зеркало из https://github.com/github/docs.git
102 строки
4.1 KiB
Executable File
102 строки
4.1 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const program = require('commander')
const { execSync } = require('child_process')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp').sync
const rimraf = require('rimraf').sync
const tempDocsDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'openapiTmp')
const githubRepoDir = path.join(process.cwd(), '../github')
const dereferencedPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'lib/rest/static/dereferenced')
const schemas = fs.readdirSync(dereferencedPath)
const getOperations = require('./utils/get-operations')
const decoratedPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'lib/rest/static/decorated')
// [start-readme]
// Run this script to pull openAPI files from github/github, dereference them, and decorate them.
// [end-readme]
.description('Generate dereferenced OpenAPI and decorated schema files.')
.option('--decorate-only', '⚠️ Only used by a 🤖 to generate decorated schema files from existing dereferenced schema files.')
const decorateOnly = program.decorateOnly
async function main () {
// Generate the dereferenced OpenAPI schema files
if (!decorateOnly) {
if (!fs.existsSync(githubRepoDir)) {
console.log(`🛑 The ${githubRepoDir} does not exist. Make sure you have a local, bootstrapped checkout of github/github at the same level as your github/docs-internal repo before running this script.`)
await decorate()
console.log('\n🏁 The static REST API files are now up-to-date with your local `github/github` checkout. To revert uncommitted changes, run `git checkout lib/rest/static/*.\n\n')
async function getDereferencedFiles () {
// Get the github/github repo branch name and pull latest
const githubBranch = execSync('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', { cwd: githubRepoDir }).toString().trim()
// Only pull master branch because development mode branches are assumed
// to be up-to-date during active work.
if (githubBranch === 'master') {
execSync('git pull', { cwd: githubRepoDir })
// create a tmp directory to store schema files generated from github/github
console.log(`\n🏃♀️🏃🏃♀️Running \`bin/openapi bundle\` in branch '${githubBranch}' of your github/github checkout to generate the dereferenced OpenAPI schema files.\n`)
execSync(`${path.join(githubRepoDir, 'bin/openapi')} bundle ${tempDocsDir}`, { stdio: 'inherit' })
execSync(`find ${tempDocsDir} -type f -name "*deref.json" -exec mv '{}' ${dereferencedPath} ';'`)
// When running in development mode (locally), the the info.version
// property in the dereferenced schema is replaced with the branch
// name of the `github/github` checkout. A CI test
// checks the version and fails if it's not a semantic version.
schemas.forEach(filename => {
const schema = require(path.join(dereferencedPath, filename))
schema.info.version = `${githubBranch} !!DEVELOPMENT MODE - DO NOT MERGE!!`
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(dereferencedPath, filename), JSON.stringify(schema, null, 2))
async function decorate () {
console.log('\n🎄 Decorating the OpenAPI schema files in lib/rest/static/dereferenced.\n')
const dereferencedSchemas = schemas.reduce((acc, filename) => {
const schema = require(path.join(dereferencedPath, filename))
const key = filename.replace('.deref.json', '')
return { ...acc, [key]: schema }
}, {})
for (const [schemaName, schema] of Object.entries(dereferencedSchemas)) {
// munge OpenAPI definitions object in an array of operations objects
const operations = await getOperations(schema)
// process each operation, asynchronously rendering markdown and stuff
await Promise.all(operations.map(operation => operation.process()))
const filename = path.join(decoratedPath, `${schemaName}.json`)
.replace('.deref', '')
// write processed operations to disk
fs.writeFileSync(filename, JSON.stringify(operations, null, 2))
console.log('Wrote', path.relative(process.cwd(), filename))