import { tags } from './hyperscript' import { sendEvent, EventType } from './events' import searchWithYourKeyboard from 'search-with-your-keyboard' let $searchInputContainer: HTMLElement | null | undefined let $searchResultsContainer: HTMLElement | null | undefined let $searchOverlay: HTMLElement | null | undefined let $searchInput: HTMLInputElement | null | undefined let isExplorerPage: boolean // This is our default placeholder, but it can be localized with a tag let placeholder = 'Search topics, products...' let version: string let language: string export default function search() { // @ts-ignore if (window.IS_NEXTJS_PAGE) return // We don't want to mess with query params intended for the GraphQL Explorer isExplorerPage = Boolean(document.getElementById('graphiql')) // First, only initialize search if the elements are on the page $searchInputContainer = document.getElementById('search-input-container') $searchResultsContainer = document.getElementById('search-results-container') if (!$searchInputContainer || !$searchResultsContainer) return // This overlay exists so if you click off the search, it closes $searchOverlay = document.querySelector('.search-overlay-desktop') as HTMLElement // There's an index for every version/language combination const { languages, versions, nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion } = JSON.parse( (document.getElementById('expose') as HTMLScriptElement)?.text || '' ).searchOptions version = deriveVersionFromPath(versions, nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion) language = deriveLanguageCodeFromPath(languages) // Find search placeholder text in a tag, falling back to a default const $placeholderMeta = document.querySelector( 'meta[name=""]' ) as HTMLMetaElement if ($placeholderMeta) { placeholder = $placeholderMeta.content } // Write the search form into its container $searchInputContainer.append(tmplSearchInput()) $searchInput = $searchInputContainer.querySelector('input') as HTMLInputElement // Prevent 'enter' from refreshing the page ;($searchInputContainer.querySelector('form') as HTMLFormElement).addEventListener( 'submit', (evt) => evt.preventDefault() ) // Search when the user finished typing $searchInput.addEventListener('keyup', debounce(onSearch)) // Adds ability to navigate search results with keyboard (up, down, enter, esc) searchWithYourKeyboard('#search-input-container input', '.ais-Hits-item') // If the user already has a query in the URL, parse it and search away if (!isExplorerPage) { parseExistingSearch() } // If not on home page, decide if search panel should be open toggleSearchDisplay() // must come after parseExistingSearch } // The home page and 404 pages have a standalone search function hasStandaloneSearch() { return document.getElementById('landing') || document.querySelector('body.error-404') !== null } function toggleSearchDisplay() { // Clear/close search, if ESC is clicked document.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => { if (e.key === 'Escape') { closeSearch() } }) // If not on homepage... if (hasStandaloneSearch()) return // Open panel if input is clicked $searchInput?.addEventListener('focus', openSearch) // Close panel if overlay is clicked if ($searchOverlay) { $searchOverlay.addEventListener('click', closeSearch) } // Open panel if page loads with query in the params/input if ($searchInput?.value) { openSearch() } } // On most pages, opens the search panel function openSearch() { $searchInput?.classList.add('js-open') $searchResultsContainer?.classList.add('js-open') $searchOverlay?.classList.add('js-open') } // Close panel if not on homepage function closeSearch() { if (!hasStandaloneSearch()) { $searchInput?.classList.remove('js-open') $searchResultsContainer?.classList.remove('js-open') $searchOverlay?.classList.remove('js-open') } if ($searchInput) $searchInput.value = '' onSearch() } function deriveLanguageCodeFromPath(languageCodes: Array) { let languageCode = location.pathname.split('/')[1] if (!languageCodes.includes(languageCode)) languageCode = 'en' return languageCode } function deriveVersionFromPath( allVersions: Record, nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion: string ) { // fall back to the non-enterprise default version (FPT currently) on the homepage, 404 page, etc. const versionStr = location.pathname.split('/')[2] || nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion return allVersions[versionStr] || allVersions[nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion] } // Wait for the event to stop triggering for X milliseconds before responding function debounce(fn: Function, delay = 300) { let timer: number return (...args: Array) => { clearTimeout(timer) timer = window.setTimeout(() => fn.apply(null, args), delay) } } // When the user finishes typing, update the results async function onSearch() { const query = $searchInput?.value || '' // Update the URL with the search parameters in the query string // UNLESS this is the GraphQL Explorer page, where a query in the URL is a GraphQL query const pushUrl = new URL(location.toString()) = query && !isExplorerPage ? new URLSearchParams({ query }).toString() : '' history.pushState({}, '', pushUrl.toString()) // If there's a query, call the endpoint // Otherwise, there's no results by default let results = [] if (query.trim()) { const endpointUrl = new URL(location.origin) endpointUrl.pathname = '/search' = new URLSearchParams({ language, version, query }).toString() const response = await fetch(endpointUrl.toString(), { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }) results = response.ok ? await response.json() : [] } // Either way, update the display $searchResultsContainer?.querySelectorAll('*').forEach((el) => el.remove()) $searchResultsContainer?.append(tmplSearchResults(results)) toggleStandaloneSearch() // Analytics tracking if (query.trim()) { sendEvent({ type:, search_query: query, // search_context }) } } // If on homepage, toggle results container if query is present function toggleStandaloneSearch() { if (!hasStandaloneSearch()) return const query = $searchInput?.value const queryPresent = Boolean(query && query.length > 0) const $results = document.querySelector('.ais-Hits') as HTMLElement // Primer classNames for showing and hiding the results container const activeClass = $searchResultsContainer?.getAttribute('data-active-class') const inactiveClass = $searchResultsContainer?.getAttribute('data-inactive-class') if (!activeClass) { console.error( 'container is missing required `data-active-class` attribute', $searchResultsContainer ) return } if (!inactiveClass) { console.error( 'container is missing required `data-inactive-class` attribute', $searchResultsContainer ) return } // hide the container when no query is present $searchResultsContainer?.classList.toggle(activeClass, queryPresent) $searchResultsContainer?.classList.toggle(inactiveClass, !queryPresent) if (queryPresent && $results) $ = 'block' } // If the user shows up with a query in the URL, go ahead and search for it function parseExistingSearch() { const params = new URLSearchParams( if (!params.has('query')) return if ($searchInput) $searchInput.value = params.get('query') || '' onSearch() } /** * Template functions ***/ function tmplSearchInput() { // only autofocus on the homepage, and only if no #hash is present in the URL const autofocus = (hasStandaloneSearch() && !location.hash.length) || null const { div, form, input, button } = tags return div( { class: 'ais-SearchBox' }, form( { role: 'search', class: 'ais-SearchBox-form', novalidate: true }, input({ class: 'ais-SearchBox-input', type: 'search', placeholder, autofocus, autocomplete: 'off', autocorrect: 'off', autocapitalize: 'off', spellcheck: 'false', maxlength: '512', }), button({ class: 'ais-SearchBox-submit', type: 'submit', title: 'Submit the search query.', hidden: true, }) ) ) } type SearchResult = { url: string breadcrumbs: string heading: string title: string content: string } function tmplSearchResults(items: Array) { const { div, ol, li } = tags return div( { class: 'ais-Hits', style: 'display:block' }, ol( { class: 'ais-Hits-list' }, => li({ class: 'ais-Hits-item' }, tmplSearchResult(item))) ) ) } function tmplSearchResult({ url, breadcrumbs, heading, title, content }: SearchResult) { const { div, a } = tags return div( { class: 'search-result border-top color-border-secondary py-3 px-2' }, a( { href: url, class: 'no-underline' }, div( { class: 'search-result-breadcrumbs d-block color-text-primary opacity-60 text-small pb-1', }, // Breadcrumbs in search records don't include the page title markify(breadcrumbs || '') ), div( { class: 'search-result-title d-block h4-mktg color-text-primary' }, // Display page title and heading (if present exists) markify(heading ? `${title}: ${heading}` : title) ), div({ class: 'search-result-content d-block color-text-secondary' }, markify(content)) ) ) } // Convert mark tags in search responses function markify(text: string) { const { mark } = tags return text.split(/<\/?mark>/g).map((el, i) => (i % 2 ? mark(el) : el)) }