# This Dockerfile is used for docker-based deployments to Azure for both preview environments and production # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # BASE IMAGE # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # To update the sha, run `docker pull node:$VERSION-alpine` # look for something like: `Digest: sha256:0123456789abcdef` FROM node:18.13.0-alpine@sha256:fda98168118e5a8f4269efca4101ee51dd5c75c0fe56d8eb6fad80455c2f5827 as base # This directory is owned by the node user ARG APP_HOME=/home/node/app # Make sure we don't run anything as the root user USER node WORKDIR $APP_HOME # --------------- # ALL DEPS # --------------- FROM base as all_deps COPY --chown=node:node package.json package-lock.json ./ RUN npm ci --no-optional --registry https://registry.npmjs.org/ # For Next.js v12+ # This the appropriate necessary extra for node:VERSION-alpine # Other options are https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=%40next%2Fswc RUN npm i @next/swc-linux-x64-musl --no-save || npm i @next/swc-linux-arm64-musl --no-save # --------------- # PROD DEPS # --------------- FROM all_deps as prod_deps RUN npm prune --production # --------------- # BUILDER # --------------- FROM all_deps as builder COPY stylesheets ./stylesheets COPY pages ./pages COPY components ./components COPY lib ./lib # Certain content is necessary for being able to build COPY content/index.md ./content/index.md COPY content/rest ./content/rest COPY data ./data COPY next.config.js ./next.config.js COPY tsconfig.json ./tsconfig.json RUN npm run build # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PREVIEW IMAGE - no translations # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM base as preview # Copy just prod dependencies COPY --chown=node:node --from=prod_deps $APP_HOME/node_modules $APP_HOME/node_modules # Copy our front-end code COPY --chown=node:node --from=builder $APP_HOME/.next $APP_HOME/.next # We should always be running in production mode ENV NODE_ENV production # Preferred port for server.js ENV PORT 4000 ENV ENABLED_LANGUAGES "en" # This makes it possible to set `--build-arg BUILD_SHA=abc123` # and it then becomes available as an environment variable in the docker run. ARG BUILD_SHA ENV BUILD_SHA=$BUILD_SHA # Copy only what's needed to run the server COPY --chown=node:node package.json ./ COPY --chown=node:node assets ./assets COPY --chown=node:node content ./content COPY --chown=node:node lib ./lib COPY --chown=node:node middleware ./middleware COPY --chown=node:node data ./data COPY --chown=node:node next.config.js ./ COPY --chown=node:node server.js ./server.js COPY --chown=node:node start-server.js ./start-server.js EXPOSE $PORT CMD ["node", "server.js"] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PRODUCTION IMAGE - includes all translations # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FROM preview as production # Override what was set for previews # Make this match the default of `Object.keys(languages)` in lib/languages.js ENV ENABLED_LANGUAGES "en,zh,ja,es,pt,de,fr,ru,ko" # Copy in all translations COPY --chown=node:node translations ./translations