* Fixed problem that Kubernetes tests were testing latest master
rather than what came from the local sources.
* Kind (Kubernetes in Dcocker) is run in the same Docker as Breeze env
* Moved Kubernetes scripts to 'in_container' dir where they belong now
* Kubernetes cluster is reused until it is stopped
* Kubernetes image is build from image in docker already + mounted sources
* Kubectl version name is corrected in the Dockerfile
* KUBERNETES_VERSION can now be used to select Kubernetes version
* Running kubernetes scripts is now easy in Breeze
* We can start/recreate/stop cluster using --<ACTION>-kind-cluster
* Instructions on how to run Kubernetes tests are updated
* The old "bare" environment is replaced by --no-deps switch
With this change you should be able to simply run `pytest` to run all the tests in the main airflow directory.
This consist of two changes:
* moving pytest.ini to the main airflow directory
* skipping collecting kubernetes tests when ENV != kubernetes
This change further improves time of rebuilds for docker image when your
sources change (very useful in case of building kubernetes image). It adds only
directories that are needed (it is synchronised with .dockerignore and local
mounts) and in the sequence that reflects frequency of changes. Also pip
install is not done again after sources change (there is no point) so the
build is much faster when only sources or test file change.
The list of tests for autocomplete is now generated automatically when you enter Breeze.
It will take some 40 seconds or so to generate the list and until it's done there are
no autocompletions but they appear right after the list is ready.