
56 строки
2.5 KiB

{% assign maxArticles = 9 %}
<div class="container-xl px-3 px-md-6 pt-3 pb-2">
<!-- When learning tracks aren't present, only guides exist and this heading duplicates the article's title -->
{% if page.learningTracks %}
<h2 class="mb-3 font-mktg" id="all-guides"><a href="#all-guides">{% data ui.product_sublanding.all_guides %}</a></h2>
{% endif %}
<form class="mt-2 mb-5 d-flex d-flex">
<label for="type" class="text-uppercase f6 color-text-secondary d-block">{% data ui.product_sublanding.filters.type %}</label>
<select class="form-select js-filter-card-filter-dropdown f4 text-bold border-0 rounded-0 border-top box-shadow-none pl-0 js-filter-card-filter-dropdown" name="type" aria-label="guide types">
<option value="">{% data ui.product_sublanding.filters.all %}</option>
{% for type in %}
<option value="{{ type[0] }}">{{ type[1] }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<div class="mx-4">
<label for="topic" class="text-uppercase f6 color-text-secondary d-block">{% data ui.product_sublanding.filters.topic %}</label>
<select class="form-select js-filter-card-filter-dropdown f4 text-bold border-0 rounded-0 border-top box-shadow-none pl-0 js-filter-card-filter-dropdown" name="topics" aria-label="guide topics">
<option value="">{% data ui.product_sublanding.filters.all %}</option>
{% for topic in page.allTopics %}
<option value="{{ topic }}">{{ topic }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<div class="d-flex flex-wrap mr-0 mr-md-n6 mr-lg-n8">
{% for article in page.includeGuides %}
{% assign card_display_class = "" %}
{% if forloop.index > maxArticles %}
{% assign card_display_class = "d-none" %}
{% endif %}
{% capture link_card %}
{% link_as_article_card {{ article.href }} %}
{% endcapture %}
{{ link_card | replace: "<display condition>", card_display_class }}
{% endfor %}
{% if page.includeGuides.length > maxArticles %}
<button class="col-12 mt-5 text-center text-bold color-text-link btn-link js-filter-card-show-more" data-js-filter-card-max="{{ maxArticles }}">
{% data ui.product_sublanding.load_more %}
{% endif %}
<div class="js-filter-card-no-results d-none py-4 text-center color-text-secondary">
<h4 class="text-normal">{% data ui.product_sublanding.no_result %}</h4>