const nock = require('nock') const Hydro = require('../../lib/hydro') describe('hydro', () => { let hydro, params beforeEach(() => { hydro = new Hydro({ secret: '123', endpoint: '' }) nock(hydro.endpoint, { reqheaders: { Authorization: /^Hydro [\d\w]{64}$/, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Hydro-App': 'docs-production' } }) // Respond with a 200 and store the body we sent .post('/').reply(200, (_, body) => { params = body }) }) describe('#publish', () => { it('publishes a single event to Hydro', async () => { await hydro.publish('event-name', { pizza: true }) expect(params).toEqual({ events: [{ schema: 'event-name', value: JSON.stringify({ pizza: true }), cluster: 'potomac' }] }) }) }) describe('#publishMany', () => { it('publishes multiple events to Hydro', async () => { await hydro.publishMany([ { schema: 'event-name', value: { pizza: true } }, { schema: 'other-name', value: { salad: false } } ]) expect(params).toEqual({ events: [{ schema: 'event-name', value: JSON.stringify({ pizza: true }), cluster: 'potomac' }, { schema: 'other-name', value: JSON.stringify({ salad: false }), cluster: 'potomac' }] }) }) }) describe('#generatePayloadHmac', () => { it('returns a SHA256 HMAC string', () => { const body = JSON.stringify({ pizza: true }) const hash = hydro.generatePayloadHmac(body) expect(hash).toEqual(expect.any(String)) expect(hash).toHaveLength(64) }) it('generates the same string for the same payload', () => { const body = JSON.stringify({ pizza: true }) const one = hydro.generatePayloadHmac(body) const two = hydro.generatePayloadHmac(body) expect(one).toBe(two) }) }) })