
118 строки
3.5 KiB

const slash = require('slash')
const path = require('path')
const patterns = require('./patterns')
const { latest } = require('./enterprise-server-releases')
const { productIds } = require('./all-products')
const allVersions = require('./all-versions')
const supportedVersions = new Set(Object.keys(allVersions))
const nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion = require('./non-enterprise-default-version')
// Add the language to the given HREF
// /articles/foo -> /en/articles/foo
function getPathWithLanguage (href, languageCode) {
return slash(path.posix.join('/', languageCode, getPathWithoutLanguage(href)))
.replace(patterns.trailingSlash, '$1')
// Remove the language from the given HREF
// /en/articles/foo -> /articles/foo
function getPathWithoutLanguage (href) {
return slash(href.replace(patterns.hasLanguageCode, '/'))
// Remove the version segment from the path
function getPathWithoutVersion (href) {
const versionFromPath = getVersionStringFromPath(href)
// If the derived version is not found in the list of all versions, just return the HREF
return allVersions[versionFromPath]
? href.replace(`/${getVersionStringFromPath(href)}`, '')
: href
// Return the version segment in a path
function getVersionStringFromPath (href) {
href = getPathWithoutLanguage(href)
// Return immediately if this is a link to the homepage
if (href === '/') {
return nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion
// Get the first segment
const versionFromPath = href.split('/')[1]
// If the first segment is a supported product, assume this is FPT
if (productIds.includes(versionFromPath)) {
return nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion
// Otherwise, check if it's a supported version
if (supportedVersions.has(versionFromPath)) {
return versionFromPath
// If the version segment is the latest enterprise-server release, return the latest release
if (versionFromPath === 'enterprise-server@latest') {
return `enterprise-server@${latest}`
// If it's just a plan with no @release (e.g., `enterprise-server`), return the latest release
const planObject = Object.values(allVersions).find(v => v.plan === versionFromPath)
if (planObject) {
return allVersions[planObject.latestVersion].version
// Otherwise, return the first segment as-is, which may not be a real supported version,
// but additional checks are done on this segment in getVersionedPathWithoutLanguage
return versionFromPath
// Return the corresponding object for the version segment in a path
function getVersionObjectFromPath (href) {
const versionFromPath = getVersionStringFromPath(href)
return allVersions[versionFromPath]
// Return the product segment from the path
function getProductStringFromPath (href) {
href = getPathWithoutLanguage(href)
if (href === '/') return 'homepage'
const pathParts = href.split('/')
if (pathParts.includes('early-access')) return 'early-access'
return productIds.includes(pathParts[2])
? pathParts[2]
: pathParts[1]
function getCategoryStringFromPath (href) {
href = getPathWithoutLanguage(href)
if (href === '/') return null
const pathParts = href.split('/')
if (pathParts.includes('early-access')) return null
const productIndex = productIds.includes(pathParts[2])
? 2
: 1
return pathParts[productIndex + 1]
module.exports = {