Feature: git-hub compatibility Scenario: If alias named branch exists, it should not be expanded. Given I am in "git://github.com/rtomayko/ronn.git" git repo And the default branch for "origin" is "master" When I successfully run `git config --global alias.branch "branch -a"` When I run `hub branch` Then the stdout should contain exactly "* master\n" Scenario: List commands When I successfully run `hub --list-cmds=others` Then the stdout should contain exactly: """ add branch commit alias api browse ci-status compare create delete fork issue pr pull-request release sync\n """ Scenario: Doesn't sabotage --exec-path When I successfully run `hub --exec-path` Then the output should not contain "These GitHub commands" Scenario: Shows help with --git-dir When I run `hub --git-dir=.git` Then the exit status should be 1 And the output should contain "usage: git "