
121 строка
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<div class="border-bottom border-gray-light no-print">
{% if currentLanguage != 'en' and page.relativePath contains '/site-policy/' %}
{% assign header_notification_type = "translation_policy" %}
{% assign header_notification = %}
{% elsif == true %}
{% assign header_notification_type = "localization_complete" %}
{% assign header_notification = %}
{% elsif == true %}
{% assign header_notification_type = "localization_in_progress" %}
{% assign header_notification = %}
{% elsif currentLanguage == 'en' and == true %}
{% assign header_notification_type = "product_in_progress" %}
{% assign header_notification = %}
{% endif %}
{% include header-notification %}
<header class="container-xl px-3 px-md-6 pt-3 pb-2 position-relative d-flex flex-justify-between width-full {% if error == '404' %} d-md-none {% endif %}">
<div class="d-flex flex-items-center d-lg-none" style="z-index: 3;" id="github-logo-mobile">
<a href="/{{ currentLanguage }}" aria-hidden="true">
{% octicon "mark-github" height="32" class="text-black" %}
<a href="/{{ currentLanguage }}" class="h4-mktg text-gray-dark no-underline no-wrap pl-2">{% data ui.header.github_docs %}</a>
<div class="width-full">
<div class="d-inline-block width-full d-md-flex" style="z-index: 1;">
<button class="nav-mobile-burgerIcon float-right mt-1 border-0 d-md-none" type="button" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
<!-- Hamburger icon added with css -->
<div style="z-index: 2;" class="nav-mobile-dropdown width-full">
<div class="d-md-flex flex-justify-between flex-items-center">
<div class="py-2 py-md-0 d-md-inline-block">
<h4 class="text-mono f5 text-normal text-gray d-md-none">{% data ui.homepage.explore_by_product %}</h4>
<details class="dropdown-withArrow position-relative details details-reset d-md-none close-when-clicked-outside">
<summary class="nav-desktop-productDropdownButton text-blue-mktg py-2" role="button" aria-label="Toggle products list">
<div id="current-product" class="d-flex flex-items-center flex-justify-between" style="padding-top: 2px;">
<!-- Product switcher -, Enterprise Server, etc -->
<!-- 404 and 500 error layouts are not real pages so we need to hardcode the name for those -->
{{ allProducts[currentProduct].name }}
<svg class="arrow ml-md-1" width="14px" height="8px" viewBox="0 0 14 8" xml:space="preserve" fill="none" stroke="#1277eb"><path d="M1,1l6.2,6L13,1"></path></svg>
<!-- Mobile-only product dropdown -->
<div id="homepages" class="position-md-absolute nav-desktop-productDropdown p-md-4 left-md-n4 top-md-6" style="z-index: 6;">
{% for product in activeProducts %}
<a href="{% unless product.external %}/{{ currentLanguage }}{% endunless %}{{ product.href }}"
class="d-block py-2
{% if == currentProduct %}text-blue-mktg text-underline active{% elsif == %}text-blue-mktg text-underline active{% else %}link-gray-dark no-underline{% endif %}">
{{ }}
{% if product.external %}
<span class="ml-1"><svg width="9" height="10" viewBox="0 0 9 10" fill="none" xmlns=""><path stroke="#24292e" d="M.646 8.789l8-8M8.5 9V1M1 .643h8"/></svg></span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- Versions picker that only appears in the header on homepage/versioned homepages -->
{% include homepage-version-switcher %}
<div class="d-md-inline-block">
<!-- Language picker - 'English', 'Japanese', etc -->
{% unless error == '404' or !page.hidden %}
<div class="border-top border-md-top-0 py-2 py-md-0 d-md-inline-block">
<details class="dropdown-withArrow position-relative details details-reset mr-md-3 close-when-clicked-outside">
<summary class="py-2 text-gray-dark" role="button" aria-label="Toggle languages list">
<div class="d-flex flex-items-center flex-justify-between">
{% if languages[page.languageCode].nativeName %}
{{ languages[page.languageCode].nativeName }} ({{ languages[page.languageCode].name }})
{% else %}
{{ languages[page.languageCode].name }}
{% endif %}
<svg class="arrow ml-md-1" width="14px" height="8px" viewBox="0 0 14 8" xml:space="preserve" fill="none" stroke="#1B1F23"><path d="M1,1l6.2,6L13,1"></path></svg>
<div id="languages-selector" class="position-md-absolute nav-desktop-langDropdown p-md-4 right-md-n4 top-md-6" style="z-index: 6;">
{% for languageVariant in page.languageVariants %}
{% unless languages[languageVariant.code].wip %}
href="{{ languageVariant.href }}"
class="d-block py-2 no-underline {% if currentPath == languageVariant.href %}active link-gray{% else %}link-gray-dark{% endif %}"
style="white-space: nowrap"
{% if languages[languageVariant.code].nativeName %}
{{ languages[languageVariant.code].nativeName }} ({{ }})
{% else %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endunless %}
<!-- homepage and 404 page has a stylized search; Enterprise homepages do not -->
{% if page.relativePath != '' and error != '404' %}
<div class="pt-3 pt-md-0 d-md-inline-block ml-md-3 bord'er-top border-md-top-0">
{% include search-form %}
<div id="search-results-container"></div>
<div class="search-overlay-desktop"></div>
{% endif %}