
198 строки
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import crypto from 'crypto'
import { Agent } from 'https'
import got from 'got'
import statsd from '../lib/statsd.js'
import FailBot from '../lib/failbot.js'
const TIME_OUT_TEXT = 'ms has passed since batch creation'
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' || JSON.parse(process.env.MOCK_HYDRO_POST || 'false')
// The point of all of this is to come in under 10 seconds. Because beyond
// 10 seconds the `middleware/timeout.js` will cancel the whole request.
// My capping the retry delay to max 2s, if Hydro is infinitely slow,
// what will happen here is:
// 1s + 0s +
// 1s + 1s +
// 1s + 2s +
// 1s + 2s = ~9s
// Which means it will try 4 times, (first + 3 retries) with a timeout
// of 1000ms each time.
// The hope is that a patient retry is more useful than fewer individually
// longer timeouts.
const calculateDelay = ({ computedValue }) => Math.min(computedValue, 2000)
const retryConfiguration = { limit: 3, calculateDelay }
const timeoutConfiguration = { response: 1000 }
let _agent
function getHttpsAgent() {
if (!_agent) {
const agentOptions = {
// The most important option. This is false by default.
keepAlive: true,
// 32 because it's what's recommended here
maxSockets: 32,
_agent = new Agent(agentOptions)
return _agent
export default class Hydro {
constructor({ secret, endpoint, forceDisableMock } = {}) {
// When mocking, the secret isn't important because nothing's actually
// password protected in terms of HTTP authorization. But, the
// secret is used for creating an HMAC payload so it has to be
// a string.
this.secret = secret || process.env.HYDRO_SECRET || (MOCK_HYDRO_POST && '')
this.endpoint = endpoint || process.env.HYDRO_ENDPOINT
// This class is involved in 2 types of jest tests:
// 1. end-to-end tests where jest talks to localhost:4000 (with NODE_ENV===test)
// 2. literal unit tests that might mock the socket stuff
// Because `MOCK_HYDRO_POST = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'` gets set
// for either type of jest tests, this additional setting makes it
// possible to override `process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'` from
// mocking the HTTP calls.
this.forceDisableMock = forceDisableMock
* Can check if it can actually send to Hydro
maySend() {
return Boolean(this.secret && this.endpoint) || MOCK_HYDRO_POST
* Generate a SHA256 hash of the payload using the secret
* to authenticate with Hydro
* @param {string} body
generatePayloadHmac(body) {
return crypto.createHmac('sha256', this.secret).update(body).digest('hex')
* Publish a single event to Hydro
* @param {string} schema
* @param {any} value
async publish(schema, value) {
const body = JSON.stringify({
events: [
value: JSON.stringify(value), // We must double-encode the value property
cluster: 'potomac', // We only have ability to publish externally to potomac cluster
const token = this.generatePayloadHmac(body)
const agent = getHttpsAgent()
const doPost = async () => {
// We *could* exit early on this whole `publish()` method if we know
// we're going to "mock" Hydro anyway, but injecting here, before
// the actual network operation, we make most of this method's code
// execute without actually depending on real network. This is
// good for any functional tests that depend on this, e.g. jest tests.
if (MOCK_HYDRO_POST && !this.forceDisableMock) {
return { statusCode: 200 }
return got(this.endpoint, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Authorization: `Hydro ${token}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Hydro-App': 'docs-production',
// Because we prefer to handle the status code manually below
throwHttpErrors: false,
agent: {
// Deliberately not setting up a `http` or `http2` agent
// because it won't be used for this particular `got` request.
https: agent,
// See above, where these are configured for the explanation
retry: retryConfiguration,
timeout: timeoutConfiguration,
const res = await statsd.asyncTimer(doPost, 'hydro.response_time')()
const statTags = [`response_code:${res.statusCode}`]
statsd.increment(`hydro.response_code.${res.statusCode}`, 1, statTags)
statsd.increment('hydro.response_code.all', 1, statTags)
// Track hydro exceptions in Sentry,
// but don't track 5xx because we can't do anything about service availability
if (res.statusCode !== 200 && res.statusCode < 500) {
const hydroText = await res.text()
const err = new Error(
`Hydro request failed: (${res.statusCode}) ${res.statusMessage} - ${hydroText}`
err.status = res.statusCode
// If the Hydro request failed as an "Unprocessable Entity":
// - If it was a timeout, don't log it to Sentry
// - If not, log it to Sentry for diagnostics
const hydroFailures = []
if (res.statusCode === 422) {
let failureResponse
try {
failureResponse = JSON.parse(hydroText)
} catch (error) {
// Not JSON... ignore it
if (failureResponse) {
const { failures } = failureResponse
if (Array.isArray(failures) && failures.length > 0) {
// IMPORTANT: Although these timeouts typically contain a `retriable: true` property,
// our discussions with the Hydro team left us deciding we did NOT want to retry
// sending them. The timeout response does NOT guarantee that the original message
// failed to make it through. As such, if we resend, we may create duplicate events;
// if we don't, we may drop events.
// Find the timeouts, if any
const timeoutFailures = failures.filter(({ error }) => error.includes(TIME_OUT_TEXT))
// If there were ONLY timeouts, throw the error to avoid logging to Sentry
if (timeoutFailures.length === failures.length) {
err.message = `Hydro timed out: ${failures}`
err.status = 503 // Give it a more accurate error code
throw err
// Compile list of the other failures for logging
hydroFailures.push(...failures.filter(({ error }) => !error.includes(TIME_OUT_TEXT)))
`Hydro schema validation failed:\n - Request: ${body}\n - Failure: (${res.statusCode}) ${hydroText}`
}, {
hydroStatus: res.statusCode,
throw err
return res