
160 строки
6.7 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env node
// [start-readme]
// This script is run on a writer's machine while developing Early Access content locally. It
// updates the data and image paths to either include `early-access` or remove it.
// [end-readme]
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const program = require('commander')
const walk = require('walk-sync')
const { escapeRegExp, last } = require('lodash')
const yaml = require('js-yaml')
const patterns = require('../../lib/patterns')
const earlyAccessContent = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'content/early-access')
const earlyAccessData = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'data/early-access')
const earlyAccessImages = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), 'assets/images/early-access')
.description('Update data and image paths.')
.option('-p, --path-to-early-access-content-file <PATH>', 'Path to a specific content file. Defaults to all Early Access content files if not provided.')
.option('-a, --add', 'Add "early-access" to data and image paths.')
.option('-r, --remove', 'Remove "early-access" from data and image paths.')
if (!(program.add || program.remove)) {
console.error('Error! Must specify either `--add` or `--remove`.')
let earlyAccessContentAndDataFiles
if (program.pathToEarlyAccessContentFile) {
earlyAccessContentAndDataFiles = path.posix.join(process.cwd(), program.pathToEarlyAccessContentFile)
if (!fs.existsSync(earlyAccessContentAndDataFiles)) {
console.error(`Error! ${program.pathToEarlyAccessContentFile} can't be found. Make sure the path starts with 'content/early-access'.`)
earlyAccessContentAndDataFiles = [earlyAccessContentAndDataFiles]
} else {
// Gather the EA content and data files
earlyAccessContentAndDataFiles = walk(earlyAccessContent, { includeBasePath: true, directories: false })
.concat(walk(earlyAccessData, { includeBasePath: true, directories: false }))
// Update the EA content and data files
.forEach(file => {
const oldContents = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8')
// Get all the data references in each file that exist in data/early-access
const dataRefs = (oldContents.match(patterns.dataReference) || [])
.filter(dataRef => dataRef.includes('variables') ? checkVariable(dataRef) : checkReusable(dataRef))
// Get all the image references in each file that exist in assets/images/early-access
const imageRefs = (oldContents.match(patterns.imagePath) || [])
.filter(imageRef => checkImage(imageRef))
const replacements = {}
if (program.add) {
// Since we're adding early-access to the path, filter for those that do not already include it
.filter(dataRef => !dataRef.includes('data early-access.'))
// Add to the { oldRef: newRef } replacements object
.forEach(dataRef => {
replacements[dataRef] = dataRef.replace(/({% data )(.*)/, '$1early-access.$2')
// Since we're adding early-access to the path, filter for those that do not already include it
.filter(imageRef => !imageRef.split('/').includes('early-access'))
// Add to the { oldRef: newRef } replacements object
.forEach(imageRef => {
replacements[imageRef] = imageRef.replace('/assets/images/', '/assets/images/early-access/')
if (program.remove) {
// Since we're removing early-access from the path, filter for those that include it
.filter(dataRef => dataRef.includes('{% data early-access.'))
// Add to the { oldRef: newRef } replacements object
.forEach(dataRef => {
replacements[dataRef] = dataRef.replace('early-access.', '')
// Since we're removing early-access from the path, filter for those that include it
.filter(imageRef => imageRef.split('/').includes('early-access'))
// Add to the { oldRef: newRef } replacements object
.forEach(imageRef => {
replacements[imageRef] = imageRef.replace('/assets/images/early-access/', '/assets/images/')
// Return early if nothing to replace
if (!Object.keys(replacements).length) {
// Make the replacement in the content
let newContents = oldContents
Object.entries(replacements).forEach(([oldRef, newRef]) => {
newContents = newContents.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(oldRef), 'g'), newRef)
// Write the updated content
fs.writeFileSync(file, newContents)
console.log('Done! Run "git status" in your docs-early-access checkout to see the changes.\n')
function checkVariable (dataRef) {
// Get the data filepath from the data reference,
// where the data reference looks like: {% data %}
// and the data filepath looks like: data/variables/foo.yml with key of 'bar'.
const variablePathArray = dataRef.match(/{% data (.*?) %}/)[1].split('.')
// If early access is part of the path, remove it (since the path below already includes it)
.filter(n => n !== 'early-access')
// Given a string `` split into an array, we want the last segment 'bar', which is the variable key.
// Then pop 'bar' off the array because it's not really part of the filepath.
// The filepath we want is `variables/foo.yml`.
const variableKey = last(variablePathArray); variablePathArray.pop()
const variablePath = path.posix.join(earlyAccessData, `${variablePathArray.join('/')}.yml`)
// If the variable file doesn't exist in data/early-access, exclude it
if (!fs.existsSync(variablePath)) return false
// If the variable file exists but doesn't have the referenced key, exclude it
const variableFileContent = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(variablePath, 'utf8'))
return variableFileContent[variableKey]
function checkReusable (dataRef) {
// Get the data filepath from the data reference,
// where the data reference looks like: {% data %}
// and the data filepath looks like: data/reusables/foo/
const reusablePath = dataRef.match(/{% data (.*?) %}/)[1].split('.')
// If early access is part of the path, remove it (since the path below already includes it)
.filter(n => n !== 'early-access')
// If the reusable file doesn't exist in data/early-access, exclude it
return fs.existsSync(`${path.posix.join(earlyAccessData, reusablePath)}.md`)
function checkImage (imageRef) {
const imagePath = imageRef
.replace('/assets/images/', '')
// If early access is part of the path, remove it (since the path below already includes it)
.replace('early-access', '')
// If the image file doesn't exist in assets/images/early-access, exclude it
return fs.existsSync(path.posix.join(earlyAccessImages, imagePath))