зеркало из https://github.com/github/docs.git
256 строки
8.4 KiB
Executable File
256 строки
8.4 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
// [start-readme]
// Run this script to get all broken docs.github.com links in github/github
// To run this locally, you'll generate a PAT and create an environment
// variable called GITHUB_TOKEN.
// Easiest is to create a *classic* Personal Access Token and make sure
// it has all "repo" scopes. You also have to press the "Configure SSO"
// for it.
// [end-readme]
import fs from 'fs/promises'
import got, { RequestError } from 'got'
import { program } from 'commander'
import { getContents, getPathsWithMatchingStrings } from './helpers/git-utils.js'
if (!process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN) {
throw new Error('Error! You must have a GITHUB_TOKEN set in an .env file to run this script.')
const FORCE_DOWNLOAD = Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.FORCE_DOWNLOAD || 'false'))
const BATCH_SIZE = JSON.parse(process.env.BATCH_SIZE || '10')
const BASE_URL = process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:4000'
const CACHE_SEARCHES = !JSON.parse(process.env.CI || 'false')
.description('Check for broken links in github/github')
.option('--check', 'Exit non-zero if there were >0 broken links')
.argument('[output-file]', 'If omitted or "-", will write to stdout')
main(program.opts(), program.args)
// The way `got` does retries:
// sleep = 1000 * Math.pow(2, retry - 1) + Math.random() * 100
// So, it means:
// 1. ~1000ms
// 2. ~2000ms
// 3. ~4000ms
// ...if the limit we set is 3.
// Our own timeout, in ./middleware/timeout.js defaults to 10 seconds.
// So there's no point in trying more attempts than 3 because it would
// just timeout on the 10s. (i.e. 1000 + 2000 + 4000 + 8000 > 10,000)
const retryConfiguration = {
limit: 3,
// According to our Datadog metrics, the *average* time for the
// the 'archive_enterprise_proxy' metric is ~70ms (excluding spikes)
// which much less than 500ms.
const timeoutConfiguration = {
request: 3000,
async function main(opts, args) {
const { check } = opts
let outputFile = null
if (args && args.length > 0 && args[0] !== '-') {
outputFile = args[0]
const searchStrings = ['https://docs.github.com', 'GitHub help_url', 'GitHub developer_help_url']
const foundFiles = []
try {
foundFiles.push(...JSON.parse(await fs.readFile('/tmp/foundFiles.json', 'utf-8')))
} catch (error) {
if (!(error.code && error.code === 'ENOENT')) {
throw error
if (!foundFiles.length || FORCE_DOWNLOAD) {
...(await getPathsWithMatchingStrings(searchStrings, 'github', 'github', {
forceDownload: FORCE_DOWNLOAD,
await fs.writeFile('/tmp/foundFiles.json', JSON.stringify(foundFiles, undefined, 2), 'utf-8')
const searchFiles = [...new Set(foundFiles)] // filters out dupes
.filter((file) => endsWithAny(['.rb', '.yml', '.yaml', '.txt', '.pdf', '.erb', '.js'], file))
(file) =>
!file.includes('test/') &&
!file.includes('app/views/') &&
!file.includes('config.') &&
const docsLinksFiles = []
const urlRegEx =
try {
docsLinksFiles.push(...JSON.parse(await fs.readFile('/tmp/docsLinksFiles.json', 'utf-8')))
} catch (error) {
if (!(error.code && error.code === 'ENOENT')) {
throw error
if (!docsLinksFiles.length || FORCE_DOWNLOAD) {
for (const file of searchFiles) {
const contents = await getContents('github', 'github', 'master', file)
if (
contents.includes('https://docs.github.com') ||
contents.includes('GitHub.help_url') ||
) {
const docsIndices = getIndicesOf('https://docs.github.com', contents)
const helpIndices = getIndicesOf('GitHub.help_url', contents)
helpIndices.push(...getIndicesOf('GitHub.developer_help_url', contents))
if (docsIndices.length > 0) {
docsIndices.forEach((numIndex) => {
// Assuming we don't have links close to 500 characters long
const docsLink = contents.substring(numIndex, numIndex + 500).match(urlRegEx)
const linkURL = new URL(docsLink[0].toString().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]*$|\\n$/g, ''))
const linkPath = linkURL.pathname + linkURL.hash
docsLinksFiles.push({ linkPath, file })
if (helpIndices.length > 0) {
helpIndices.forEach((numIndex) => {
// There are certain links like #{GitHub.help_url}#{learn_more_path} and #{GitHub.developer_help_url}#{learn_more_path} that we should skip
if (
(contents.substring(numIndex, numIndex + 11) === 'GitHub.help' &&
contents.charAt(numIndex + 16) === '#') ||
(contents.substring(numIndex, numIndex + 16) === 'GitHub.developer' &&
contents.charAt(numIndex + 26) === '#') ||
// See internal issue #2180
contents.slice(numIndex, numIndex + 'GitHub.help_url}/github/#{'.length) ===
) {
const startSearchIndex = contents.indexOf('/', numIndex)
// Looking for the closest '/' after GitHub.developer_help_url or GitHub.help_url
// There are certain links that don't start with `/` so we want to skip those.
// If there's no `/` within 30 characters of GitHub.help_url/GitHub.developer_help_url, skip
if (startSearchIndex - numIndex < 30) {
const linkPath = contents
/\n|"\)|{@email_tracking_params}|\^http|Ahttps|example|This|TODO"|[{}|"%><.,')* ]/,
startSearchIndex + 1,
// Certain specific links can be ignored as well
if (['/deprecation-1'].includes(linkPath)) {
docsLinksFiles.push({ linkPath, file })
await fs.writeFile(
JSON.stringify(docsLinksFiles, undefined, 2),
const brokenLinks = []
// Break up the long list of URLs to test into batches
for (const batch of [...Array(Math.floor(docsLinksFiles.length / BATCH_SIZE)).keys()]) {
const slice = docsLinksFiles.slice(batch * BATCH_SIZE, batch * BATCH_SIZE + BATCH_SIZE)
await Promise.all(
slice.map(async ({ linkPath, file }) => {
// This isn't necessary but if it can't be constructed, it'll
// fail in quite a nice way and not "blame got".
const url = new URL(BASE_URL + linkPath)
try {
await got.head(url.href, {
retry: retryConfiguration,
timeout: timeoutConfiguration,
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof RequestError) {
brokenLinks.push({ linkPath, file })
} else {
console.warn(`URL when it threw: ${url}`)
throw error
if (!brokenLinks.length) {
console.log('All links are good!')
} else {
let markdown = `Found ${brokenLinks.length} total broken links in github/github`
markdown += '\n\n```\n'
markdown += JSON.stringify([...brokenLinks], null, 2)
markdown += '\n```\n'
if (outputFile) {
await fs.writeFile(outputFile, markdown, 'utf-8')
console.log(`Wrote Markdown about broken files to ${outputFile}`)
} else {
if (check) {
function endsWithAny(suffixes, string) {
for (const suffix of suffixes) {
if (string.endsWith(suffix)) return true
return false
function getIndicesOf(searchString, string) {
const searchStrLen = searchString.length
if (searchStrLen === 0) return []
let startIndex = 0
let index
const indices = []
while ((index = string.indexOf(searchString, startIndex)) > -1) {
startIndex = index + searchStrLen
return indices
function regexIndexOf(string, regex, startPos) {
const indexOf = string.substring(startPos || 0).search(regex)
return indexOf >= 0 ? indexOf + (startPos || 0) : indexOf