Installation ------------ Setting up the sandbox from the :doc:`start` section was easy, now working towards a production grade environment is a bit more work. Note that Airflow is only tested under Python 2.7.* as many of our dependencies don't support python3 (as of 2015-06). Extra Packages '''''''''''''' The ``airflow`` PyPI basic package only installs what's needed to get started. Subpackages can be installed depending on what will be useful in your environment. For instance, if you don't need connectivity with Postgres, you won't have to go through the trouble of install the ``postgres-devel`` yum package, or whatever equivalent on the distribution you are using. Behind the scene, we do conditional imports on operators that require these extra dependencies. Here's the list of the subpackages and that they enable: +-------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | subpackage | install command | enables | +=============+====================================+=======================================+ | mysql | ``pip install airflow[mysql]`` | MySQL operators and hook, support as | | | | an Airflow backend | +-------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | postgres | ``pip install airflow[postgres]`` | Postgres operators and hook, support | | | | as an Airflow backend | +-------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | samba | ``pip install airflow[samba]`` | ``Hive2SambaOperator`` | +-------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | s3 | ``pip install airflow[s3]`` | ``S3KeySensor``, ``S3PrefixSensor`` | +-------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ | all | ``pip install airflow[all]`` | All Airflow features known to man | +-------------+------------------------------------+---------------------------------------+ Setting up a Backend '''''''''''''''''''' If you want to take a real test drive of Airflow, you should consider setting up a real database backend and switching to the LocalExecutor. As Airflow was built to interact with its metadata using the great SqlAlchemy library, you should be able to use any database backend supported as a SqlAlchemy backend. We recommend using **MySQL** or **Postgres**. Once you've setup your database to host Airflow, you'll need to alter the SqlAlchemy connection string located in your configuration file ``$AIRFLOW_HOME/airflow.cfg``. You should then also change the "executor" setting to use "LocalExecutor", an executor that can parallelize task instances locally. .. code-block:: bash # initialize the database airflow initdb Connections ''''''''''' Airflow needs to know how to connect to your environment. Information such as hostname, port, login and password to other systems and services is handled ``Admin->Connection`` section of the UI. The pipeline code you will author will reference the 'conn_id' of the Connection objects. .. image:: img/connections.png Scaling Out ''''''''''' CeleryExecutor is the way you can scale out the number of workers. For this to work, you need to setup a Celery backend (**RabbitMQ**, **Redis**, ...) and change your ``airflow.cfg`` to point the executor parameter to CeleryExecutor and provide the related Celery settings. For more information about setting up a Celery broker, refer to the exhaustive `Celery documentation on the topic `_. To kick off a worker, you need to setup Airflow and quick off the worker subcommand .. code-block:: bash airflow worker Your worker should start picking up tasks as soon as they get fired up in its direction. Note that you can also run "Celery Flower" a web UI build on top of Celery to monitor your workers. Web Authentication '''''''''''''''''' By default, all gates are opened. An easy way to restrict access to the web application is to do it at the network level, or by using ssh tunnels. However, it is possible to switch on authentication and define exactly how your users should login into your Airflow environment. Airflow uses ``flask_login`` and exposes a set of hooks in the ``airflow.default_login`` module. You can alter the content of this module by overriding it as a ``airflow_login`` module. To do this, you would typically copy/paste ``airflow.default_login`` in a ```` and put it directly in your ``PYTHONPATH``.