
182 строки
6.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const program = require('commander')
const allVersions = require('../lib/all-versions')
const authenticateToAWS = require('../lib/authenticate-to-aws')
const nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion = require('../lib/non-enterprise-default-version')
const { getS3BucketPathFromVersion } = require('../lib/s3-bucket-path-utils')
const walk = require('walk-sync')
const mime = require('mime/lite')
const supportedS3Versions = Object.keys(allVersions)
.filter(version => version !== nonEnterpriseDefaultVersion)
const assetsPath = path.join(__dirname, '../assets')
// [start-readme]
// Use this script to upload individual or batched asset files to a versioned S3 bucket.
// Run `upload-images-to-s3.js --help` for usage details.
// [end-readme]
.description('Upload assets from a local checkout to a versioned github-images bucket in Amazon S3.')
.option('-s, --single <image path>', 'Upload a single local asset file at the given path.')
.option('-b, --batch', 'Upload all local assets.')
.option('-v, --version <version>', 'The version of the S3 bucket to upload to.')
.option('-a, --allVersions', '(single transfers only) Upload the image to all currently supported versions of S3.')
.option('-d, --dryRun', 'print what will be uploaded without actually uploading.')
.on('--help', () => {
console.log(' $ script/upload-images-to-s3.js --single assets/images/foo/bar.png --version enterprise-server@2.22')
console.log(' $ script/upload-images-to-s3.js --single assets/images/foo/bar.png --allVersions')
console.log(' $ script/upload-images-to-s3.js --batch --version enterprise-server@2.22')
const options = program.opts()
// verify CLI options
if ((options.single && options.batch) || (!options.single && !options.batch)) {
console.log('Error! You must specify single or batch upload.\n')
if (options.allVersions && !options.single) {
console.log('Error! You can only specify all versions during a single upload.\n')
if (options.allVersions && options.version) {
console.log('Error! You cannot specify all versions and a version at the same time.\n')
// we may need to update this check if we ever have to upload images for a deprecated version
if (!options.allVersions && !supportedS3Versions.includes(options.version)) {
console.log('Error! You must enter the full name of a supported version, e.g., enterprise-server@2.22 or github-ae@latest.\n')
if (options.single && !fs.existsSync(options.single)) {
console.log(`Error! Image path ${options.single} does not exist.\n`)
if (options.dryRun) {
console.log('This is a dry run! Displaying messages without actually uploading.\n')
async function main () {
// auth to aws
const s3 = await authenticateToAWS()
// gather assets
let imageFiles = []
if (options.single) imageFiles.push(options.single)
if (options.batch) imageFiles = gatherAssets()
// handle a batch or single upload to a specific version
if (options.version) {
const bucketPath = getS3BucketPathFromVersion(options.version)
await checkForBucket(s3, program, bucketPath)
const uploadMessage = options.single
? `Uploading ${options.single} to the ${bucketPath} S3 bucket for ${options.version}...\n`
: `Uploading ${imageFiles.length} local assets to the ${bucketPath} S3 bucket for ${options.version}...\n`
imageFiles.forEach(file => {
if (!options.dryRun) uploadFile(s3, bucketPath, file)
// handle a single upload to all supported versions
if (options.allVersions) {
for (const version of supportedS3Versions) {
const bucketPath = getS3BucketPathFromVersion(version)
await checkForBucket(s3, program, bucketPath)
console.log(`Uploading ${options.single} to the ${bucketPath} S3 bucket for ${version}...\n`)
imageFiles.forEach(file => {
if (!options.dryRun) uploadFile(s3, bucketPath, file)
// check whether the version bucket exists (for single upload) or not (for batch upload)
async function checkForBucket (s3, program, bucketPath) {
try {
const params = {
Prefix: bucketPath,
Delimiter: '/',
Bucket: 'github-images'
// if version dir exists, data.Prefix will be 'enterprise/<version>/assets/'
const data = await s3.listObjects(params).promise()
// bucket must already exist if uploading a single image
if (options.single && !data.Prefix.includes(bucketPath)) {
console.error(`Error! Bucket at ${bucketPath} does not exist yet.\n`)
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error getting bucket: ${e.message}`)
async function uploadFile (s3, bucketPath, file) {
// key param is the filepath within the bucket
const key = getKeyPath(bucketPath, file)
// default content type is application/octet-stream, but that doesn't work for SVG,
// so we need to provide a content type with the real mime type where possible
const mimeType = mime.getType(file) || 'application/octet-stream'
try {
const params = {
Key: key,
Bucket: 'github-images',
ACL: 'public-read',
ContentType: mimeType,
Body: fs.createReadStream(file)
// print data to console so we can watch upload progress
const data = await s3.upload(params).promise()
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error uploading file: ${e.message}`)
// include all file extensions except Markdown
function gatherAssets () {
return walk(assetsPath, {
includeBasePath: true,
directories: false
}).filter(file => !file.endsWith('.md'))
// key path should look like enterprise/<version>/assets/images/foo/bar.png
function getKeyPath (bucketPath, file) {
const basePath = file.replace(path.dirname(__dirname), '')
return path.join(bucketPath, basePath)