require 'fileutils' Given(/^HTTPS is preferred$/) do run_silent %(git config --global hub.protocol https) end Given(/^there are no remotes$/) do result = run_silent('git remote') expect(result).to be_empty end Given(/^"([^"]*)" is a whitelisted Enterprise host$/) do |host| run_silent %(git config --global --add "#{host}") end Given(/^git "(.+?)" is set to "(.+?)"$/) do |key, value| run_silent %(git config #{key} "#{value}") end Given(/^the "([^"]*)" remote has(?: (push))? url "([^"]*)"$/) do |remote_name, push, url| remotes = run_silent('git remote').split("\n") if push push = "--push" end unless remotes.include? remote_name run_silent %(git remote add #{remote_name} "#{url}") else run_silent %(git remote set-url #{push} #{remote_name} "#{url}") end end Given(/^I am "([^"]*)" on ([\S]+)(?: with OAuth token "([^"]*)")?$/) do |name, host, token| edit_hub_config do |cfg| entry = {'user' => name} host = host.sub(%r{^([\w-]+)://}, '') entry['oauth_token'] = token if token entry['protocol'] = $1 if $1 cfg[host.downcase] = [entry] end end Given(/^\$(\w+) is "([^"]*)"$/) do |name, value| set_env name, value end Given(/^I am in "([^"]*)" git repo$/) do |dir_name| if dir_name.include?(':') origin_url = dir_name dir_name = File.basename origin_url, '.git' end step %(a git repo in "#{dir_name}") step %(I cd to "#{dir_name}") step %(the "origin" remote has url "#{origin_url}") if origin_url end Given(/^a (bare )?git repo in "([^"]*)"$/) do |bare, dir_name| step %(a directory named "#{dir_name}") dirs << dir_name step %(I successfully run `git init --quiet #{"--bare" if bare}`) dirs.pop end Given(/^a git bundle named "([^"]*)"$/) do |file| in_current_dir do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file) dest = File.expand_path(file) Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| dirs << tmpdir run_silent %(git init --quiet) empty_commit run_silent %(git bundle create "#{dest}" master) dirs.pop end end end Given(/^there is a commit named "([^"]+)"$/) do |name| empty_commit empty_commit run_silent %(git tag #{name}) run_silent %(git reset --quiet --hard HEAD^) end Given(/^there is a git FETCH_HEAD$/) do empty_commit empty_commit in_current_dir do".git/FETCH_HEAD", "w") do |fetch_head| fetch_head.puts "%s\t\t'refs/heads/made-up' of git://" % `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp end end run_silent %(git reset --quiet --hard HEAD^) end When(/^I make (a|\d+) commits?(?: with message "([^"]+)")?$/) do |num, msg| num = num == 'a' ? 1 : num.to_i num.times { empty_commit(msg) } end When(/^I make a commit with message:$/) do |msg| empty_commit(msg) end Then(/^the latest commit message should be "([^"]+)"$/) do |subject| step %(I successfully run `git log -1 --format=%s`) step %(the output should contain exactly "#{subject}\\n") end Given(/^the "([^"]+)" branch is pushed to "([^"]+)"$/) do |name, upstream| full_upstream = ".git/refs/remotes/#{upstream}" in_current_dir do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(full_upstream) FileUtils.cp ".git/refs/heads/#{name}", full_upstream end end Given(/^I am on the "([^"]+)" branch(?: (pushed to|with upstream) "([^"]+)")?$/) do |name, type, upstream| run_silent %(git checkout --quiet -b #{shell_escape name}) empty_commit if upstream unless upstream == 'refs/heads/master' full_upstream = upstream.start_with?('refs/') ? upstream : "refs/remotes/#{upstream}" run_silent %(git update-ref #{shell_escape full_upstream} HEAD) end if type == 'with upstream' run_silent %(git branch --set-upstream-to #{shell_escape upstream}) end end end Given(/^the default branch for "([^"]+)" is "([^"]+)"$/) do |remote, branch| empty_commit ref_file = ".git/refs/remotes/#{remote}/#{branch}" in_current_dir do FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(ref_file) FileUtils.cp '.git/refs/heads/master', ref_file end run_silent %(git remote set-head #{remote} #{branch}) end Given(/^I am in detached HEAD$/) do empty_commit empty_commit run_silent %(git checkout HEAD^) end Given(/^the current dir is not a repo$/) do in_current_dir do FileUtils.rm_rf '.git' end end Given(/^the GitHub API server:$/) do |endpoints_str| @server = Hub::LocalServer.start_sinatra do eval endpoints_str, binding end # hit our Sinatra server instead of set_env 'HUB_TEST_HOST', "{@server.port}" end Given(/^I use a debugging proxy(?: at "(.+?)")?$/) do |address| address ||= 'localhost:8888' set_env 'HTTP_PROXY', address set_env 'HTTPS_PROXY', address end Then(/^shell$/) do in_current_dir do system '/bin/bash -i' end end Then(/^"([^"]*)" should be run$/) do |cmd| assert_command_run cmd end Then(/^it should clone "([^"]*)"$/) do |repo| step %("git clone #{repo}" should be run) end Then(/^it should not clone anything$/) do history.each { |h| expect(h).to_not match(/^git clone/) } end Then(/^"([^"]+)" should not be run$/) do |pattern| history.each { |h| expect(h).to_not include(pattern) } end Then(/^there should be no output$/) do assert_exact_output('', all_output) end Then(/^the git command should be unchanged$/) do expect(@commands).to_not be_empty assert_command_run @commands.last.sub(/^hub\b/, 'git') end Then(/^the url for "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |name, url| found = run_silent %(git config --get-all remote.#{name}.url) expect(found).to eql(url) end Then(/^the "([^"]*)" submodule url should be "([^"]*)"$/) do |name, url| found = run_silent %(git config --get-all submodule."#{name}".url) expect(found).to eql(url) end Then(/^"([^"]*)" should merge "([^"]*)" from remote "([^"]*)"$/) do |name, merge, remote| actual_remote = run_silent %(git config --get-all branch.#{name}.remote) expect(remote).to eql(actual_remote) actual_merge = run_silent %(git config --get-all branch.#{name}.merge) expect(merge).to eql(actual_merge) end Then(/^there should be no "([^"]*)" remote$/) do |remote_name| remotes = run_silent('git remote').split("\n") expect(remotes).to_not include(remote_name) end Then(/^the file "([^"]*)" should have mode "([^"]*)"$/) do |file, expected_mode| prep_for_fs_check do mode = File.stat(file).mode expect(mode.to_s(8)).to match(/#{expected_mode}$/) end end Given(/^the file named "(.+?)" is older than hub source$/) do |file| prep_for_fs_check do time = File.mtime(File.expand_path('../../lib/hub/commands.rb', __FILE__)) - 60 File.utime(time, time, file) end end Given(/^the remote commit states of "(.*?)" "(.*?)" are:$/) do |proj, ref, json_value| if ref == 'HEAD' empty_commit end rev = run_silent %(git rev-parse #{ref}) host, owner, repo = proj.split('/', 3) if repo.nil? repo = owner owner = host host = nil end status_endpoint = <<-EOS get('#{'/api/v3' if host}/repos/#{owner}/#{repo}/commits/#{rev}/status'#{", :host_name => '#{host}'" if host}) { json(#{json_value}) } EOS step %{the GitHub API server:}, status_endpoint end Given(/^the remote commit state of "(.*?)" "(.*?)" is "(.*?)"$/) do |proj, ref, status| step %{the remote commit states of "#{proj}" "#{ref}" are:}, <<-EOS { :state => "#{status}", :statuses => [ { :state => "#{status}", :context => "continuous-integration/travis-ci/push", :target_url => '{proj}/builds/1234567' } ] } EOS end Given(/^the remote commit state of "(.*?)" "(.*?)" is nil$/) do |proj, ref| step %{the remote commit states of "#{proj}" "#{ref}" are:}, %({ :state => "pending", :statuses => [] }) end Given(/^the text editor exits with error status$/) do text_editor_script "exit 1" end Given(/^the text editor adds:$/) do |text| text_editor_script <<-BASH file="$3" contents="$(cat "$file" 2>/dev/null || true)" { echo "#{text}" echo echo "$contents" } > "$file" BASH end When(/^I pass in:$/) do |input| type(input) @interactive.stdin.close end Given(/^the git commit editor is "([^"]+)"$/) do |cmd| set_env('GIT_EDITOR', cmd) end Given(/^the SSH config:$/) do |config_lines| ssh_config = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/config" FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(ssh_config)), 'w') {|f| f << config_lines } end Given(/^the SHAs and timestamps are normalized in "([^"]+)"$/) do |file| in_current_dir do contents = contents.gsub!(/[0-9a-f]{7} \(Hub, \d seconds? ago\)/, "SHA1SHA (Hub, 0 seconds ago)"), "w") { |f| f.write(contents) } end end