module.exports = { properties: { name: { required: true, description: 'the product name', type: 'string' }, id: { required: true, description: 'an identifier for the product', type: 'string' }, href: { required: true, description: 'the href to the product landing page', type: 'string', pattern: '^(/|http)' // if internal, must start with a slash; if external, must start with http }, dir: { description: 'the local relative path to the product directory', type: 'string', pattern: '^content/.*?[^/]$' // must start with content, can't end with a slash }, toc: { description: 'the local relative path to the product toc page', type: 'string', pattern: '^content/.*?$' // must start with content and end with }, hasEnterpriseUserVersions: { description: 'boolean indicating whether the product has Enterprise User permalinks', type: 'boolean' }, external: { description: 'boolean indicating whether the product has external docs', type: 'boolean' }, wip: { description: 'boolean indicating whether the product should display in production', type: 'boolean' } } }