зеркало из https://github.com/github/docs.git
285 строки
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285 строки
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import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import path from 'path'
import languages from './languages.js'
import { allVersions } from './all-versions.js'
import createTree, { getBasePath } from './create-tree.js'
import renderContent from './render-content/index.js'
import loadSiteData from './site-data.js'
import nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion from './non-enterprise-default-version.js'
import Page from './page.js'
const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
const versions = Object.keys(allVersions)
const enterpriseServerVersions = versions.filter((v) => v.startsWith('enterprise-server@'))
const renderOpts = { textOnly: true, encodeEntities: true }
// These are the exceptions to the rule.
// These URI prefixes should match what you'll find in crowdin.yml.
// If a URI starts with one of these prefixes, it basically means we don't
// bother to "backfill" a translation in its spot.
// For example, `/en/github/site-policy-deprecated/foo` works
// only in English and we don't bother making `/ja/github/site-policy-deprecated/foo`
// work too.
// Early access stuff never has translations.
* We only need to initialize pages _once per language_ since pages don't change per version. So we do that
* first since it's the most expensive work. This gets us a nested object with pages attached that we can use
* as the basis for the siteTree after we do some versioning. We can also use it to derive the pageList.
export async function loadUnversionedTree(languagesOnly = null) {
if (languagesOnly && !Array.isArray(languagesOnly)) {
throw new Error("'languagesOnly' has to be an array")
const unversionedTree = {}
const languagesValues = Object.entries(languages)
.filter(([language]) => {
return !languagesOnly || languagesOnly.includes(language)
.map(([, data]) => {
return data
await Promise.all(
languagesValues.map(async (langObj) => {
const localizedContentPath = path.posix.join(__dirname, '..', langObj.dir, 'content')
unversionedTree[langObj.code] = await createTree(localizedContentPath, langObj)
return unversionedTree
* The siteTree is a nested object with pages for every language and version, useful for nav because it
* contains parent, child, and sibling relationships:
* siteTree[languageCode][version].childPages[<array of pages>].childPages[<array of pages>] (etc...)
* Given an unversioned tree of all pages per language, we can walk it for each version and do a couple operations:
* 1. Add a versioned href to every item, where the href is the relevant permalink for the current version.
* 2. Drop any child pages that are not available in the current version.
* Order of languages and versions doesn't matter, but order of child page arrays DOES matter (for navigation).
export async function loadSiteTree(unversionedTree, siteData) {
const site = siteData || loadSiteData()
const rawTree = Object.assign({}, unversionedTree || (await loadUnversionedTree()))
const siteTree = {}
// For every language...
await Promise.all(
Object.keys(languages).map(async (langCode) => {
const treePerVersion = {}
// in every version...
await Promise.all(
versions.map(async (version) => {
// "version" the pages.
treePerVersion[version] = await versionPages(
Object.assign({}, rawTree[langCode]),
siteTree[langCode] = treePerVersion
return siteTree
export async function versionPages(obj, version, langCode, site) {
// Add a versioned href as a convenience for use in layouts.
obj.href = obj.page.permalinks.find(
(pl) =>
pl.pageVersion === version ||
(pl.pageVersion === 'homepage' && version === nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion)
const context = {
currentLanguage: langCode,
currentVersion: version,
site: site[langCode].site,
// The Liquid parseAndRender method is MUCH faster than renderContent or renderProp.
// This only works for titles and short titles, which have no other Markdown that needs
// to be converted to HTML, so we can get away with _only_ parsing Liquid.
obj.renderedFullTitle = obj.page.title.includes('{')
? await renderContent.liquid.parseAndRender(obj.page.title, context, renderOpts)
: obj.page.title
if (obj.page.shortTitle) {
obj.renderedShortTitle = obj.page.shortTitle.includes('{')
? await renderContent.liquid.parseAndRender(obj.page.shortTitle, context, renderOpts)
: obj.page.shortTitle
if (!obj.childPages) return obj
const versionedChildPages = await Promise.all(
// Drop child pages that do not apply to the current version
.filter((childPage) => childPage.page.applicableVersions.includes(version))
// Version the child pages recursively.
.map((childPage) => versionPages(Object.assign({}, childPage), version, langCode, site))
obj.childPages = [...versionedChildPages]
return obj
// Derive a flat array of Page objects in all languages.
export async function loadPageList(unversionedTree, languagesOnly = null) {
if (languagesOnly && !Array.isArray(languagesOnly)) {
throw new Error("'languagesOnly' has to be an array")
const rawTree = unversionedTree || (await loadUnversionedTree(languagesOnly))
const pageList = []
await Promise.all(
(languagesOnly || Object.keys(languages)).map(async (langCode) => {
await addToCollection(rawTree[langCode], pageList)
async function addToCollection(item, collection) {
if (!item.page) return
if (!item.childPages) return
await Promise.all(
item.childPages.map(async (childPage) => await addToCollection(childPage, collection))
return pageList
export const loadPages = loadPageList
// Create an object from the list of all pages with permalinks as keys for fast lookup.
export function createMapFromArray(pageList) {
const pageMap = pageList.reduce((pageMap, page) => {
for (const permalink of page.permalinks) {
pageMap[permalink.href] = page
return pageMap
}, {})
return pageMap
export async function loadPageMap(pageList) {
const pages = await correctTranslationOrphans(pageList || (await loadPageList()))
const pageMap = createMapFromArray(pages)
return pageMap
// If a translation page exists, that doesn't have an English equivalent,
// remove it.
// If an English page exists, that doesn't have an translation equivalent,
// add it.
// Note, this function is exported purely for the benefit of the unit tests.
export async function correctTranslationOrphans(pageList, basePath = null) {
const englishRelativePaths = new Set()
for (const page of pageList) {
if (page.languageCode === 'en') {
// Prime the Map with an empty set for each language prefix.
// It's important that we do this for *every* language rather than
// just populating `nonEnglish` based on those pages that *are* present.
// Otherwise, we won't have an index of all the languages
// that *might* be missing.
const nonEnglish = new Map()
.filter((lang) => lang !== 'en')
.forEach((languageCode) => {
nonEnglish.set(languageCode, new Set())
// By default, when backfilling, we set the `basePath` to be that of
// English. But for the benefit of being able to do unit tests,
// we make this an optional argument. Then, unit tests can use
// its "tests/fixtures" directory.
const englishBasePath = basePath || getBasePath(languages.en.dir)
// Filter out all non-English pages that appear to be excess.
// E.g. if an English doc was renamed from `content/foo.md` to
// `content/bar.md` what will happen is that `translations/*/content/foo.md`
// will still linger around and we want to remove that even if it was
// scooped up from disk.
const newPageList = []
for (const page of pageList) {
if (page.languageCode === 'en') {
// English pages are never considered "excess"
// If this translation page exists in English, keep it but also
// add it to the set of relative paths that is known.
if (englishRelativePaths.has(page.relativePath)) {
const pageLoadPromises = []
for (const relativePath of englishRelativePaths) {
for (const [languageCode, relativePaths] of nonEnglish) {
if (!relativePaths.has(relativePath)) {
// At this point, we've found an English `relativePath` that is
// not used by this language.
// But before we decide to "backfill" it from the English equivalent
// we first need to figure out if it should be excluded.
// The reason for doing this check this late is for the benefit
// of optimization. In general, when the translation pipeline has
// done its magic, this should be very rare, so it's unnecessary
// to do this exception check on every single English relativePath.
if (TRANSLATION_DRIFT_EXCEPTIONS.find((exception) => relativePath.startsWith(exception))) {
// The magic right here!
// The trick is that we can't clone instances of class Page. We need
// to create them for this language. But the trick is that we
// use the English relative path so it can have something to read.
// For example, if we have figured out that
// `translations/ja-JP/content/foo.md` doesn't exist, we pretend
// that we can use `foo.md` and the base path of `content/`.
basePath: englishBasePath,
const additionalPages = await Promise.all(pageLoadPromises)
return newPageList
export default {
loadPages: loadPageList,