const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const mkdirp = require('mkdirp').sync const rimraf = require('rimraf').sync const chalk = require('chalk') const languages = require('../languages') const buildRecords = require('./build-records') const findIndexablePages = require('./find-indexable-pages') const cacheDir = path.join(process.cwd(), './.search-cache') const allVersions = require('../all-versions') const { namePrefix } = require('./config') // Algolia const getRemoteIndexNames = require('./algolia-get-remote-index-names') const AlgoliaIndex = require('./algolia-search-index') // Lunr const LunrIndex = require('./lunr-search-index') const getLunrIndexNames = require('./lunr-get-index-names') // Build a search data file for every combination of product version and language // e.g. `github-docs-dotcom-en.json` and `github-docs-2.14-ja.json` module.exports = async function syncSearchIndexes (opts = {}) { if (opts.dryRun) { console.log('This is a dry run! The script will build the indices locally but not upload anything.\n') rimraf(cacheDir) mkdirp(cacheDir) } if (opts.language) { if (!Object.keys(languages).includes(opts.language)) { console.log(`Error! ${opts.language} not found. You must provide a currently supported two-letter language code.`) process.exit(1) } } if (opts.version) { if (!Object.keys(allVersions).includes(opts.version)) { console.log(`Error! ${opts.version} not found. You must provide a currently supported version in format.`) process.exit(1) } } // build indices for a specific language if provided; otherwise build indices for all languages const languagesToBuild = opts.language ? Object.keys(languages).filter(language => language === opts.language) : Object.keys(languages) // build indices for a specific version if provided; otherwise build indices for all veersions const versionsToBuild = opts.version ? Object.keys(allVersions).filter(version => version === opts.version) : Object.keys(allVersions) console.log(`Building indices for ${opts.language || 'all languages'} and ${opts.version || 'all versions'}.\n`) // Exclude WIP pages, hidden pages, index pages, etc const indexablePages = await findIndexablePages() // Build and validate all indices for (const languageCode of languagesToBuild) { for (const pageVersion of versionsToBuild) { // if GHES, resolves to the release number like 2.21, 2.22, etc. // if FPT, resolves to 'dotcom' // if GHAE, resolves to 'ghae' const indexVersion = allVersions[pageVersion].plan === 'enterprise-server' ? allVersions[pageVersion].currentRelease : allVersions[pageVersion].miscBaseName // github-docs-dotcom-en, github-docs-2.22-en const indexName = `${namePrefix}-${indexVersion}-${languageCode}` // The page version will be the new version, e.g., free-pro-team@latest, enterprise-server@2.22 const records = await buildRecords(indexName, indexablePages, pageVersion, languageCode) const index = process.env.USE_LUNR ? new LunrIndex(indexName, records) : new AlgoliaIndex(indexName, records) if (opts.dryRun) { const cacheFile = path.join(cacheDir, `${indexName}.json`) fs.writeFileSync(cacheFile, JSON.stringify(index, null, 2)) console.log('wrote dry-run index to disk: ', cacheFile) } else { if (process.env.USE_LUNR) { await index.write() console.log('wrote index to file: ', indexName) } else { await index.syncWithRemote() console.log('synced index with remote: ', indexName) } } } } // Fetch a list of index names and cache it for tests // to ensure that an index exists for every language and GHE version const remoteIndexNames = process.env.USE_LUNR ? await getLunrIndexNames() : await getRemoteIndexNames() const cachedIndexNamesFile = path.join(__dirname, './cached-index-names.json') fs.writeFileSync( cachedIndexNamesFile, JSON.stringify(remoteIndexNames, null, 2) ) if (!process.env.CI) { console.log(`\nCached index names in ${path.relative(process.cwd(), cachedIndexNamesFile)}`)) console.log('(If this file has any changes, please commit them)')) } console.log('\nDone!') }