Feature: hub fork Background: Given I am in "dotfiles" git repo And the "origin" remote has url "git://github.com/evilchelu/dotfiles.git" And I am "mislav" on github.com with OAuth token "OTOKEN" Scenario: Fork the repository Given the GitHub API server: """ before { halt 401 unless request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] == 'token OTOKEN' } get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles', :host_name => 'api.github.com') { 404 } post('/repos/evilchelu/dotfiles/forks', :host_name => 'api.github.com') { '' } """ When I successfully run `hub fork` Then the output should contain exactly "new remote: mislav\n" And "git remote add -f mislav git@github.com:mislav/dotfiles.git" should be run And the url for "mislav" should be "git@github.com:mislav/dotfiles.git" Scenario: --no-remote Given the GitHub API server: """ post('/repos/evilchelu/dotfiles/forks') { '' } """ When I successfully run `hub fork --no-remote` Then there should be no output And there should be no "mislav" remote Scenario: Fork failed Given the GitHub API server: """ post('/repos/evilchelu/dotfiles/forks') { halt 500 } """ When I run `hub fork` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ Error creating fork: Internal Server Error (HTTP 500)\n """ And there should be no "mislav" remote Scenario: Unrelated fork already exists Given the GitHub API server: """ get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :parent => { :html_url => 'https://github.com/unrelated/dotfiles' } } """ When I run `hub fork` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ Error creating fork: mislav/dotfiles already exists on github.com\n """ And there should be no "mislav" remote Scenario: Related fork already exists Given the GitHub API server: """ get('/repos/mislav/dotfiles') { json :parent => { :html_url => 'https://github.com/evilchelu/dotfiles' } } """ When I run `hub fork` Then the exit status should be 0 And the url for "mislav" should be "git@github.com:mislav/dotfiles.git" Scenario: Invalid OAuth token Given the GitHub API server: """ before { halt 401 unless request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] == 'token OTOKEN' } """ And I am "mislav" on github.com with OAuth token "WRONGTOKEN" When I run `hub fork` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ Error creating fork: Unauthorized (HTTP 401)\n """ Scenario: HTTPS is preferred Given the GitHub API server: """ post('/repos/evilchelu/dotfiles/forks') { '' } """ And HTTPS is preferred When I successfully run `hub fork` Then the output should contain exactly "new remote: mislav\n" And the url for "mislav" should be "https://github.com/mislav/dotfiles.git" Scenario: Not in repo Given the current dir is not a repo When I run `hub fork` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain "fatal: Not a git repository" Scenario: Unknown host Given the "origin" remote has url "git@git.my.org:evilchelu/dotfiles.git" When I run `hub fork` Then the exit status should be 1 And the stderr should contain exactly: """ Error: repository under 'origin' remote is not a GitHub project\n """ Scenario: Enterprise fork Given the GitHub API server: """ before { halt 401 unless request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] == 'token FITOKEN' } post('/api/v3/repos/evilchelu/dotfiles/forks', :host_name => 'git.my.org') { '' } """ And the "origin" remote has url "git@git.my.org:evilchelu/dotfiles.git" And I am "mislav" on git.my.org with OAuth token "FITOKEN" And "git.my.org" is a whitelisted Enterprise host When I successfully run `hub fork` Then the url for "mislav" should be "git@git.my.org:mislav/dotfiles.git"