const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const walk = require('walk-sync') const matter = require('@github-docs/frontmatter') const { zip, difference } = require('lodash') const GithubSlugger = require('github-slugger') const { XmlEntities } = require('html-entities') const loadSiteData = require('../../lib/site-data') const renderContent = require('../../lib/render-content') const slugger = new GithubSlugger() const entities = new XmlEntities() const contentDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../content') const linkRegex = /{% (?:(?:topic_)?link_in_list|link_with_intro) ?\/(.*?) ?%}/g describe('category pages', () => { let siteData beforeAll(async () => { // Load the English site data const allSiteData = await loadSiteData() siteData = }) const walkOptions = { globs: ['*/', 'enterprise/*/'], ignore: ['{rest,graphql,developers}/**', 'enterprise/', '**/articles/**', 'early-access/**'], directories: false, includeBasePath: true } const productIndices = walk(contentDir, walkOptions) const productNames = => path.basename(path.dirname(index))) // Combine those to fit Jest's `.each` usage const productTuples = zip(productNames, productIndices) describe.each(productTuples)( 'product "%s"', (productName, productIndex) => { // Get links included in product index page. // Each link corresponds to a product subdirectory (category). // Example: "getting-started-with-github" const contents = fs.readFileSync(productIndex, 'utf8') // TODO move to async const { content } = matter(contents) const productDir = path.dirname(productIndex) const categoryLinks = getLinks(content) // Only include category directories, not standalone category files like content/actions/ .filter(link => fs.existsSync(getPath(productDir, link, 'index'))) // TODO this should move to async, but you can't asynchronously define tests with Jest... // Map those to the Markdown file paths that represent that category page index const categoryPaths = => getPath(productDir, link, 'index')) // Make them relative for nicer display in test names const categoryRelativePaths = => path.relative(contentDir, p)) // Combine those to fit Jest's `.each` usage const categoryTuples = zip(categoryRelativePaths, categoryPaths, categoryLinks) describe.each(categoryTuples)( 'category index "%s"', (indexRelPath, indexAbsPath, indexLink) => { let publishedArticlePaths, availableArticlePaths, indexTitle beforeAll(async () => { const categoryDir = path.dirname(indexAbsPath) // Get child article links included in each subdir's index page const indexContents = await fs.promises.readFile(indexAbsPath, 'utf8') const { data, content } = matter(indexContents) const articleLinks = getLinks(content) // Save the index title for later testing indexTitle = await renderContent(data.title, { site: siteData }, { textOnly: true }) publishedArticlePaths = (await Promise.all( (articleLink) => { const articlePath = getPath(productDir, indexLink, articleLink) const articleContents = await fs.promises.readFile(articlePath, 'utf8') const { data } = matter(articleContents) // Do not include map topics in list of published articles if (data.mapTopic || data.hidden) return null // ".../content/github/{category}/{article}.md" => "/{article}" return `/${path.relative(categoryDir, articlePath).replace(/\.md$/, '')}` }) )).filter(Boolean) // Get all of the child articles that exist in the subdir const childEntries = await fs.promises.readdir(categoryDir, { withFileTypes: true }) const childFileEntries = childEntries.filter(ent => ent.isFile() && !== '') const childFilePaths = => path.join(categoryDir, availableArticlePaths = (await Promise.all( (articlePath) => { const articleContents = await fs.promises.readFile(articlePath, 'utf8') const { data } = matter(articleContents) // Do not include map topics nor hidden pages in list of available articles if (data.mapTopic || data.hidden) return null // ".../content/github/{category}/{article}.md" => "/{article}" return `/${path.relative(categoryDir, articlePath).replace(/\.md$/, '')}` }) )).filter(Boolean) }) test('contains all expected articles', () => { const missingArticlePaths = difference(availableArticlePaths, publishedArticlePaths) const errorMessage = formatArticleError('Missing article links:', missingArticlePaths) expect(missingArticlePaths.length, errorMessage).toBe(0) }) test('does not any unexpected articles', () => { const unexpectedArticles = difference(publishedArticlePaths, availableArticlePaths) const errorMessage = formatArticleError('Unexpected article links:', unexpectedArticles) expect(unexpectedArticles.length, errorMessage).toBe(0) }) // TODO: Unskip this test once the related script has been executed test.skip('slugified title matches parent directory name', () => { // Get the parent directory name const categoryDirPath = path.dirname(indexAbsPath) const categoryDirName = path.basename(categoryDirPath) slugger.reset() const expectedSlug = slugger.slug(entities.decode(indexTitle)) // Check if the directory name matches the expected slug expect(categoryDirName).toBe(expectedSlug) // If this fails, execute "script/reconcile-category-dirs-with-ids.js" }) } ) } ) }) function getLinks (contents) { return contents.match(linkRegex) .map(link => link.match(linkRegex.source)[1]) } function getPath (productDir, link, filename) { return path.join(productDir, link, `${filename}.md`) } function formatArticleError (message, articles) { return `${message}\n - ${articles.join('\n - ')}` }