
317 строки
11 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
default_stages: [commit, push]
# force all unspecified python hooks to run python3
python: python3
minimum_pre_commit_version: "1.20.0"
- repo:
rev: v1.1.7
- id: forbid-tabs
exclude: ^airflow/_vendor/.*$|^docs/Makefile$
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all SQL files
files: \.sql$
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- --comment-style
- "/*||*/"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all other files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$"|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
files: >
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all rst files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$"|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- --comment-style
- "||"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.rst
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
files: \.rst$
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all JS/CSS files
files: \.(js|css)$
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- --comment-style
- "/**| *| */"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all JINJA template files
files: ^airflow/www/templates/.*\.html$|^docs/templates/.*\.html$|^airflow/contrib/plugins/metastore_browser/templates/.*\.html$ # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- --comment-style
- "{#||#}"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all shell files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$"|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
files: ^breeze$|^breeze-complete$|\.sh$|\.bash$|\.bats$
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all python files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$"|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
types: [python]
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all XML files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$"|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
types: [xml]
- --comment-style
- "<!--||-->"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all yaml files
exclude: ^\.github/.*$"|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
types: [yaml]
- --comment-style
- "|#|"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- id: insert-license
name: Add license for all md files
files: \.md$
exclude: ^\.github/.*$|^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- --comment-style
- "<!--|| -->"
- --license-filepath
- license-templates/LICENSE.txt
- --fuzzy-match-generates-todo
- repo:
rev: v1.4.0
- id: doctoc
name: Add TOC for md files
files: ^README\.md$|^CONTRIBUTING\.md$|^$|^dev/$
- "--maxlevel"
- "2"
- repo: meta
- id: check-hooks-apply
- repo:
rev: v2.4.0
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: debug-statements
- id: detect-private-key
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: mixed-line-ending
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
- id: check-xml
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: fix-encoding-pragma
- --remove
exclude: ^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- repo:
rev: v1.4.4
- id: rst-backticks
- id: python-no-log-warn
- repo: local
- id: yamllint
name: Check yaml files with yamllint
entry: yamllint -c yamllint-config.yml
language: python
additional_dependencies: ['yamllint']
types: [yaml]
exclude: ^.*init_git_sync\.template\.yaml$|^.*airflow\.template\.yaml$
- id: shellcheck
name: Check Shell scripts syntax correctness
language: docker_image
entry: koalaman/shellcheck:stable -x -a
files: ^breeze$|^breeze-complete$|\.sh$|^hooks/build$|^hooks/push$|\.bash$|\.bats$
exclude: ^airflow/_vendor/.*$
- id: lint-dockerfile
name: Lint dockerfile
language: system
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
files: ^Dockerfile.*$
pass_filenames: true
- id: isort
name: Run isort to sort imports
language: python
entry: isort
files: \.py$
# To keep consistent with the global isort skip config defined in setup.cfg
exclude: ^airflow/_vendor/.*$|^build/.*$|^.tox/.*$|^venv/.*$
additional_dependencies: ['isort']
- id: setup-order
name: Checks for an order of dependencies in
language: python
files: ^$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
entry: tests/
- id: update-breeze-file
name: Update output of breeze command in BREEZE.rst
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
language: system
files: ^BREEZE.rst$|^breeze$|^breeze-complete$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- id: pydevd
language: pygrep
name: Check for pydevd debug statements accidentally left
entry: "pydevd.*settrace\\("
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
- id: consistent-pylint
language: pygrep
name: Check for inconsitent pylint disable/enable without space
entry: "pylint:disable|pylint:enable"
pass_filenames: true
files: \.py$
- id: base-operator
language: pygrep
name: Make sure BaseOperator[Link] is imported from airflow.models.baseoperator in core
entry: "from airflow\\.models import.* BaseOperator"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
exclude: >
- id: base-operator
language: pygrep
name: Make sure BaseOperator[Link] is imported from airflow.models outside of core
entry: "from airflow\\.models\\.baseoperator import.* BaseOperator"
pass_filenames: true
files: >
- id: provide-create-sessions
language: pygrep
name: Make sure provide_session and create_session are imported from airflow.utils.session
entry: "from airflow\\.utils\\.db import.* (provide_session|create_session)"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
- id: incorrect-use-of-LoggingMixin
language: pygrep
name: Make sure LoggingMixin is not used alone
entry: "LoggingMixin\\(\\)"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
- id: daysago-import-check
language: pygrep
name: Make sure days_ago is imported from airflow.utils.dates
entry: "(airflow\\.){0,1}utils\\.dates\\.days_ago"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
- id: build
name: Check if image build is needed
entry: ./scripts/ci/
language: system
always_run: true
pass_filenames: false
- id: check-apache-license
name: Check if licenses are OK for Apache
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
language: system
files: ^.*LICENSE.*$|^.*LICENCE.*$
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true
- id: airflow-config-yaml
name: Checks for consistency between config.yml and default_config.cfg
language: python
files: "^airflow/config_templates/config.yml$|^airflow/config_templates/default_airflow.cfg$"
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: false
entry: scripts/ci/
additional_dependencies: ['pyyaml']
- id: mypy
name: Run mypy
language: system
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
files: \.py$
exclude: ^airflow/_vendor/.*$|^dev
[AIRFLOW-XXXX] Speed up mypy runs. (#7421) This PR does two things: 1. It enables the mypy cache (default folder name .mypy_cache) so that repeated runs locally are quicker 2. It _disables_ passing only the changed files in. Point 2 seems counter-intuitave, but in my testing running with all files (airflow docs tests) was about twice as fast as without. My hypothesis for why this happens is that when mypy is checking file x, it has to check dependencies/imports for it too, and when we have pass_filenames set runs multiple processes in parallel, and each of them have to do this work! Timings before and after: - Before: For all files ``` ❯ time pre-commit run mypy -a Run mypy.................................................................Passed pre-commit run mypy -a 0.31s user 0.07s system 2% cpu 17.140 total ``` With only a single file ``` ❯ time pre-commit run mypy --files airflow/ Run mypy.................................................................Passed pre-commit run mypy --files airflow/ 0.30s user 0.07s system 5% cpu 6.724 total ``` - After: With a clean cache (`rm -rf .mypy_cache`): ``` $ time pre-commit run mypy Run mypy.................................................................Passed pre-commit run mypy -a 0.26s user 0.10s system 2% cpu 17.226 total ``` Clean cache with single file: ``` $ time pre-commit run mypy --file airflow/ Run mypy.................................................................Passed pre-commit run mypy --file airflow/ 0.23s user 0.07s system 4% cpu 7.091 total ``` Repeated run (cache folder exists): ``` $ time pre-commit run mypy --file airflow/ Run mypy.................................................................Passed pre-commit run mypy --file airflow/ 0.23s user 0.05s system 6% cpu 4.178 total ``` and for all files ``` airflow ❯ time pre-commit run mypy -a Run mypy.................................................................Passed pre-commit run mypy -a 0.25s user 0.09s system 6% cpu 4.833 total ```
2020-02-15 17:30:31 +03:00
pass_filenames: false
- id: pylint
name: Run pylint for main sources
language: system
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
files: \.py$
exclude: ^tests/.*\.py$|^airflow/_vendor/.*|^scripts/.*\.py$|^dev
pass_filenames: true
require_serial: true # Pylint tests should be run in one chunk to detect all cycles
- id: pylint-tests
name: Run pylint for tests
language: system
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
files: ^tests/.*\.py$
pass_filenames: true
require_serial: true
- id: flake8
name: Run flake8
language: system
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
files: \.py$
pass_filenames: true
- id: bat-tests
name: Run BATS bash tests for changed bash files
language: system
entry: "./scripts/ci/"
files: ^breeze$|^breeze-complete$|\.sh$|\.bash$
pass_filenames: false