// import { productIds } from './lib/all-products.js' // import languages from './lib/languages.js' const fs = require('fs') const frontmatter = require('gray-matter') const path = require('path') const homepage = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'content/index.md') const { data } = frontmatter(fs.readFileSync(homepage, 'utf8')) const productIds = data.children module.exports = { // speed up production `next build` by ignoring typechecking during that step of build. // type-checking still occurs in the Dockerfile build typescript: { ignoreBuildErrors: true, }, eslint: { ignoreDuringBuilds: true, }, i18n: { // locales: Object.values(languages).map(({ code }) => code), locales: ['en', 'cn', 'ja', 'es', 'pt'], defaultLocale: 'en', }, sassOptions: { quietDeps: true, }, async rewrites() { const DEFAULT_VERSION = 'free-pro-team@latest' return productIds.map((productId) => { return { source: `/${productId}/:path*`, destination: `/${DEFAULT_VERSION}/${productId}/:path*`, } }) }, webpack: (config) => { config.experiments = config.experiments || {} config.experiments.topLevelAwait = true return config }, }