{% if operation.parameters.size > 0 or operation.bodyParameters.size > 0 %}
Name |
Type |
In |
Description |
accept |
string |
header |
{% if operation.hasRequiredPreviews %}
This API is under preview and subject to change.
{% else %}
Setting to application/vnd.github.v3+json is recommended.
{% endif %}
{% if operation.x-github.previews.size > 0 %}
{% if operation.x-github.previews.size > 1 %}
{% data ui.products.rest.reference.see_preview_notices %}
{% else %}
{% data ui.products.rest.reference.see_preview_notice %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for param in operation.parameters %}
{{ param.name }} |
{{ param.schema.type }} |
{{ param.in }} |
{{ param.descriptionHTML }} |
{% endfor %}
{% for bodyParam in operation.bodyParameters %}
{{ bodyParam.name }} |
{{ bodyParam.type }} |
{{ bodyParam.in }} |
{{ bodyParam.description }}
{% if bodyParam.default %}
Default: {{ bodyParam.default }}
{% endif %}
{% if bodyParam.childParamsGroups.size > 0 %}
{% for childParamsGroup in bodyParam.childParamsGroups %}
Properties of the {{ childParamsGroup.parentName }} {{ childParamsGroup.parentType }}
{% for childParam in childParamsGroup.params %}
{{ childParam.name }} ({{ childParam.type }}) |
{{ childParam.description }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if operation.x-codeSamples.size > 0 %}
{% for sample in operation.x-codeSamples %}
{% unless sample.lang == "Ruby" %}
{% if sample.lang == "JavaScript" %}
{{sample.lang}} (@octokit/core.js)
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% for response in operation.responses %}
{{ response.description }}
Status: {{ response.httpStatusCode }} {{ response.httpStatusMessage }}
{{ response.payload }}
{% endfor %}
{% if operation.notes.size > 0 or operation.x-github.enabledForGitHubApps %}
{% if operation.x-github.enabledForGitHubApps %}
- Works with GitHub Apps
{% endif %}
{% for note in operation.notes %}
- {{ note }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if operation.x-github.previews.size > 0 %}
{% if operation.x-github.previews.size > 1 %}
{% data ui.products.rest.reference.preview_notices %}
{% else %}
{% data ui.products.rest.reference.preview_notice %}
{% endif %}
{% for preview in operation.x-github.previews %}
{{ preview.html }}
{% if preview.required %}☝️ {% data ui.products.rest.reference.preview_header_is_required %}.{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}