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Translation guide for translators

Translated files

We only translate:

  • all files /content
  • /data/release-notes
  • /data/reusables
  • /data/variables - except /data/variables/product.yml
  • /data/glossaries/external.yml
  • /data/product-examples

Translation guidelines

We do not accept translation changes from open source contributors.

  • Lint all *.yml files before submitting to make sure they are valid YAML format.
  • Lint all frontmatter (between the triple dashes at the top of all /content files) to make sure they are valid YAML format.
  • Do not translate anything inside of Liquid tags, such as {% data %} or {% ifversion ... %}, {% note %} or {{ someVariable }}.
  • Be sure to translate the frontmatter properties title, shortTitle, intro, permissions but leave all other keys in each content .md file
  • For every {% ifversion ... %} there's a {% endif %} following it

Error diagnosis

We provide error reports that we upload daily.

Report locations

We have both "latest" or date in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format for historical reference.