зеркало из https://github.com/github/docs.git
101 строка
3.4 KiB
101 строка
3.4 KiB
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const walk = require('walk-sync')
const matter = require('@github-docs/frontmatter')
const { zip } = require('lodash')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '../..')
const contentDir = path.join(rootDir, 'content')
const reusablesDir = path.join(rootDir, 'data/reusables')
const variablesDir = path.join(rootDir, 'data/variables')
This will match Liquid variable references that contain at least one line break
between the variable reference and either the `{{` or `}}` tag boundaries.
Some examples include:
site.data.variables.product.product_name }}
{{ site.data.variables.product.product_name
const liquidRefsWithLinkBreaksRegex = /\{\{[ \t]*\n\s*[^\s}]+\s*\}\}|\{\{\s*[^\s}]+[ \t]*\n\s*\}\}/gm
describe('Liquid references', () => {
describe('must not contain line breaks', () => {
const mdWalkOptions = {
globs: ['**/*.md'],
ignore: ['**/README.md'],
directories: false,
includeBasePath: true
const contentMarkdownAbsPaths = walk(contentDir, mdWalkOptions).sort()
const contentMarkdownRelPaths = contentMarkdownAbsPaths.map(p => path.relative(rootDir, p))
const contentMarkdownTuples = zip(contentMarkdownRelPaths, contentMarkdownAbsPaths)
const reusableMarkdownAbsPaths = walk(reusablesDir, mdWalkOptions).sort()
const reusableMarkdownRelPaths = reusableMarkdownAbsPaths.map(p => path.relative(rootDir, p))
const reusableMarkdownTuples = zip(reusableMarkdownRelPaths, reusableMarkdownAbsPaths)
test.each([...contentMarkdownTuples, ...reusableMarkdownTuples])(
'in "%s"',
async (markdownRelPath, markdownAbsPath) => {
const fileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(markdownAbsPath, 'utf8')
const { content } = matter(fileContents)
const matches = (content.match(liquidRefsWithLinkBreaksRegex) || [])
const errorMessage = formatRefError('Found unexpected line breaks in Liquid reference:', matches)
expect(matches.length, errorMessage).toBe(0)
// Also test the "data/variables/" YAML files
const yamlWalkOptions = {
globs: ['**/*.yml'],
directories: false,
includeBasePath: true
const variableYamlAbsPaths = walk(variablesDir, yamlWalkOptions).sort()
const variableYamlRelPaths = variableYamlAbsPaths.map(p => path.relative(rootDir, p))
const variableYamlTuples = zip(variableYamlRelPaths, variableYamlAbsPaths)
'in "%s"',
async (yamlRelPath, yamlAbsPath) => {
const fileContents = await fs.promises.readFile(yamlAbsPath, 'utf8')
const dictionary = yaml.safeLoad(fileContents, { filename: yamlRelPath })
const matches = []
for (const [key, content] of Object.entries(dictionary)) {
if (typeof content !== 'string') continue
const valMatches = (content.match(liquidRefsWithLinkBreaksRegex) || [])
if (valMatches.length > 0) {
matches.push(...valMatches.map((match) => `Key "${key}": ${match}`))
const errorMessage = formatRefError('Found unexpected line breaks in Liquid reference:', matches)
expect(matches.length, errorMessage).toBe(0)
function formatRefError (message, breaks) {
return `${message}\n - ${breaks.join('\n - ')}`