import renderContent from './render-content/index.js' import getLinkData from './get-link-data.js' import getApplicableVersions from './get-applicable-versions.js' const renderOpts = { textOnly: true, encodeEntities: true } // This module returns an object that contains a single featured learning track // and an array of all the other learning tracks for the current version. export default async function processLearningTracks(rawLearningTracks, context) { const learningTracks = [] let featuredTrack for (const rawTrackName of rawLearningTracks) { let isFeaturedTrack = false // Track names in frontmatter may include Liquid conditionals. const renderedTrackName = await renderContent(rawTrackName, context, renderOpts) if (!renderedTrackName) continue // Find the data for the current product and track name. const track =['learning-tracks'][context.currentProduct][renderedTrackName] if (!track) { throw new Error(`no learning track called '${renderedTrackName}'.`) } // If there is no `versions` prop in the learning track frontmatter, assume the track should display in all versions. if (track.versions) { const trackVersions = getApplicableVersions(track.versions) // If the current version is not included, do not display the track. if (!trackVersions.includes(context.currentVersion)) { continue } } const learningTrack = { trackName: renderedTrackName, trackProduct: context.currentProduct || null, title: await renderContent(track.title, context, renderOpts), description: await renderContent(track.description, context, renderOpts), // getLinkData respects versioning and only returns guides available in the current version; // if no guides are available, the learningTrack.guides property will be an empty array. guides: await getLinkData(track.guides, context), } // Determine if this is the featured track. if (track.featured_track) { // Featured track properties may be booleans or string that include Liquid conditionals with versioning. // We need to parse any strings to determine if the featured track is relevant for this version. isFeaturedTrack = track.featured_track === true || (await renderContent(track.featured_track, context, renderOpts)) === 'true' if (isFeaturedTrack) { featuredTrack = learningTrack } } // Only add the track to the array of tracks if there are guides in this version and it's not the featured track. if (learningTrack.guides.length && !isFeaturedTrack) { learningTracks.push(learningTrack) } } return { featuredTrack, learningTracks } }