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Removing organization members from a team People with *owner* or *team maintainer* permissions can remove team members from a team. This may be necessary if a person no longer needs access to a repository the team grants, or if a person is no longer focused on a team's projects.
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Remove members

{% data reusables.repositories.deleted_forks_from_private_repositories_warning %}

{% data reusables.profile.access_org %} {% data reusables.user-settings.access_org %} {% data reusables.organizations.specific_team %}

  1. Select the person or people you'd like to remove.

    Screenshot of the first user in a list of team members. To the left of the user, a checkbox is checked and outlined in dark orange.

  2. Above the list of team members, use the drop-down menu and click Remove from team.

    {% data reusables.organizations.bulk-edit-team-members %}