Feature: hub alias Scenario: bash instructions Given $SHELL is "/bin/bash" When I successfully run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ # Wrap git automatically by adding the following to ~/.bash_profile: eval "$(hub alias -s)"\n """ Scenario: fish instructions Given $SHELL is "/usr/local/bin/fish" When I successfully run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ # Wrap git automatically by adding the following to ~/.config/fish/functions/git.fish: function git --wraps hub --description 'Alias for hub, which wraps git to provide extra functionality with GitHub.' hub $argv end\n """ Scenario: rc instructions Given $SHELL is "/usr/local/bin/rc" When I successfully run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ # Wrap git automatically by adding the following to $home/lib/profile: eval `{hub alias -s}\n """ Scenario: zsh instructions Given $SHELL is "/bin/zsh" When I successfully run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ # Wrap git automatically by adding the following to ~/.zshrc: eval "$(hub alias -s)"\n """ Scenario: csh instructions Given $SHELL is "/bin/csh" When I successfully run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ # Wrap git automatically by adding the following to ~/.cshrc: eval "`hub alias -s`"\n """ Scenario: tcsh instructions Given $SHELL is "/bin/tcsh" When I successfully run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ # Wrap git automatically by adding the following to ~/.tcshrc: eval "`hub alias -s`"\n """ Scenario: bash code Given $SHELL is "/bin/bash" When I successfully run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ alias git=hub\n """ Scenario: fish code Given $SHELL is "/usr/local/bin/fish" When I successfully run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ alias git=hub\n """ Scenario: rc code Given $SHELL is "/usr/local/bin/rc" When I successfully run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ fn git { builtin hub $* }\n """ Scenario: zsh code Given $SHELL is "/bin/zsh" When I successfully run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ alias git=hub\n """ Scenario: csh code Given $SHELL is "/bin/csh" When I successfully run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ alias git hub\n """ Scenario: tcsh code Given $SHELL is "/bin/tcsh" When I successfully run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ alias git hub\n """ Scenario: unsupported shell Given $SHELL is "/bin/zwoosh" When I run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ hub alias: unsupported shell supported shells: bash zsh sh ksh csh tcsh fish rc\n """ And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: unknown shell Given $SHELL is "" When I run `hub alias` Then the output should contain exactly: """ Error: couldn't detect shell type. Please specify your shell with `hub alias `\n """ And the exit status should be 1 Scenario: unknown shell output Given $SHELL is "" When I run `hub alias -s` Then the output should contain exactly: """ Error: couldn't detect shell type. Please specify your shell with `hub alias -s `\n """ And the exit status should be 1