
74 строки
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import assert from 'assert'
import path from 'path'
import patterns from './patterns.js'
import removeFPTFromPath from './remove-fpt-from-path.js'
This class creates the "permalinks" that power a page's different versions,
where the source for the versions is a content file's frontmatter. The
page.permalinks is an array of objects that looks like this:
"languageCode": "en",
"pageVersion": "free-pro-team@latest",
"relativePath": "billing/managing-billing-for-your-github-account/",
"title": "Managing billing for your GitHub account",
"hrefWithoutLanguage": "/billing/managing-billing-for-your-github-account",
"href": "/en/billing/managing-billing-for-your-github-account"
"languageCode": "en",
"pageVersion": "enterprise-cloud@latest",
"relativePath": "billing/managing-billing-for-your-github-account/",
"title": "Managing billing for your GitHub account",
"hrefWithoutLanguage": "/enterprise-cloud@latest/billing/managing-billing-for-your-github-account",
"href": "/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/billing/managing-billing-for-your-github-account"
... and so on for each of the content file's supported versions.
class Permalink {
constructor(languageCode, pageVersion, relativePath, title) {
this.languageCode = languageCode
this.pageVersion = pageVersion
this.relativePath = relativePath
this.title = title
const permalinkSuffix = this.constructor.relativePathToSuffix(relativePath)
this.hrefWithoutLanguage = removeFPTFromPath(
path.posix.join('/', pageVersion, permalinkSuffix)
).replace(patterns.trailingSlash, '$1')
this.href = `/${languageCode}${
this.hrefWithoutLanguage === '/' ? '' : this.hrefWithoutLanguage
return this
static derive(languageCode, relativePath, title, applicableVersions) {
assert(relativePath, 'relativePath is required')
assert(languageCode, 'languageCode is required')
const permalinks = => {
return new Permalink(languageCode, pageVersion, relativePath, title)
return permalinks
static relativePathToSuffix(relativePath) {
if (relativePath === '') return '/'
// When you turn `foo/`, which is a file path, into a URL pathname,
// you just need to chop off the `.md` suffix.
// For `foo/parent/` you can't just chop off the ``
// because it would leave a trailing `/`.
return `/${relativePath.replace(indexmdSuffixRegex, '').replace(mdSuffixRegex, '')}`
const indexmdSuffixRegex = new RegExp(`${path.sep}index\\.md$`)
const mdSuffixRegex = /\.md$/
export default Permalink