2018-06-06 14:36:46 +03:00
Feature: hub delete
Given I am "andreasbaumann" on github.com with OAuth token "OTOKEN"
Scenario: No argument in current repo
Given I am in "git://github.com/github/hub.git" git repo
When I run `hub delete`
Then the exit status should be 1
And the stderr should contain exactly:
Usage: hub delete [-y] [<ORGANIZATION>/]<NAME>\n
Scenario: Successful confirmation
Given the GitHub API server:
delete('/repos/andreasbaumann/my-repo') {
status 204
When I run `hub delete my-repo` interactively
And I type "yes"
Then the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain:
Really delete repository 'andreasbaumann/my-repo' (yes/N)?
And the output should contain:
Deleted repository 'andreasbaumann/my-repo'.
Scenario: Org repo
Given the GitHub API server:
delete('/repos/our-org/my-repo') {
status 204
When I run `hub delete our-org/my-repo` interactively
And I type "yes"
Then the exit status should be 0
And the output should contain:
Really delete repository 'our-org/my-repo' (yes/N)?
And the output should contain:
Deleted repository 'our-org/my-repo'.
Scenario: Invalid confirmation
When I run `hub delete my-repo` interactively
And I type "y"
Then the exit status should be 1
And the output should contain:
Really delete repository 'andreasbaumann/my-repo' (yes/N)?
And the stderr should contain exactly:
Please type 'yes' for confirmation.\n
2018-06-06 15:06:39 +03:00
Scenario: HTTP 403
Given the GitHub API server:
delete('/repos/andreasbaumann/my-repo') {
status 403
When I run `hub delete -y my-repo`
Then the exit status should be 1
And the stderr should contain:
Please edit the token used for hub at https://github.com/settings/tokens
and verify that the `delete_repo` scope is enabled.
Scenario: HTTP 403 on GitHub Enterprise
Given I am "mislav" on git.my.org with OAuth token "FITOKEN"
And $GITHUB_HOST is "git.my.org"
Given the GitHub API server:
delete('/api/v3/repos/mislav/my-repo', :host_name => 'git.my.org') {
status 403
When I run `hub delete -y my-repo`
Then the exit status should be 1
And the stderr should contain:
Please edit the token used for hub at https://git.my.org/settings/tokens
and verify that the `delete_repo` scope is enabled.