# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Command from setuptools.command.test import test as TestCommand import imp import logging import os import sys logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Kept manually in sync with airflow.__version__ version = imp.load_source( 'airflow.version', os.path.join('airflow', 'version.py')).version PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 class Tox(TestCommand): user_options = [('tox-args=', None, "Arguments to pass to tox")] def initialize_options(self): TestCommand.initialize_options(self) self.tox_args = '' def finalize_options(self): TestCommand.finalize_options(self) self.test_args = [] self.test_suite = True def run_tests(self): # import here, cause outside the eggs aren't loaded import tox errno = tox.cmdline(args=self.tox_args.split()) sys.exit(errno) class CleanCommand(Command): """Custom clean command to tidy up the project root.""" user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): os.system('rm -vrf ./build ./dist ./*.pyc ./*.tgz ./*.egg-info') def git_version(version): """ Return a version to identify the state of the underlying git repo. The version will indicate whether the head of the current git-backed working directory is tied to a release tag or not : it will indicate the former with a 'release:{version}' prefix and the latter with a 'dev0' prefix. Following the prefix will be a sha of the current branch head. Finally, a "dirty" suffix is appended to indicate that uncommitted changes are present. """ repo = None try: import git repo = git.Repo('.git') except ImportError: logger.warning('gitpython not found: Cannot compute the git version.') return '' except Exception as e: logger.warning('Cannot compute the git version. {}'.format(e)) return '' if repo: sha = repo.head.commit.hexsha if repo.is_dirty(): return '.dev0+{sha}.dirty'.format(sha=sha) # commit is clean return '.release:{version}+{sha}'.format(version=version, sha=sha) else: return 'no_git_version' def write_version(filename=os.path.join(*['airflow', 'git_version'])): text = "{}".format(git_version(version)) with open(filename, 'w') as a: a.write(text) async = [ 'greenlet>=0.4.9', 'eventlet>= 0.9.7', 'gevent>=0.13' ] azure = ['azure-storage>=0.34.0'] sendgrid = ['sendgrid>=5.2.0'] celery = [ 'celery>=4.0.2', 'flower>=0.7.3' ] cgroups = [ 'cgroupspy>=0.1.4', ] # major update coming soon, clamp to 0.x cloudant = ['cloudant>=0.5.9,<2.0'] crypto = ['cryptography>=0.9.3'] dask = [ 'distributed>=1.17.1, <2' ] databricks = ['requests>=2.5.1, <3'] datadog = ['datadog>=0.14.0'] doc = [ 'sphinx>=1.2.3', 'sphinx-argparse>=0.1.13', 'sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.1.6', 'Sphinx-PyPI-upload>=0.2.1' ] docker = ['docker-py>=1.6.0'] druid = ['pydruid>=0.4.1'] elasticsearch = [ 'elasticsearch>=5.0.0,<6.0.0', 'elasticsearch-dsl>=5.0.0,<6.0.0' ] emr = ['boto3>=1.0.0'] gcp_api = [ 'httplib2', 'google-api-python-client>=1.5.0, <1.6.0', 'oauth2client>=2.0.2, <2.1.0', 'PyOpenSSL', 'pandas-gbq' ] github_enterprise = ['Flask-OAuthlib>=0.9.1'] hdfs = ['snakebite>=2.7.8'] hive = [ 'hmsclient>=0.1.0', 'pyhive>=0.1.3', 'impyla>=0.13.3', 'unicodecsv>=0.14.1' ] jdbc = ['jaydebeapi>=1.1.1'] jenkins = ['python-jenkins>=0.4.15'] jira = ['JIRA>1.0.7'] kerberos = ['pykerberos>=1.1.13', 'requests_kerberos>=0.10.0', 'thrift_sasl>=0.2.0', 'snakebite[kerberos]>=2.7.8'] kubernetes = ['kubernetes>=3.0.0', 'cryptography>=2.0.0'] ldap = ['ldap3>='] mssql = ['pymssql>=2.1.1', 'unicodecsv>=0.14.1'] mysql = ['mysqlclient>=1.3.6'] oracle = ['cx_Oracle>=5.1.2'] password = [ 'bcrypt>=2.0.0', 'flask-bcrypt>=0.7.1', ] pinot = ['pinotdb>=0.1.1'] postgres = ['psycopg2-binary>=2.7.4'] qds = ['qds-sdk>=1.9.6'] rabbitmq = ['librabbitmq>=1.6.1'] redis = ['redis>=2.10.5'] s3 = ['boto3>=1.7.0'] salesforce = ['simple-salesforce>=0.72'] samba = ['pysmbclient>=0.1.3'] slack = ['slackclient>=1.0.0'] snowflake = ['snowflake-connector-python>=1.5.2', 'snowflake-sqlalchemy>=1.1.0'] ssh = ['paramiko>=2.1.1', 'pysftp>=0.2.9'] statsd = ['statsd>=3.0.1, <4.0'] vertica = ['vertica-python>=0.5.1'] webhdfs = ['hdfs[dataframe,avro,kerberos]>=2.0.4'] winrm = ['pywinrm==0.2.2'] zendesk = ['zdesk'] all_dbs = postgres + mysql + hive + mssql + hdfs + vertica + cloudant + druid + pinot devel = [ 'click', 'freezegun', 'jira', 'lxml>=3.3.4', 'mock', 'moto==1.1.19', 'nose', 'nose-ignore-docstring==0.2', 'nose-timer', 'parameterized', 'paramiko', 'pysftp', 'pywinrm', 'qds-sdk>=1.9.6', 'rednose', 'requests_mock' ] devel_minreq = devel + kubernetes + mysql + doc + password + s3 + cgroups devel_hadoop = devel_minreq + hive + hdfs + webhdfs + kerberos devel_all = (sendgrid + devel + all_dbs + doc + samba + s3 + slack + crypto + oracle + docker + ssh + kubernetes + celery + azure + redis + gcp_api + datadog + zendesk + jdbc + ldap + kerberos + password + webhdfs + jenkins + druid + pinot + snowflake + elasticsearch) # Snakebite & Google Cloud Dataflow are not Python 3 compatible :'( if PY3: devel_ci = [package for package in devel_all if package not in ['snakebite>=2.7.8', 'snakebite[kerberos]>=2.7.8']] else: devel_ci = devel_all def do_setup(): write_version() setup( name='apache-airflow', description='Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines', license='Apache License 2.0', version=version, packages=find_packages(exclude=['tests*']), package_data={'': ['airflow/alembic.ini', "airflow/git_version"]}, include_package_data=True, zip_safe=False, scripts=['airflow/bin/airflow'], install_requires=[ 'alembic>=0.8.3, <0.9', 'bleach==2.1.2', 'configparser>=3.5.0, <3.6.0', 'croniter>=0.3.17, <0.4', 'dill>=0.2.2, <0.3', 'flask>=0.12, <0.13', 'flask-appbuilder>=1.9.6, <2.0.0', 'flask-admin==1.4.1', 'flask-caching>=1.3.3, <1.4.0', 'flask-login==0.2.11', 'flask-swagger==0.2.13', 'flask-wtf>=0.14.2, <0.15', 'funcsigs==1.0.0', 'future>=0.16.0, <0.17', 'gitpython>=2.0.2', 'gunicorn>=19.4.0, <20.0', 'iso8601>=0.1.12', 'jinja2>=2.7.3, <2.9.0', 'lxml>=3.6.0, <4.0', 'markdown>=2.5.2, <3.0', 'pandas>=0.17.1, <1.0.0', 'pendulum==1.4.4', 'psutil>=4.2.0, <5.0.0', 'pygments>=2.0.1, <3.0', 'python-daemon>=2.1.1, <2.2', 'python-dateutil>=2.3, <3', 'python-nvd3==0.15.0', 'requests>=2.5.1, <3', 'setproctitle>=1.1.8, <2', 'sqlalchemy>=1.1.15, <1.2.0', 'sqlalchemy-utc>=0.9.0', 'tabulate>=0.7.5, <0.8.0', 'thrift>=0.9.2', 'tzlocal>=1.4', 'werkzeug>=0.14.1, <0.15.0', 'zope.deprecation>=4.0, <5.0', ], setup_requires=[ 'docutils>=0.14, <1.0', ], extras_require={ 'all': devel_all, 'devel_ci': devel_ci, 'all_dbs': all_dbs, 'async': async, 'azure': azure, 'celery': celery, 'cgroups': cgroups, 'cloudant': cloudant, 'crypto': crypto, 'dask': dask, 'databricks': databricks, 'datadog': datadog, 'devel': devel_minreq, 'devel_hadoop': devel_hadoop, 'doc': doc, 'docker': docker, 'druid': druid, 'elasticsearch': elasticsearch, 'emr': emr, 'gcp_api': gcp_api, 'github_enterprise': github_enterprise, 'hdfs': hdfs, 'hive': hive, 'jdbc': jdbc, 'jira': jira, 'kerberos': kerberos, 'kubernetes': kubernetes, 'ldap': ldap, 'mssql': mssql, 'mysql': mysql, 'oracle': oracle, 'password': password, 'pinot': pinot, 'postgres': postgres, 'qds': qds, 'rabbitmq': rabbitmq, 'redis': redis, 's3': s3, 'salesforce': salesforce, 'samba': samba, 'sendgrid': sendgrid, 'slack': slack, 'snowflake': snowflake, 'ssh': ssh, 'statsd': statsd, 'vertica': vertica, 'webhdfs': webhdfs, 'winrm': winrm }, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Topic :: System :: Monitoring', ], author='Apache Software Foundation', author_email='dev@airflow.incubator.apache.org', url='http://airflow.incubator.apache.org/', download_url=( 'https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/incubator/airflow/' + version), cmdclass={ 'test': Tox, 'extra_clean': CleanCommand, }, ) if __name__ == "__main__": do_setup()