 'utf8')) const applicableVersions = getApplicableVersions(data.versions, toc) const href = removeFPTFromPath(path.posix.join('/', applicableVersions[0], productId)) internalProducts[productId] = { id: productId, name: data.shortTitle || data.title, href, dir, toc, wip: data.wip || false, hidden: data.hidden || false } internalProducts[productId].versions = applicableVersions }) const productMap = Object.assign({}, internalProducts, externalProducts) module.exports = { productIds, productMap }