150 строки
3.9 KiB
150 строки
3.9 KiB
const rule = require('../lib/rules/valid-tag-name')
const RuleTester = require('eslint').RuleTester
const ruleTester = new RuleTester({env: {es2020: true}})
ruleTester.run('valid-tag-name', rule, {
valid: [
{code: 'customElements.define("foo-bar")'},
{code: "customElements.define('foo-bar')"},
{code: 'customElements.define(`foo-bar`)'},
{code: 'customElements.define("m---···---")'},
{code: 'customElements.define("aÀ-")'},
{code: 'customElements.define("leiðinlegt-tíst")'},
{code: 'customElements.define("a-😶🌫️")'},
{code: 'customElements.define("a-b-c-")', options: [{onlyAlphanum: true}]},
{code: 'customElements.define("foo-bar")', options: [{disallowNamespaces: true}]},
{code: 'customElements.define("ng-bar")', options: [{disallowNamespaces: true, prefix: 'ng'}]},
invalid: [
code: 'const tagName = "foo-bar"; customElements.define(tagName)',
errors: [
message: 'Expected custom element name to be a string literal',
type: 'Identifier',
code: 'customElements.define("foo")',
errors: [
message: 'foo is not a valid custom element name\nCustom Element names must contain at least one dash (-)',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("-foo-bar")',
errors: [
message: '-foo-bar is not a valid custom element name\nCustom Element names must start with a letter',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("foo-BAR")',
errors: [
message: 'foo-BAR is not a valid custom element name\nCustom Element names must not contain capital letters',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("<an-element>")',
errors: [
message: '<an-element> is not a valid custom element name\nCustom Element names must start with a letter',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("911-emergency")',
errors: [
message: '911-emergency is not a valid custom element name\nCustom Element names must start with a letter',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("notice-©")',
errors: [
message: 'notice-© is not a valid custom element name',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("annotation-xml")',
errors: [
message: 'Custom Elements cannot be given the reserved name "annotation-xml"',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("a-😶🌫️")',
options: [
onlyAlphanum: true,
errors: [
message: 'Non ASCII Custom Elements have been disallowed',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("ng-element")',
options: [
disallowNamespaces: true,
errors: [
message: 'ng is a common namespace, and has been disallowed',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("abc-element")',
options: [
prefix: 'foo',
errors: [
message: 'Custom Element name must begin with a prefix: foo',
type: 'Literal',
code: 'customElements.define("abc-component")',
options: [
suffix: 'element',
errors: [
message: 'Custom Element name must end with a suffix: element',
type: 'Literal',