зеркало из https://github.com/github/docs.git
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70 строки
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import renderContent from './render-content/index.js'
import Page from './page.js'
const LIQUID_ERROR_NAMES = new Set(['RenderError', 'ParseError', 'TokenizationError'])
const isLiquidError = (error) =>
error instanceof Error && error.name && LIQUID_ERROR_NAMES.has(error.name)
// Returns a string by wrapping `renderContent()`. The input string to
// `renderContent` is one that contains Liquid and Markdown. The output
// is HTML.
// But what the wrapper does is that it watches out for possible Liquid
// related rendering errors AND if the context has been prepared with a
// sync callable that can yield the English equivalent.
// So it's up to how the `context` is prepared if it has a `getEnglishPage`
// function. This means, we can know, in the middleware (which is a
// highter level than `lib/`) how to use the URL to figure out the
// equivalent English page instance.
export async function renderContentWithFallback(page, property, context, options) {
if (!(page instanceof Page)) {
throw new Error(`The first argument has to be Page instance (not ${typeof page})`)
if (typeof property !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`The second argument has to be a string (not ${typeof property})`)
const template = page[property]
try {
return await renderContent(template, context, options)
} catch (error) {
// Only bother trying to fallback if it was an error we *can* fall back
// on English for.
if (isLiquidError(error) && context.getEnglishPage) {
const enPage = context.getEnglishPage(context)
const englishTemplate = enPage[property]
// If you don't change the context, it'll confuse the liquid plugins
// like `data.js` that uses `environment.scope.currentLanguage`
const enContext = Object.assign({}, context, { currentLanguage: 'en' })
// Try again!
return await renderContent(englishTemplate, enContext, options)
throw error
// Returns the result of executing the first function, but if it fails
// return the result of executing the second function.
// In particular, "fails" means if it's deemed an error thrown that we
// can fall back for.
// When it executes the fallback function, it creates a shallow copy of
// the original `context` but with the `currentLanguage:'en'` set on it.
// You can use this function to do things like this:
// const title = await executeWithFallback(
// context,
// () => renderContent(track.title, context, renderOpts),
// (enContext) => renderContent(enTrack.title, enContext, renderOpts)
// )
export async function executeWithFallback(context, callable, fallback) {
try {
return await callable(context)
} catch (error) {
if (isLiquidError(error)) {
const enContext = Object.assign({}, context, { currentLanguage: 'en' })
return await fallback(enContext)
throw error