const expandText = 'Expand All' const closeText = 'Close All' export default function devToc () { const expandButton = document.querySelector('.js-expand') if (!expandButton) return const detailsElements = document.querySelectorAll('details') expandButton.addEventListener('click', () => { // on click, toggle all the details elements open or closed const anyDetailsOpen = Array.from(detailsElements).find(details => for (const detailsElement of detailsElements) { anyDetailsOpen ? detailsElement.removeAttribute('open') : = true } // toggle the button text on click anyDetailsOpen ? expandButton.textContent = expandText : expandButton.textContent = closeText }) // also toggle the button text on clicking any of the details elements for (const detailsElement of detailsElements) { detailsElement.addEventListener('click', () => { expandButton.textContent = closeText // we can only get an accurate count of the open details elements if we wait a fraction after click setTimeout(() => { if (!Array.from(detailsElements).find(details => { expandButton.textContent = expandText } }, 50) }) } }