
157 строки
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
// [start-readme]
// This script runs once per day via a scheduled GitHub Action to check all links in
// English content, not including deprecated Enterprise Server content. It opens an issue
// if it finds broken links. To exclude a link path, add it to `lib/excluded-links.js`.
// Note that linkinator somtimes returns 429 and 503 errors for links that are not actually
// broken, so this script double-checks those using `got`.
// [end-readme]
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import path from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import linkinator from 'linkinator'
import program from 'commander'
import { pull, uniq } from 'lodash-es'
import rimraf from 'rimraf'
import mkdirp from 'mkdirp'
import { deprecated } from '../lib/enterprise-server-releases.js'
import got from 'got'
import excludedLinks from '../lib/excluded-links.js'
import libLanguages from '../lib/languages.js'
const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const checker = new linkinator.LinkChecker()
const root = ''
const englishRoot = `${root}/en`
// Links with these codes may or may not really be broken.
const retryStatusCodes = [429, 503, 'Invalid']
.description('Check all links in the English docs.')
'-d, --dry-run',
'Turn off recursion to get a fast minimal report (useful for previewing output).'
'-r, --do-not-retry',
`Do not retry broken links with status codes ${retryStatusCodes.join(', ')}.`
'-p, --path <PATH>',
`Provide an optional path to check. Best used with --dry-run. Default: ${englishRoot}`
// Skip excluded links defined in separate file.
// Skip non-English content.
const languagesToSkip = Object.keys(libLanguages)
.filter((code) => code !== 'en')
.map((code) => `${root}/${code}`)
// Skip deprecated Enterprise content.
// Capture the old format
// and the new format
const enterpriseReleasesToSkip = new RegExp(`${root}.+?[/@](${deprecated.join('|')})(/|$)`)
const config = {
path: program.opts().path || englishRoot,
concurrency: 300,
// If this is a dry run, turn off recursion.
recurse: !program.opts().dryRun,
silent: true,
// The values in this array are treated as regexes.
linksToSkip: [enterpriseReleasesToSkip, ...languagesToSkip, ...excludedLinks],
async function main() {
// Clear and recreate a directory for logs.
const logFile = path.join(__dirname, '../.linkinator/full.log')
await mkdirp(path.dirname(logFile))
// Update CLI output and append to logfile after each checked link.
checker.on('link', (result) => {
// We don't need to dump all of the HTTP and HTML details
delete result.failureDetails
fs.appendFileSync(logFile, JSON.stringify(result) + '\n')
// Start the scan; events will be logged as they occur.
const result = (await checker.check(config)).links
// Scan is complete! Filter the results for broken links.
const brokenLinks = result
.filter((link) => link.state === 'BROKEN')
// Coerce undefined status codes into `Invalid` strings so we can display them.
// Without this, undefined codes get JSON.stringified as `0`, which is not useful output.
.map((link) => {
link.status = link.status || 'Invalid'
return link
if (!program.opts().doNotRetry) {
// Links to retry individually.
const linksToRetry = brokenLinks.filter((link) => retryStatusCodes.includes(link.status))
await Promise.all( (link) => {
try {
// got throws an HTTPError if response code is not 2xx or 3xx.
// If got succeeds, we can remove the link from the list.
await got(link.url)
pull(brokenLinks, link)
// If got fails, do nothing. The link is already in the broken list.
} catch (err) {
// noop
// Exit successfully if no broken links!
if (!brokenLinks.length) {
console.log('All links are good!')
// Format and display the results.
console.log(`${brokenLinks.length} broken links found on\n`)
// Exit unsuccessfully if broken links are found.
function displayBrokenLinks(brokenLinks) {
// Sort results by status code.
const allStatusCodes = uniq(
// Coerce undefined status codes into `Invalid` strings so we can display them.
// Without this, undefined codes get JSON.stringified as `0`, which is not useful output.
.map((link) => link.status || 'Invalid')
allStatusCodes.forEach((statusCode) => {
const brokenLinksForStatus = brokenLinks.filter((x) => x.status === statusCode)
console.log(`## Status ${statusCode}: Found ${brokenLinksForStatus.length} broken links`)
brokenLinksForStatus.forEach((brokenLinkObj) => {
// We don't need to dump all of the HTTP and HTML details
delete brokenLinkObj.failureDetails
console.log(JSON.stringify(brokenLinkObj, null, 2))