
101 строка
3.6 KiB

const { get } = require('lodash')
const { liquid } = require('../lib/render-content')
const patterns = require('../lib/patterns')
const layouts = require('../lib/layouts')
const getMiniTocItems = require('../lib/get-mini-toc-items')
const Page = require('../lib/page')
const statsd = require('../lib/statsd')
// We've got lots of memory, let's use it
// We can eventually throw this into redis
const pageCache = {}
module.exports = async function renderPage (req, res, next) {
const page =
const originalUrl = req.originalUrl
// Serve from the cache if possible (skip during tests)
if (!process.env.CI && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') {
if (req.method === 'GET' && pageCache[originalUrl]) {
console.log(`Serving from cached version of ${originalUrl}`)
return res.send(pageCache[originalUrl])
// render a 404 page
if (!page) {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' && req.context.redirectNotFound) {
console.error(`\nTried to redirect to ${req.context.redirectNotFound}, but that page was not found.\n`)
return res.status(404).send(await liquid.parseAndRender(layouts['error-404'], req.context))
if (req.method === 'HEAD') {
return res.status(200).end()
// add page context
const context = Object.assign({}, req.context, { page })
// collect URLs for variants of this page in all languages = Page.getLanguageVariants(req.path)
// render page
context.renderedPage = await page.render(context)
// get mini TOC items on articles
if (page.showMiniToc) {
context.miniTocItems = getMiniTocItems(context.renderedPage, page.miniTocMaxHeadingLevel)
// handle special-case prerendered GraphQL objects page
if (req.path.endsWith('graphql/reference/objects')) {
// concat the markdown source miniToc items and the prerendered miniToc items
context.miniTocItems = context.miniTocItems.concat(req.context.graphql.prerenderedObjectsForCurrentVersion.miniToc)
context.renderedPage = context.renderedPage + req.context.graphql.prerenderedObjectsForCurrentVersion.html
// Create string for <title> tag =
// add localized ` - GitHub Docs` suffix to <title> tag (except for the homepage)
if (!patterns.homepagePath.test(req.path)) { = + ' - ' +
// `?json` query param for debugging request context
if ('json' in req.query && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (req.query.json.length > 1) {
// deep reference: ?json=page.permalinks
return res.json(get(context, req.query.json))
} else {
// dump all the keys: ?json
return res.json({
message: 'The full context object is too big to display! Try one of the individual keys below, e.g. ?json=page. You can also access nested props like ?',
keys: Object.keys(context)
// Layouts can be specified with a `layout` frontmatter value
// If unspecified, `layouts/default.html` is used.
// Any invalid layout values will be caught by frontmatter schema validation.
const layoutName = || 'default'
// Set `layout: false` to use no layout
const layout = === false ? '' : layouts[layoutName]
const output = await liquid.parseAndRender(layout, context)
// Save output to cache for the next time around
if (!process.env.CI) {
if (req.method === 'GET') {
pageCache[originalUrl] = output
// send response
return res.send(output)