
612 строки
16 KiB

package commands
import (
var (
cmdIssue = &Command{
Run: listIssues,
Usage: `
issue [-a <ASSIGNEE>] [-c <CREATOR>] [-@ <USER>] [-s <STATE>] [-f <FORMAT>] [-M <MILESTONE>] [-l <LABELS>] [-d <DATE>] [-o <SORT_KEY> [-^]] [-L <LIMIT>]
issue show [-f <FORMAT>] <NUMBER>
issue create [-oc] [-m <MESSAGE>|-F <FILE>] [--edit] [-a <USERS>] [-M <MILESTONE>] [-l <LABELS>]
issue labels [--color]
Long: `Manage GitHub issues for the current project.
## Commands:
With no arguments, show a list of open issues.
* _show_:
Show an existing issue specified by <NUMBER>.
* _create_:
Open an issue in the current project.
* _labels_:
List the labels available in this repository.
## Options:
-a, --assignee=<ASSIGNEE>
Display only issues assigned to <ASSIGNEE>.
When opening an issue, this can be a comma-separated list of people to
assign to the new issue.
-c, --creator=<CREATOR>
Display only issues created by <CREATOR>.
-@, --mentioned=<USER>
Display only issues mentioning <USER>.
-s, --state=<STATE>
Display issues with state <STATE> (default: "open").
-f, --format=<FORMAT>
Pretty print the contents of the issues using format <FORMAT> (default:
"%sC%>(8)%i%Creset %t% l%n"). See the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of
git-log(1) for some additional details on how placeholders are used in
format. The available placeholders for issues are:
%I: issue number
%i: issue number prefixed with "#"
%U: the URL of this issue
%S: state (i.e. "open", "closed")
%sC: set color to red or green, depending on issue state.
%t: title
%l: colored labels
%L: raw, comma-separated labels
%b: body
%au: login name of author
%as: comma-separated list of assignees
%Mn: milestone number
%Mt: milestone title
%NC: number of comments
%Nc: number of comments wrapped in parentheses, or blank string if zero.
%cD: created date-only (no time of day)
%cr: created date, relative
%ct: created date, UNIX timestamp
%cI: created date, ISO 8601 format
%uD: updated date-only (no time of day)
%ur: updated date, relative
%ut: updated date, UNIX timestamp
%uI: updated date, ISO 8601 format
%n: newline
%%: a literal %
-m, --message=<MESSAGE>
The text up to the first blank line in <MESSAGE> is treated as the issue
title, and the rest is used as issue description in Markdown format.
If multiple <MESSAGE> options are given, their values are concatenated as
separate paragraphs.
-F, --file=<FILE>
Read the issue title and description from <FILE>.
-e, --edit
Further edit the contents of <FILE> in a text editor before submitting.
-o, --browse
Open the new issue in a web browser.
-c, --copy
Put the URL of the new issue to clipboard instead of printing it.
-M, --milestone=<ID>
Display only issues for a GitHub milestone with id <ID>.
When opening an issue, add this issue to a GitHub milestone with id <ID>.
-l, --labels=<LABELS>
Display only issues with certain labels.
When opening an issue, add a comma-separated list of labels to this issue.
-d, --since=<DATE>
Display only issues updated on or after <DATE> in ISO 8601 format.
-o, --sort=<SORT_KEY>
Sort displayed issues by "created" (default), "updated" or "comments".
-^ --sort-ascending
Sort by ascending dates instead of descending.
-L, --limit=<LIMIT>
Display only the first <LIMIT> issues.
Include pull requests as well as issues.
Enable colored output for labels list.
cmdCreateIssue = &Command{
Key: "create",
Run: createIssue,
Usage: "issue create [-o] [-m <MESSAGE>|-F <FILE>] [-a <USERS>] [-M <MILESTONE>] [-l <LABELS>]",
Long: "Open an issue in the current project.",
cmdShowIssue = &Command{
Key: "show",
Run: showIssue,
Usage: "issue show <NUMBER>",
Long: "Show an issue in the current project.",
cmdLabel = &Command{
Key: "labels",
Run: listLabels,
Usage: "issue labels [--color]",
Long: "List the labels available in this repository.",
flagIssueFile string
flagIssueMessage messageBlocks
flagIssueSortAscending bool
flagIssueIncludePulls bool
flagIssueMilestone uint64
flagIssueLabels listFlag
flagIssueLimit int
flagLabelsColorize bool
func init() {
cmdShowIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagShowIssueFormat, "format", "f", "", "FORMAT")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.VarP(&flagIssueMessage, "message", "m", "MESSAGE")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueFile, "file", "F", "", "FILE")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.Uint64VarP(&flagIssueMilestone, "milestone", "M", 0, "MILESTONE")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.VarP(&flagIssueLabels, "label", "l", "LABEL")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.VarP(&flagIssueAssignees, "assign", "a", "ASSIGNEE")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.BoolVarP(&flagIssueBrowse, "browse", "o", false, "BROWSE")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.BoolVarP(&flagIssueCopy, "copy", "c", false, "COPY")
cmdCreateIssue.Flag.BoolVarP(&flagIssueEdit, "edit", "e", false, "EDIT")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueAssignee, "assignee", "a", "", "ASSIGNEE")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueState, "state", "s", "", "STATE")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueFormat, "format", "f", "%sC%>(8)%i%Creset %t% l%n", "FORMAT")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueMilestoneFilter, "milestone", "M", "", "MILESTONE")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueCreator, "creator", "c", "", "CREATOR")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueMentioned, "mentioned", "@", "", "USER")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueLabelsFilter, "labels", "l", "", "LABELS")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueSince, "since", "d", "", "DATE")
cmdIssue.Flag.StringVarP(&flagIssueSort, "sort", "o", "created", "SORT_KEY")
cmdIssue.Flag.BoolVarP(&flagIssueSortAscending, "sort-ascending", "^", false, "SORT_KEY")
cmdIssue.Flag.BoolVarP(&flagIssueIncludePulls, "include-pulls", "", false, "INCLUDE_PULLS")
cmdIssue.Flag.IntVarP(&flagIssueLimit, "limit", "L", -1, "LIMIT")
cmdLabel.Flag.BoolVarP(&flagLabelsColorize, "color", "", false, "COLORIZE")
func listIssues(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
localRepo, err := github.LocalRepo()
project, err := localRepo.MainProject()
gh := github.NewClient(project.Host)
if args.Noop {
ui.Printf("Would request list of issues for %s\n", project)
} else {
flagFilters := map[string]string{
"state": flagIssueState,
"assignee": flagIssueAssignee,
"milestone": flagIssueMilestoneFilter,
"creator": flagIssueCreator,
"mentioned": flagIssueMentioned,
"labels": flagIssueLabelsFilter,
"sort": flagIssueSort,
filters := map[string]interface{}{}
for flag, filter := range flagFilters {
if cmd.FlagPassed(flag) {
filters[flag] = filter
if flagIssueSortAscending {
filters["direction"] = "asc"
} else {
filters["direction"] = "desc"
if cmd.FlagPassed("since") {
if sinceTime, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02", flagIssueSince, time.Local); err == nil {
filters["since"] = sinceTime.Format(time.RFC3339)
} else {
filters["since"] = flagIssueSince
issues, err := gh.FetchIssues(project, filters, flagIssueLimit, func(issue *github.Issue) bool {
return issue.PullRequest == nil || flagIssueIncludePulls
maxNumWidth := 0
for _, issue := range issues {
if numWidth := len(strconv.Itoa(issue.Number)); numWidth > maxNumWidth {
maxNumWidth = numWidth
colorize := ui.IsTerminal(os.Stdout)
for _, issue := range issues {
ui.Print(formatIssue(issue, flagIssueFormat, colorize))
func formatIssuePlaceholders(issue github.Issue, colorize bool) map[string]string {
var stateColorSwitch string
if colorize {
issueColor := 32
if issue.State == "closed" {
issueColor = 31
stateColorSwitch = fmt.Sprintf("\033[%dm", issueColor)
var labelStrings []string
var rawLabels []string
for _, label := range issue.Labels {
if !colorize {
labelStrings = append(labelStrings, fmt.Sprintf(" %s ", label.Name))
color, err := utils.NewColor(label.Color)
if err != nil {
labelStrings = append(labelStrings, colorizeLabel(label, color))
rawLabels = append(rawLabels, label.Name)
var assignees []string
for _, assignee := range issue.Assignees {
assignees = append(assignees, assignee.Login)
var milestoneNumber, milestoneTitle string
if issue.Milestone != nil {
milestoneNumber = fmt.Sprintf("%d", issue.Milestone.Number)
milestoneTitle = issue.Milestone.Title
var numCommentsWrapped string
numComments := fmt.Sprintf("%d", issue.Comments)
if issue.Comments > 0 {
numCommentsWrapped = fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", issue.Comments)
var createdDate, createdAtISO8601, createdAtUnix, createdAtRelative,
updatedDate, updatedAtISO8601, updatedAtUnix, updatedAtRelative string
if !issue.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
createdDate = issue.CreatedAt.Format("02 Jan 2006")
createdAtISO8601 = issue.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339)
createdAtUnix = fmt.Sprintf("%d", issue.CreatedAt.Unix())
createdAtRelative = utils.TimeAgo(issue.CreatedAt)
if !issue.UpdatedAt.IsZero() {
updatedDate = issue.UpdatedAt.Format("02 Jan 2006")
updatedAtISO8601 = issue.UpdatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339)
updatedAtUnix = fmt.Sprintf("%d", issue.UpdatedAt.Unix())
updatedAtRelative = utils.TimeAgo(issue.UpdatedAt)
return map[string]string{
"I": fmt.Sprintf("%d", issue.Number),
"i": fmt.Sprintf("#%d", issue.Number),
"U": issue.HtmlUrl,
"S": issue.State,
"sC": stateColorSwitch,
"t": issue.Title,
"l": strings.Join(labelStrings, " "),
"L": strings.Join(rawLabels, ", "),
"b": issue.Body,
"au": issue.User.Login,
"as": strings.Join(assignees, ", "),
"Mn": milestoneNumber,
"Mt": milestoneTitle,
"NC": numComments,
"Nc": numCommentsWrapped,
"cD": createdDate,
"cI": createdAtISO8601,
"ct": createdAtUnix,
"cr": createdAtRelative,
"uD": updatedDate,
"uI": updatedAtISO8601,
"ut": updatedAtUnix,
"ur": updatedAtRelative,
func formatPullRequestPlaceholders(pr github.PullRequest) map[string]string {
base := pr.Base.Ref
head := pr.Head.Label
if pr.IsSameRepo() {
head = pr.Head.Ref
var requestedReviewers []string
for _, requestedReviewer := range pr.RequestedReviewers {
requestedReviewers = append(requestedReviewers, requestedReviewer.Login)
for _, requestedTeam := range pr.RequestedTeams {
teamSlug := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pr.Base.Repo.Owner.Login, requestedTeam.Slug)
requestedReviewers = append(requestedReviewers, teamSlug)
var mergedDate, mergedAtISO8601, mergedAtUnix, mergedAtRelative string
if !pr.MergedAt.IsZero() {
mergedDate = pr.MergedAt.Format("02 Jan 2006")
mergedAtISO8601 = pr.MergedAt.Format(time.RFC3339)
mergedAtUnix = fmt.Sprintf("%d", pr.MergedAt.Unix())
mergedAtRelative = utils.TimeAgo(pr.MergedAt)
return map[string]string{
"B": base,
"H": head,
"sB": pr.Base.Sha,
"sH": pr.Head.Sha,
"sm": pr.MergeCommitSha,
"rs": strings.Join(requestedReviewers, ", "),
"mD": mergedDate,
"mI": mergedAtISO8601,
"mt": mergedAtUnix,
"mr": mergedAtRelative,
func formatIssue(issue github.Issue, format string, colorize bool) string {
placeholders := formatIssuePlaceholders(issue, colorize)
return ui.Expand(format, placeholders, colorize)
func showIssue(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
issueNumber := cmd.Arg(0)
if issueNumber == "" {
localRepo, err := github.LocalRepo()
project, err := localRepo.MainProject()
gh := github.NewClient(project.Host)
var issue = &github.Issue{}
issue, err = gh.FetchIssue(project, issueNumber)
colorize := ui.IsTerminal(os.Stdout)
if flagShowIssueFormat != "" {
ui.Print(formatIssue(*issue, flagShowIssueFormat, colorize))
var closed = ""
if issue.State != "open" {
closed = "[CLOSED] "
commentsList, err := gh.FetchComments(project, issueNumber)
ui.Printf("# %s%s\n\n", closed, issue.Title)
ui.Printf("* created by @%s on %s\n", issue.User.Login, issue.CreatedAt.String())
if len(issue.Assignees) > 0 {
var assignees []string
for _, user := range issue.Assignees {
assignees = append(assignees, user.Login)
ui.Printf("* assignees: %s\n", strings.Join(assignees, ", "))
ui.Printf("\n%s\n", issue.Body)
if issue.Comments > 0 {
ui.Printf("\n## Comments:\n")
for _, comment := range commentsList {
ui.Printf("\n### comment by @%s on %s\n\n%s\n", comment.User.Login, comment.CreatedAt.String(), comment.Body)
func createIssue(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
localRepo, err := github.LocalRepo()
project, err := localRepo.MainProject()
gh := github.NewClient(project.Host)
messageBuilder := &github.MessageBuilder{
Filename: "ISSUE_EDITMSG",
Title: "issue",
messageBuilder.AddCommentedSection(fmt.Sprintf(`Creating an issue for %s
Write a message for this issue. The first block of
text is the title and the rest is the description.`, project))
if len(flagIssueMessage) > 0 {
messageBuilder.Message = flagIssueMessage.String()
messageBuilder.Edit = flagIssueEdit
} else if cmd.FlagPassed("file") {
messageBuilder.Message, err = msgFromFile(flagIssueFile)
messageBuilder.Edit = flagIssueEdit
} else {
messageBuilder.Edit = true
workdir, _ := git.WorkdirName()
if workdir != "" {
template, err := github.ReadTemplate(github.IssueTemplate, workdir)
if template != "" {
messageBuilder.Message = template
title, body, err := messageBuilder.Extract()
if title == "" {
utils.Check(fmt.Errorf("Aborting creation due to empty issue title"))
params := map[string]interface{}{
"title": title,
"body": body,
if len(flagIssueLabels) > 0 {
params["labels"] = flagIssueLabels
if len(flagIssueAssignees) > 0 {
params["assignees"] = flagIssueAssignees
if flagIssueMilestone > 0 {
params["milestone"] = flagIssueMilestone
if args.Noop {
ui.Printf("Would create issue `%s' for %s\n", params["title"], project)
} else {
issue, err := gh.CreateIssue(project, params)
printBrowseOrCopy(args, issue.HtmlUrl, flagIssueBrowse, flagIssueCopy)
func listLabels(cmd *Command, args *Args) {
localRepo, err := github.LocalRepo()
project, err := localRepo.MainProject()
gh := github.NewClient(project.Host)
if args.Noop {
ui.Printf("Would request list of labels for %s\n", project)
labels, err := gh.FetchLabels(project)
for _, label := range labels {
ui.Print(formatLabel(label, flagLabelsColorize))
func formatLabel(label github.IssueLabel, colorize bool) string {
if colorize {
if color, err := utils.NewColor(label.Color); err == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", colorizeLabel(label, color))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", label.Name)
func colorizeLabel(label github.IssueLabel, color *utils.Color) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\033[38;5;%d;48;2;%d;%d;%dm %s \033[m",
getSuitableLabelTextColor(color), color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue, label.Name)
func getSuitableLabelTextColor(color *utils.Color) int {
if color.Brightness() < 0.65 {
return 15 // white text
return 16 // black text