# TODO: Replace with support.github.com once portal is deprecated. contact_ent_support: '[GitHub Enterprise Support](https://enterprise.githubsupport.com/hc/en-us) or [GitHub Premium Support](https://premium.githubsupport.com)' contact_support: >- {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}[GitHub Support](https://support.github.com/contact?tags=docs-generic){% elsif ghes %}your site administrator{% elsif ghae %}your enterprise owner{% endif %} report_abuse: >- {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}[Report abuse](https://github.com/contact/report-abuse){% endif %} report_content: >- {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}[Report content](https://github.com/contact/report-content){% endif %} contact_dmca: >- {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}[Copyright claims form](https://github.com/contact/dmca){% endif %} contact_privacy: >- {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}[Privacy contact form](https://github.com/contact/privacy){% endif %} contact_enterprise_sales: "[GitHub's Sales team](https://enterprise.github.com/contact)" contact_feedback_actions: '[Feedback form for GitHub Actions](https://support.github.com/contact/feedback?contact[category]=actions)' # The team that provides Standard Support enterprise_support: 'GitHub Enterprise Support' # The larger team that includes Enterprise Support and Premium Support github_support: 'GitHub Support' # The team that provides Premium Support premium_support: 'GitHub Premium Support' # Enterprise Support portal enterprise_portal: 'GitHub Enterprise Support portal' contact_enterprise_portal: '[GitHub Enterprise Support portal](https://enterprise.githubsupport.com/hc/en-us)' # Azure support (GitHub AE) portal ae_azure_portal: 'Azure Support portal' contact_ae_portal: '[Azure Support portal](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade)' # GitHub Support portal (for dotcom - this sends users to a contact form) support_portal: 'GitHub Support portal' contact_support_portal: '[GitHub Support portal](https://support.github.com/contact?tags=docs-generic)' # GitHub Support portal (this sends users to the Support landing page) landing_page_portal: 'GitHub Support portal' contact_landing_page_portal: '[GitHub Support portal](https://support.github.com/)' # The team that provides GitHub Community Support on the GitHub Community forum (for GitHub Free) community_support: 'GitHub Community Support' # The GitHub Community forum community_support_forum: '[GitHub Community forum](https://github.community/)'