
175 строки
6.8 KiB

import zlib from 'zlib'
import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import QuickLRU from 'quick-lru'
// This is what NextJS uses when it injects the JSON serialized
// in the `<script id="__NEXT_DATA__">`
import { htmlEscapeJsonString } from 'next/dist/server/htmlescape.js'
import { getTheme } from '../lib/get-theme.js'
import statsd from '../lib/statsd.js'
const HEADER_NAME = 'x-middleware-cache'
const HEADER_VALUE_HIT = 'hit'
const HEADER_VALUE_MISS = 'miss'
const HEADER_VALUE_DISABLED = 'disabled'
const HEADER_VALUE_TRANSFERRING = 'transferring'
const DISABLE_RENDERING_CACHE = Boolean(JSON.parse(process.env.DISABLE_RENDERING_CACHE || 'false'))
const cheerioCache = new QuickLRU({
// NOTE: Apr 20, when storing about 200 cheerio instances, the total
// heap size becomes about 2.3GB.
maxSize: 100,
// Don't use arrow function so we can access `this`.
onEviction: function onEviction() {
const { heapUsed } = process.memoryUsage()
statsd.gauge('middleware.rendering_cache_cheerio', heapUsed, [`size:${this.size}`])
const gzipCache = new QuickLRU({
maxSize: 1000,
// Don't use arrow function so we can access `this`.
onEviction: function onEviction() {
const { heapUsed } = process.memoryUsage()
statsd.gauge('middleware.rendering_cache_gzip', heapUsed, [`size:${gzipCache.size}`])
export default async function cacheFullRendering(req, res, next) {
// Even if you use `app.get('/*', myMiddleware)` in Express, the
// middleware will be executed for HEAD requests.
if (req.method !== 'GET') return next()
// The req.pagePath will be identical if it's a regular HTML GET
// or one of those /_next/data/... URLs.
const key = req.url
// We have 2 LRU caches.
// - Tuples of [cheerio object, headers]
// - Tuples of [html gzipped, headers]
// The reason for having two is that many cheerio objects will
// significantly bloat the heap memory. Where as storing the
// html strings as gzip buffers is tiny.
// The point of using cheerio objects, is to avoid deserializing the
// HTML on every warm hit (e.g. stampeding herd) and only pay
// for the mutation + serialization which is unavoidable.
// Since the gzip cache is larger than the cheerio cache,
// we elevate from one cache to the other. Like layers of caching.
if (!cheerioCache.has(key) && gzipCache.has(key)) {
const [htmlBuffer, headers] = gzipCache.get(key)
setHeaders(headers, res)
const html = zlib.gunzipSync(htmlBuffer).toString()
const body = cheerio.load(html)
cheerioCache.set(key, [body, headers])
mutateCheeriobodyByRequest(body, req)
return res.status(200).send(body.html())
} else if (cheerioCache.has(key)) {
const [$, headers] = cheerioCache.get(key)
setHeaders(headers, res)
mutateCheeriobodyByRequest($, req)
return res.status(200).send($.html())
} else {
} else {
const originalEndFunc = res.end.bind(res)
res.end = function (body) {
// Can end the response to the user now
// After the response has been sent back to the user,
// take our time to store this in the cache.
if (body && res.statusCode === 200) {
// It's important to note that we only cache the HTML outputs.
// Why, because JSON outputs should be cached in the CDN.
// The only JSON outputs we have today is the search API
// and the NextJS data requests. These are not dependent on the
// request cookie, so they're primed for caching in the CDN.
const ct = res.get('content-type')
// We also don't want to bother caching this if it doesn't
// appear to be a NextJS HTML output with
// its `<script id="__NEXT_DATA__">` tag.
if (ct.startsWith('text/html') && body.includes('__NEXT_DATA__')) {
const $ = cheerio.load(body)
const headers = res.getHeaders()
cheerioCache.set(key, [$, headers])
const gzipped = zlib.gzipSync(Buffer.from(body))
gzipCache.set(key, [gzipped, headers])
// If it's not HTML or JSON, it's probably an image (binary)
// or some plain text. Let's ignore all of those.
function setHeaders(headers, res) {
Object.entries(headers).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (!(key === HEADER_NAME || key === 'set-cookie')) {
res.setHeader(key, value)
function mutateCheeriobodyByRequest($, req) {
// A fresh CSRF token into the <meta> tag
const freshCsrfToken = req.csrfToken()
$('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content', freshCsrfToken)
// Populate if you have the `dotcom_user` user cookie and it's truthy
const isDotComAuthenticated = Boolean(req.cookies?.dotcom_user)
const cssTheme = getTheme(req, true)
const theme = getTheme(req, false)
// The <body> needs tags pertaining to the parsed theme
// Don't use `$.data()` because it doesn't actually mutate the "DOM"
.attr('data-color-mode', cssTheme.colorMode)
.attr('data-dark-theme', cssTheme.nightTheme)
.attr('data-light-theme', cssTheme.dayTheme)
// Update the __NEXT_DATA__ too with the equivalent pieces
const nextData = $('script#__NEXT_DATA__')
console.assert(nextData.length === 1, 'Not exactly 1')
// Note, once we upgrade to cheerio >= v1.0.0-rc.11
// we can access this with `.text()`.
// See
// and
const parsedNextData = JSON.parse(nextData.get()[0].children[0].data)
parsedNextData.props.csrfToken = freshCsrfToken
parsedNextData.props.dotComAuthenticatedContext.isDotComAuthenticated = isDotComAuthenticated
parsedNextData.props.languagesContext.userLanguage = req.context.userLanguage
parsedNextData.props.themeProps = {
colorMode: theme.colorMode,
nightTheme: theme.nightTheme,
dayTheme: theme.dayTheme,
// The <ThemeProvider {...} preventSSRMismatch> component will
// inject a script tag too that looks like this:
// <script
// type="application/json"
// id="__PRIMER_DATA__">{"resolvedServerColorMode":"night"}</script>
const primerData = $('script#__PRIMER_DATA__')
console.assert(primerData.length === 1, 'Not exactly 1')
const parsedPrimerData = JSON.parse(primerData.get()[0].children[0].data)
parsedPrimerData.resolvedServerColorMode = cssTheme.colorMode === 'dark' ? 'night' : 'day'