852 строки
27 KiB
852 строки
27 KiB
package main_test
import (
func sizerExe(t *testing.T) string {
var v string
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
v = `bin\git-sizer.exe`
v = "bin/git-sizer"
v, err := exec.LookPath(v)
require.NoError(t, err)
v, err = filepath.Abs(v)
require.NoError(t, err)
return v
// Smoke test that the program runs.
func TestExec(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command(sizerExe(t))
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
assert.NoErrorf(t, err, "command failed; output: %#v", string(output))
func newGitBomb(t *testing.T, repo *testutils.TestRepo, depth, breadth int, body string) {
oid := repo.CreateObject(t, "blob", func(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := io.WriteString(w, body)
return err
digits := len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", breadth-1))
mode := "100644"
prefix := "f"
for ; depth > 0; depth-- {
oid = repo.CreateObject(t, "tree", func(w io.Writer) error {
for i := 0; i < breadth; i++ {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(
w, "%s %s%0*d\x00%s",
mode, prefix, digits, i, oid.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
mode = "40000"
prefix = "d"
oid = repo.CreateObject(t, "commit", func(w io.Writer) error {
_, err := fmt.Fprintf(
"tree %s\n"+
"author Example <example@example.com> 1112911993 -0700\n"+
"committer Example <example@example.com> 1112911993 -0700\n"+
"Test git bomb\n",
return err
repo.UpdateRef(t, "refs/heads/master", oid)
// TestRefSelections tests various combinations of reference selection
// options.
func TestRefSelections(t *testing.T) {
references := []struct {
// The plusses and spaces in the `results` string correspond
// to the expected results for one of the tests: `results[i]`
// tells whether we expect `refname` to be included ('+') or
// excluded (' ') in test case number `i`.
results string
refname string
//nolint:gocritic // Want columns in comment to match initializers.
// 111111111
{"+ + + + + + + + +", "refs/barfoo"},
{"+ + + + + + +++ ", "refs/foo"},
{"+ + + + + + + + +", "refs/foobar"},
{"++ + + + +++ +++", "refs/heads/foo"},
{"++ + + + ++ +++", "refs/heads/master"},
{"+ + + ++ + ", "refs/notes/discussion"},
{"+ + ++ + + ", "refs/remotes/origin/master"},
{"+ + ++ + + + + +", "refs/remotes/upstream/foo"},
{"+ + ++ + + ", "refs/remotes/upstream/master"},
{"+ + + + ++ ", "refs/stash"},
{"+ ++ + + +++ + +", "refs/tags/foolish"},
{"+ ++ + + ++ + +", "refs/tags/other"},
{"+ ++ + + ++ + ", "refs/tags/release-1"},
{"+ ++ + + ++ + ", "refs/tags/release-2"},
// computeExpectations assembles and returns the results expected
// for test `i` from the `references` slice.
computeExpectations := func(i int) (string, int) {
var sb strings.Builder
fmt.Fprintln(&sb, "References (included references marked with '+'):")
count := 0
for _, p := range references {
present := p.results[i]
fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%c %s\n", present, p.refname)
if present == '+' {
return sb.String(), count
// Create a test repo with one orphan commit per refname:
repo := testutils.NewTestRepo(t, true, "ref-selection")
t.Cleanup(func() { repo.Remove(t) })
for _, p := range references {
repo.CreateReferencedOrphan(t, p.refname)
executable := sizerExe(t)
for i, p := range []struct {
name string
args []string
config []git.ConfigEntry
{ // 0
name: "no arguments",
{ // 1
name: "branches",
args: []string{"--branches"},
{ // 2
name: "no branches",
args: []string{"--no-branches"},
{ // 3
name: "tags",
args: []string{"--tags"},
{ // 4
name: "no tags",
args: []string{"--no-tags"},
{ // 5
name: "remotes",
args: []string{"--remotes"},
{ // 6
name: "no remotes",
args: []string{"--no-remotes"},
{ // 7
name: "notes",
args: []string{"--notes"},
{ // 8
name: "no notes",
args: []string{"--no-notes"},
{ // 9
name: "stash",
args: []string{"--stash"},
{ // 10
name: "no stash",
args: []string{"--no-stash"},
{ // 11
name: "branches and tags",
args: []string{"--branches", "--tags"},
{ // 12
name: "foo",
args: []string{"--include", "/.*foo.*/"},
{ // 13
name: "refs/foo as prefix",
args: []string{"--include", "refs/foo"},
{ // 14
name: "refs/foo as regexp",
args: []string{"--include", "/refs/foo/"},
{ // 15
name: "release tags",
args: []string{"--include", "/refs/tags/release-.*/"},
{ // 16
name: "combination",
args: []string{
"--exclude", "refs/heads/foo",
"--include", "/.*foo.*/",
"--exclude", "refs/foo",
"--exclude", "/refs/tags/release-.*/",
{ // 17
name: "branches-refgroup",
args: []string{"--include=@mygroup"},
config: []git.ConfigEntry{
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.include", Value: "refs/heads"},
{ // 18
name: "combination-refgroup",
args: []string{"--include=@mygroup"},
config: []git.ConfigEntry{
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.include", Value: "refs/heads"},
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.include", Value: "refs/tags"},
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.exclude", Value: "refs/heads/foo"},
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.includeRegexp", Value: ".*foo.*"},
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.exclude", Value: "refs/foo"},
{Key: "refgroup.mygroup.excludeRegexp", Value: "refs/tags/release-.*"},
} {
i, p := i, p
func(t *testing.T) {
repo := repo.Clone(t, "ref-selection")
defer repo.Remove(t)
for _, e := range p.config {
repo.ConfigAdd(t, e.Key, e.Value)
args := []string{"--show-refs", "--no-progress", "--json", "--json-version=2"}
args = append(args, p.args...)
cmd := exec.Command(executable, args...)
cmd.Env = append(
var stdout bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
assert.NoError(t, err)
expectedStderr, expectedUniqueCommitCount := computeExpectations(i)
// Make sure that the right number of commits was scanned:
var v struct {
UniqueCommitCount struct {
Value int
err = json.Unmarshal(stdout.Bytes(), &v)
if assert.NoError(t, err) {
assert.EqualValues(t, expectedUniqueCommitCount, v.UniqueCommitCount.Value)
// Make sure that the right references were reported scanned:
assert.Equal(t, expectedStderr, stderr.String())
func TestRefgroups(t *testing.T) {
references := []string{
// Create a test repo with one orphan commit per refname:
repo := testutils.NewTestRepo(t, true, "refgroups")
t.Cleanup(func() { repo.Remove(t) })
for _, refname := range references {
repo.CreateReferencedOrphan(t, refname)
executable := sizerExe(t)
for _, p := range []struct {
name string
args []string
config []git.ConfigEntry
stdout string
stderr string
name: "no arguments",
stdout: `
| * References | | |
| * Count | 21 | |
| * Branches | 2 | |
| * Tags | 4 | |
| * Remote-tracking refs | 3 | |
| * Pull request refs | 4 | |
| * Changeset refs | 2 | |
| * Git notes | 3 | |
| * Git stash | 1 | |
| * Other | 2 | |
| | | |
stderr: `
References (included references marked with '+'):
+ refs/changes/20/884120/1
+ refs/changes/45/12345/42
+ refs/fo
+ refs/foo
+ refs/heads/foo
+ refs/heads/main
+ refs/notes/discussion
+ refs/notes/tests/build
+ refs/notes/tests/default
+ refs/pull/1/head
+ refs/pull/1/merge
+ refs/pull/123/head
+ refs/pull/1234/head
+ refs/remotes/origin/master
+ refs/remotes/upstream/foo
+ refs/remotes/upstream/master
+ refs/stash
+ refs/tags/foolish
+ refs/tags/other
+ refs/tags/release-1
+ refs/tags/release-2
name: "nested-groups",
config: []git.ConfigEntry{
// Note that refgroup "misc" is defined implicitly.
{Key: "refgroup.misc.foo.includeRegexp", Value: ".*foo.*"},
{Key: "refgroup.misc.foo.oatend.includeRegexp", Value: ".*o"},
{Key: "refgroup.misc.foo.bogus.include", Value: "bogus"},
{Key: "refgroup.tags.releases.name", Value: "Releases"},
{Key: "refgroup.tags.releases.includeRegexp", Value: "refs/tags/release-.*"},
stdout: `
| * References | | |
| * Count | 21 | |
| * Branches | 2 | |
| * Tags | 4 | |
| * Releases | 2 | |
| * Other | 2 | |
| * Remote-tracking refs | 3 | |
| * Pull request refs | 4 | |
| * Changeset refs | 2 | |
| * Git notes | 3 | |
| * Git stash | 1 | |
| * misc | 4 | |
| * foo | 4 | |
| * oatend | 3 | |
| * Other | 1 | |
| * Other | 1 | |
| | | |
name: "include-refgroups",
args: []string{"--include=@branches", "--include=@tags.releases", "--include=@oatend"},
config: []git.ConfigEntry{
{Key: "refgroup.oatend.includeRegexp", Value: ".*o"},
{Key: "refgroup.tags.releases.name", Value: "Releases"},
{Key: "refgroup.tags.releases.includeRegexp", Value: "refs/tags/release-.*"},
stdout: `
| * References | | |
| * Count | 21 | |
| * Branches | 2 | |
| * Tags | 2 | |
| * Releases | 2 | |
| * Remote-tracking refs | 1 | |
| * oatend | 4 | |
| * Ignored | 14 | |
| | | |
stderr: `
References (included references marked with '+'):
+ refs/fo
+ refs/foo
+ refs/heads/foo
+ refs/heads/main
+ refs/remotes/upstream/foo
+ refs/tags/release-1
+ refs/tags/release-2
name: "exclude-refgroup",
args: []string{"--exclude=@stash", "--exclude=@notes"},
stdout: `
| * References | | |
| * Count | 21 | |
| * Branches | 2 | |
| * Tags | 4 | |
| * Remote-tracking refs | 3 | |
| * Pull request refs | 4 | |
| * Changeset refs | 2 | |
| * Other | 2 | |
| * Ignored | 4 | |
| | | |
stderr: `
References (included references marked with '+'):
+ refs/changes/20/884120/1
+ refs/changes/45/12345/42
+ refs/fo
+ refs/foo
+ refs/heads/foo
+ refs/heads/main
+ refs/pull/1/head
+ refs/pull/1/merge
+ refs/pull/123/head
+ refs/pull/1234/head
+ refs/remotes/origin/master
+ refs/remotes/upstream/foo
+ refs/remotes/upstream/master
+ refs/tags/foolish
+ refs/tags/other
+ refs/tags/release-1
+ refs/tags/release-2
} {
p := p
func(t *testing.T) {
repo := repo.Clone(t, "refgroups")
defer repo.Remove(t)
for _, e := range p.config {
repo.ConfigAdd(t, e.Key, e.Value)
args := append([]string{"--show-refs", "-v", "--no-progress"}, p.args...)
cmd := exec.Command(executable, args...)
cmd.Env = append(
var stdout bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdout
var stderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stderr = &stderr
err := cmd.Run()
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, stdout.String(), p.stdout)
if p.stderr != "" {
assert.Equal(t, stderr.String(), p.stderr)
func pow(x uint64, n int) uint64 {
p := uint64(1)
for ; n > 0; n-- {
p *= x
return p
type refGrouper struct{}
func (rg refGrouper) Categorize(refname string) (bool, []sizes.RefGroupSymbol) {
return true, nil
func (rg refGrouper) Groups() []sizes.RefGroup {
return nil
func TestBomb(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
testRepo := testutils.NewTestRepo(t, true, "bomb")
t.Cleanup(func() { testRepo.Remove(t) })
newGitBomb(t, testRepo, 10, 10, "boom!\n")
repo := testRepo.Repository(t)
t.Run("full", func(t *testing.T) {
refRoots, err := sizes.CollectReferences(ctx, repo, refGrouper{})
require.NoError(t, err)
roots := make([]sizes.Root, 0, len(refRoots))
for _, refRoot := range refRoots {
roots = append(roots, refRoot)
h, err := sizes.ScanRepositoryUsingGraph(
ctx, repo, roots, sizes.NameStyleFull, meter.NoProgressMeter,
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(1), h.UniqueCommitCount, "unique commit count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(172), h.UniqueCommitSize, "unique commit size")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(172), h.MaxCommitSize, "max commit size")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master", h.MaxCommitSizeCommit.BestPath(), "max commit size commit")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(1), h.MaxHistoryDepth, "max history depth")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxParentCount, "max parent count")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master", h.MaxParentCountCommit.BestPath(), "max parent count commit")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(10), h.UniqueTreeCount, "unique tree count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(2910), h.UniqueTreeSize, "unique tree size")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(100), h.UniqueTreeEntries, "unique tree entries")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(10), h.MaxTreeEntries, "max tree entries")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master:d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0", h.MaxTreeEntriesTree.BestPath(), "max tree entries tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(1), h.UniqueBlobCount, "unique blob count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(6), h.UniqueBlobSize, "unique blob size")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(6), h.MaxBlobSize, "max blob size")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master:d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/f0", h.MaxBlobSizeBlob.BestPath(), "max blob size blob")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.UniqueTagCount, "unique tag count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxTagDepth, "max tag depth")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(1), h.ReferenceCount, "reference count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(10), h.MaxPathDepth, "max path depth")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master^{tree}", h.MaxPathDepthTree.BestPath(), "max path depth tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(29), h.MaxPathLength, "max path length")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master^{tree}", h.MaxPathLengthTree.BestPath(), "max path length tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32((pow(10, 10)-1)/(10-1)), h.MaxExpandedTreeCount, "max expanded tree count")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master^{tree}", h.MaxExpandedTreeCountTree.BestPath(), "max expanded tree count tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0xffffffff), h.MaxExpandedBlobCount, "max expanded blob count")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master^{tree}", h.MaxExpandedBlobCountTree.BestPath(), "max expanded blob count tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(6*pow(10, 10)), h.MaxExpandedBlobSize, "max expanded blob size")
assert.Equal(t, "refs/heads/master^{tree}", h.MaxExpandedBlobSizeTree.BestPath(), "max expanded blob size tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxExpandedLinkCount, "max expanded link count")
assert.Nil(t, h.MaxExpandedLinkCountTree, "max expanded link count tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxExpandedSubmoduleCount, "max expanded submodule count")
assert.Nil(t, h.MaxExpandedSubmoduleCountTree, "max expanded submodule count tree")
t.Run("partial", func(t *testing.T) {
name := "master:d0/d0"
oid, err := repo.ResolveObject(name)
require.NoError(t, err)
roots := []sizes.Root{sizes.NewExplicitRoot(name, oid)}
h, err := sizes.ScanRepositoryUsingGraph(
ctx, repo, roots, sizes.NameStyleFull, meter.NoProgressMeter,
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.UniqueCommitCount, "unique commit count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(0), h.UniqueCommitSize, "unique commit size")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxCommitSize, "max commit size")
assert.Nil(t, h.MaxCommitSizeCommit)
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxHistoryDepth, "max history depth")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxParentCount, "max parent count")
assert.Nil(t, h.MaxParentCountCommit, "max parent count commit")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(8), h.UniqueTreeCount, "unique tree count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(2330), h.UniqueTreeSize, "unique tree size")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(80), h.UniqueTreeEntries, "unique tree entries")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(10), h.MaxTreeEntries, "max tree entries")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0", h.MaxTreeEntriesTree.BestPath(), "max tree entries tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(1), h.UniqueBlobCount, "unique blob count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(6), h.UniqueBlobSize, "unique blob size")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(6), h.MaxBlobSize, "max blob size")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/d0/f0", h.MaxBlobSizeBlob.BestPath(), "max blob size blob")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.UniqueTagCount, "unique tag count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxTagDepth, "max tag depth")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.ReferenceCount, "reference count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(8), h.MaxPathDepth, "max path depth")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0", h.MaxPathDepthTree.BestPath(), "max path depth tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(23), h.MaxPathLength, "max path length")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0", h.MaxPathLengthTree.BestPath(), "max path length tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32((pow(10, 8)-1)/(10-1)), h.MaxExpandedTreeCount, "max expanded tree count")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0", h.MaxExpandedTreeCountTree.BestPath(), "max expanded tree count tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(pow(10, 8)), h.MaxExpandedBlobCount, "max expanded blob count")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0", h.MaxExpandedBlobCountTree.BestPath(), "max expanded blob count tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count64(6*pow(10, 8)), h.MaxExpandedBlobSize, "max expanded blob size")
assert.Equal(t, "master:d0/d0", h.MaxExpandedBlobSizeTree.BestPath(), "max expanded blob size tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxExpandedLinkCount, "max expanded link count")
assert.Nil(t, h.MaxExpandedLinkCountTree, "max expanded link count tree")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(0), h.MaxExpandedSubmoduleCount, "max expanded submodule count")
assert.Nil(t, h.MaxExpandedSubmoduleCountTree, "max expanded submodule count tree")
func TestTaggedTags(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
testRepo := testutils.NewTestRepo(t, false, "tagged-tags")
defer testRepo.Remove(t)
timestamp := time.Unix(1112911993, 0)
cmd := testRepo.GitCommand(t, "commit", "-m", "initial", "--allow-empty")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating commit")
// The lexicographical order of these tags is important, hence
// their strange names.
cmd = testRepo.GitCommand(t, "tag", "-m", "tag 1", "tag", "master")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating tag 1")
cmd = testRepo.GitCommand(t, "tag", "-m", "tag 2", "bag", "tag")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating tag 2")
cmd = testRepo.GitCommand(t, "tag", "-m", "tag 3", "wag", "bag")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating tag 3")
repo := testRepo.Repository(t)
refRoots, err := sizes.CollectReferences(ctx, repo, refGrouper{})
require.NoError(t, err)
roots := make([]sizes.Root, 0, len(refRoots))
for _, refRoot := range refRoots {
roots = append(roots, refRoot)
h, err := sizes.ScanRepositoryUsingGraph(
context.Background(), repo,
roots, sizes.NameStyleNone, meter.NoProgressMeter,
require.NoError(t, err, "scanning repository")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(3), h.MaxTagDepth, "tag depth")
func TestFromSubdir(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
testRepo := testutils.NewTestRepo(t, false, "subdir")
defer testRepo.Remove(t)
timestamp := time.Unix(1112911993, 0)
testRepo.AddFile(t, "subdir/file.txt", "Hello, world!\n")
cmd := testRepo.GitCommand(t, "commit", "-m", "initial")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating commit")
repo := testRepo.Repository(t)
refRoots, err := sizes.CollectReferences(ctx, repo, refGrouper{})
require.NoError(t, err)
roots := make([]sizes.Root, 0, len(refRoots))
for _, refRoot := range refRoots {
roots = append(roots, refRoot)
h, err := sizes.ScanRepositoryUsingGraph(
context.Background(), testRepo.Repository(t),
roots, sizes.NameStyleNone, meter.NoProgressMeter,
require.NoError(t, err, "scanning repository")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(2), h.MaxPathDepth, "max path depth")
func TestSubmodule(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
tmp, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "submodule")
require.NoError(t, err, "creating temporary directory")
defer func() {
timestamp := time.Unix(1112911993, 0)
submTestRepo := testutils.TestRepo{
Path: filepath.Join(tmp, "subm"),
submTestRepo.Init(t, false)
submTestRepo.AddFile(t, "submfile1.txt", "Hello, submodule!\n")
submTestRepo.AddFile(t, "submfile2.txt", "Hello again, submodule!\n")
submTestRepo.AddFile(t, "submfile3.txt", "Hello again, submodule!\n")
cmd := submTestRepo.GitCommand(t, "commit", "-m", "subm initial")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating subm commit")
mainTestRepo := testutils.TestRepo{
Path: filepath.Join(tmp, "main"),
mainTestRepo.Init(t, false)
mainTestRepo.AddFile(t, "mainfile.txt", "Hello, main!\n")
cmd = mainTestRepo.GitCommand(t, "commit", "-m", "main initial")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "creating main commit")
// Make subm a submodule of main:
cmd = mainTestRepo.GitCommand(t, "-c", "protocol.file.allow=always", "submodule", "add", submTestRepo.Path, "sub")
cmd.Dir = mainTestRepo.Path
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "adding submodule")
cmd = mainTestRepo.GitCommand(t, "commit", "-m", "add submodule")
testutils.AddAuthorInfo(cmd, ×tamp)
require.NoError(t, cmd.Run(), "committing submodule to main")
mainRepo := mainTestRepo.Repository(t)
mainRefRoots, err := sizes.CollectReferences(ctx, mainRepo, refGrouper{})
require.NoError(t, err)
mainRoots := make([]sizes.Root, 0, len(mainRefRoots))
for _, refRoot := range mainRefRoots {
mainRoots = append(mainRoots, refRoot)
// Analyze the main repo:
h, err := sizes.ScanRepositoryUsingGraph(
context.Background(), mainTestRepo.Repository(t),
mainRoots, sizes.NameStyleNone, meter.NoProgressMeter,
require.NoError(t, err, "scanning repository")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(2), h.UniqueBlobCount, "unique blob count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(2), h.MaxExpandedBlobCount, "max expanded blob count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(1), h.MaxExpandedSubmoduleCount, "max expanded submodule count")
// Analyze the submodule:
submTestRepo2 := testutils.TestRepo{
Path: filepath.Join(mainTestRepo.Path, "sub"),
submRepo2 := submTestRepo2.Repository(t)
submRefRoots2, err := sizes.CollectReferences(ctx, submRepo2, refGrouper{})
require.NoError(t, err)
submRoots2 := make([]sizes.Root, 0, len(submRefRoots2))
for _, refRoot := range submRefRoots2 {
submRoots2 = append(submRoots2, refRoot)
h, err = sizes.ScanRepositoryUsingGraph(
context.Background(), submRepo2,
submRoots2, sizes.NameStyleNone, meter.NoProgressMeter,
require.NoError(t, err, "scanning repository")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(2), h.UniqueBlobCount, "unique blob count")
assert.Equal(t, counts.Count32(3), h.MaxExpandedBlobCount, "max expanded blob count")